A possibility?

i was wondering where everyone on this board hails from…i would like to eventually coordinate a huge meeting for all of us in a central location so we can all meet face-to-face

i know some of us have met at conventions and all, but wouldn’t it be cool if we all got together, just the lemons and us, crashed at someone’s house or a hotel for a couple of days and just all hung out together? also, i usually can’t make it to conventions because of my anxiety, so a meeting like this would be a way for me to meet all of you

let me know where you are from and what you think of this idea…i know it’s a little far-fetched right now, but if we brainstorm, we might think of a way

Hmm, I think we’ve bounced around ideas like this before but I can’t remember. The hardest part is the fact that several of the regulars are in different countries. (Heck, I’m in Hawaii and a lot of mainlanders already consider it a different contry! )But if would be fun if it could be pulled off.

It would be a wonderful idea!
But impossible to realize I think… We’re from all parts from the world: Australia, UK, France, USA, Scandinavia, Hawaii… and many of us aren’t working yet, meaning it would be hard for them to get the money to travel too far. And, as for the working ones, we’ll have to all be able to take vacations on the same period…
Well, anyway, we can first see exactly where everyone live. France for me.

I’m from El Centro, CA. I think it is a great idea. I would definately travel to wherever it ended up being. With all the people from Europe, I would suspect the East Coast.

i am on the east coast…in rhode Island, exactly…hmmm, money money money…i guess i need to get working on being a musical star so i can pay for everyone to come to rhode island

Princeton, New Jersey, close to the wonderful capital Trenton (don’t laugh or sneer, the story of Trenton is the story of every declining industrial city due to globalization and the rise of the suburbs, that’s why I care about the city). If anyone is taking the Japanese language proficiency test held by The Japan Foundation on the 1st of December, I’ll say hi and hang out.

Was living (until six months ago) in Panama City, Panama. Now, I am living in Vancouver, BC, Canada. And, I doubt I will leave Canada for quite some time…

I like this idea too.
However, it seems not realistic at all, if you really target to get ALL people from this board together (someone will always have a more or less convincing reason, why exactly at the selected time, he/she could not participate).

In fact, I had a similar intention, when I suggested Spec-san to visit the BAAF next year together: I thought, this would be a great opportunity to meet other people from this board at such a con.

As I told before, getting all together might be an impossible mission, but getting as much as possible would be a good idea. We should just plan far enough ahead, in order to give everyone enough time to:
a) decide, if he/she want’s to join
b) collect the neccessary money for the trip
c) reserve his/her time for this event
d) do the necessary paperworks (passport, …)
I think, a year ahead would do well…

So, how about we meet at a con (preferably, but not necessary as big as BAAF) somewhere near someone of us. Of cause, this someone is not to be called lucky, because he/she has to look for a possibility for the others, where to stay and so on… (Ooops, did I now scare away anyone, interested in the convenience of not having to travel? )

I will most likely be selling stuff at comic market this december so I guess I will be the first there waiting for you guys…hohoho :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a wonderful idea, but as people have said here, it might be a ltitle far-fetched… Most people here seems to be students of some kind, not hard-working salary-men, if that’s how you say it ^^;;. Still, if we got enough time, perhaps a year or so, I think most of us could manage to gather enough money to be able to travel soemwhere where all of us could meet. Can’t say for how long we’d be able to stay, through… and money is not the only issue here either.

The best time for us to meet might be in September, sinc the costs of taking an airplane to the US might not be very high then (people are still afraid of the 11 th). But exactly where,then somewhere n the US? BAAF? Somewhere else? Japan? And where would we live during our stay (I don’t think you could host EVERYONE of us ^^;

A very nice idea. Everyone should know where I am from by my email. Hong Kong. Problem with me is time not so much as the money. No time, always busy here. Before I was in Perth Australia for 17 odds years.

I thought it was supposed to not be at a convention as this would trigger ladyphoenix-sama’s anxiety.

Japan, while a lovely destination, would be a monster plane ticket for everyone.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Most people here seems to be students of some kind, not hard-working salary-men, if that's how you say it ^^;;.

Wonder what I qualify as. I'm not a student and I do earn a salary but I'm very far from any definition of the term "hard-working". [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Well, remember, Ladyphoenix-san was saying that she can't usually make conventions because of her anxiety and that's why she was posing the idea of a general get together. (Though, I can't see how meeting the lot of us for the first time all at once wouldn't cause anxiety of some sort...)

Wonder if we should try and setup 2 or 3 meetings instead, which would allow people to try and get to whichever one was easiest and best suited for them. That would allow the greatest flexibilty but then you wouldn't the mass effect of having as much fan power in one place at one time. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Hmm, maybe Rhode Island might not be the best place since the fwobigols ninja division might do something to your ex, Ladyphoenix-sama. Er, that is, if such an organization existed. After all, we all know no such division exists right... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 10-04-2002).]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Wonder what I qualify as. I'm not a student and I do earn a salary but I'm very far from any definition of the term "hard-working". [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Hmm, "lazy salary-men", perhaps? Well not everyone works all that hard to earn a salary.

Well, remember, Ladyphoenix-san was saying that she can't usually make conventions because of her anxiety and that's why she was posing the idea of a general get together. (Though, I can't see how meeting the lot of us for the first time all at once wouldn't cause anxiety of some sort...)

Wonder if we should try and setup 2 or 3 meetings instead, which would allow people to try and get to whichever one was easiest and best suited for them. That would allow the greatest flexibilty but then you wouldn't the mass effect of having as much fan power in one place at one time. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Hmm, maybe Rhode Island might not be the best place since the fwobigols ninja division might do something to your ex, Ladyphoenix-sama. Er, that is, if such an organization existed. After all, we all know no such division exists right... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 10-04-2002).]

Sounds like it could be a good idea, to set up three times a year when us fwobigols might be able to visit [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img].

Originally posted by ekylo:
(Though, I can't see how meeting the lot of us for the first time all at once wouldn't cause anxiety of some sort...)

Maybe, because we are all weird a way, she is used to? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Er, that is, if such an organization existed. After all, we all know no such division exists right... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Yeah, right! The same as ACROSS, of cause... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Even if not: maybe, it would be founded at that occasion? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Being Centrally Located (Ohio) U.S. Wise, I could probably swing either coast for one of the Conventions, provided I had enough time to save up for the trip.

If we are thinking of three different times a year. We could do three different places a year as well. I would suggest that at least one of them should be on a regular 3 day weekend. Something like New Years that everybody would have off.

Three places at the three times? Where, then? One place in the US, one place in Europe and one place in Japan??

How about a nice chat room like I originally suggested?

Haha Ekylo I like that. I too am a salary employee and I slack off all the time (good time to catch up on games, non bishoujo of course it IS the workplace…) Ahh the life of a network admin…