4.99$ from Himeya


Himeya is offering a few Peapri/G-Coll goodies for almost nothing…
Go buy fast :slight_smile: !

Wow I’m gonna buy out their stock lol. Damn there shipping is expensive… I have to wait til next month’s paycheck to buy them. cries

[ 12-20-2007, 02:19 PM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]

Christ, that is outrageous… Why would they send it EMS? Surely the stock isn’t coming from Japan.

$19 for first item, $3 each additional item… I’m gonna email them about this.

Well, I emailed HimeyaShop, and this is the response I got:

Ludicrous. USPS has sign confirmation, delivery confirmation, and insurance, any one, or combination of them, is a mere fraction of the EMS shipping method. I replied to them by pointing that out but thus far haven’t received any further replies. Must be out on vacation already.

Thats how they get you. You end up paying close to the actual price of the game with shipping costs.

Ill stick with Anime Castle and G-Collections thank you very much.

I’ve done the same thing, years ago, and… Now you can understand why I’ve searched for a different source of CHEAP erogames :roll: .
Himeya IS reliable, but lately (this entire year, more exactly) I’ve used it only once. However this 4.99$ special offer is very good, IF you also buy at least one of their overpriced games from Japan.

[ 12-23-2007, 01:40 PM: Message edited by: Baldo ]

yeah, the only time I’ve bought from himeyashop was when I had a stack of things to get, it’s a little much to deal with for one item…

I ended up buying 5 games so I guess the shipping price works out in the end.

I received another reply from Himeya:

Either they are misrepresenting, or this is a ambiguous legal situation on the part of HimeyaShop. They store and sell the unmosaiced, uncensored G-Collection/Peach Princess/Himeya Soft games from Japan? Hmmmm.

Interesting. I suppose the answer will be known, when someone gets their shipment. The Japanese mailing labels will give it away.

Go HimeyaShop! Breaking the law! BREAKING THE LAW! Down with Big Brother!

lol they say they shipped my order yesterday.

I got my Games in the mail today and they did in fact come from Japan. They are the english Uncensored Version.

Too weird. If that’s true, then there may still be hope for me to find that OOP Japanese Adult Video of Mai Haruna… it appears that the only retailers that may have an authentic original, or a dubious DVD-R, are located in Japan.


Now that is just the funkiest news I’ve heard in a long time. I don’t think that’s quite so legal. Maybe someone should let dend know. He’s been wanting a Japanese source of uncensored games, no? :smiley:


Himeya has inaugurated one of its “special selections”.
60+ original (and FAMOUS, like Ayakashibito or Brightia Plus) games for $9.99 ONLY!
Hurry up!

Wow, almost the entire stock has gone sold out in less than 12 hours :shock: .
I suppose that cheap erogames from Himeya are something pretty rare, ne :stuck_out_tongue: ?

Heh… when I went there this morning, there was 4 pages of stuff available. Now it’s only 2.

How many pages were there when you first went? Just curious. I kinda bought a lot of titles, and I’m wondering if I missed anything good. :stuck_out_tongue:

When I’ve noticed the new $9.99 games (and I check Himeya daily for interesting new “toys” :oops: ), I’ve counted at least 60 new entries (4 pages of stuff).
However, I do not remember most of them, except Daughter Fucker and Breed! (the first for the shock value and the second because I’ve played the demo).
Let me know if Breed! is good as it seems (I guess you GOT this one, hehe :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: . Me, I’ve too many games to play now thanks to DLsite, therefore I’ve skipped this offer, but I can get a used copy later).

Same here - though I have to admit that AYAKASHI would have been a gem…

But then - what good are the best games if they are not played?

After all, I still have Tsukihime and AIR uninstalled on my backlog with no idea when or whether I’ll ever approach them… :shock:

… and I really REALLY REALLY wanted to play Canvas - since I have installed it shortly after it arrived from Himeya … err … 4 years ago or so… :oops:

LOL! You know me too well. :mrgreen:

The copy of Inyouchu installed on my PC was borrowed from a friend, and I couldn’t force myself to uninstall such wonderful twincest, so now I’m 100% legal again with all the games on my box. :oops: Breed for the twincest of course. 8) The DVDPG is for a friend (who oddly enjoys them more than PC versions).

The other five I grabbed, because they caught my eye for one reason or another. When I made the purchase, I was shocked when they immediately vanished off the site - meaning they only had one copy of each title. Had I know that was the case, I’d have bought more titles… but it wasn’t worth going back again and grabbing the lingering two or three I missed, because the shipping costs. Himeya Shop will NOT combine two orders into one to save shipping. Trust me… I’ve tried it before, and they still shipped the stuff in two boxes. :expressionless:

Meh… I’m gonna be busy when the order comes in.

What’s even worst, I bought The SIMS 2: Free Time yesterday - I love that game - so I’m gonna be wasted all weekend. This doesn’t help the fact, that Devil May Cry 4 (Nero really is a badass after all) and Disgaea 3 have already been sucking my social life away. Then there’s gonna be Dawn of War: Soul Storm in a few more days… did someone say Battle Nuns? I thought I heard Battle Nuns.

FOR THE EMPEROR!!! :twisted:

Sheesh… and you expect Narg to upkeep a personal website and a doujin project too? Insanity I tell ya. :wink:

I might be willing to buy one of those games, but…they lack some other games I want that i know would be more expensive. Nope, they don’t have any of the 4 japanese titles i’m looking for.