About the endings in Kana (Major Spoilers)

Hello everyone,

Before I say anything, this thread is full of spoilers on the endings, including the best/true ending… So, please take caution!

I was wondering if anyone has achieved all of the endings within Kana~Little Sister? I have gotten four, including the best ending, where Kana survives the kidney transplant operation. I was so happy that she was able to make a life for herself, but so sad that she also had to leave her “brother”, Taka, who she loved so much…

For awhile, I thought that every ending would have Kana die…
The ending that really hit me the hardest was the second one, Recollection. When Taka stood at Kana’s grave and then listened to the recorder with Kana’s voice messages, it was almost too much to take and you could really feel the pain and sorrow that flowed through Taka…

Overall, I am really impressed with this title, and the story is so moving. I don’t think I will be able to play it for awhile either. Not since Snow Drop, have I seen such an incredible story that really touched me, deep down inside…

Well, enough of my rambling.

I would love to hear anyone else’s thoughts on Kana.

Take care everyone!

[This message has been edited by Joshua (edited 07-08-2002).]

If you don’t think there are spoilers here, Nandemonai’s evil near naked gyrating old man henchman will hunt you down and force you to watch him dance. (If that isn’t a deterrent I don’t what is ^_-)

Got five so far, (six if you count that horrible other path that I consider the bad ending. ^^; )

Agreed, on Recollection, specially that fifth message and what he’s thinking as he hears it, only someone dead inside and made of stone wouldn’t shed tears.

I didn’t really think Snow had an “impact” like the others, but I guess that’s because I saw Memories first.

I was surprised at Maze of Mirrors, considering the overall tone of the game I honestly thought he would remain …to put it nicely, “unbalanced” and Yumi would leave him. Guessed right about his parents giving up on him though.

I consider that “other ending” to be the “bad” one, because, quite frankly, it was bleh compared to the others, (even snow) and it isn’t recorded in the ending list to boot.

Going to wait for abit before I try for the last, fatigue and depression don’t mix. ^^;;

[This message has been edited by Zorian (edited 07-08-2002).]

Saving the more depressing ones for last, eh Nobody? ^- Here you go. Haven’t had time to look for the first one. Bleh.

ED 2 - Normal - Recollection
ED 3 - Yumi - Maze of Mirrors
ED 4 - Intellectual Route 1 - Snow
ED 5 - Intellectual Route 2 - Memories
ED 6 - Intellectual Route 3 - Live Now

Unlisted One - Guess it’s unlisted for good reason, no impact at all (imo) compared to the others! @@

Hehe, the intellectual ends could be considered happy endings compared to 2 and 3. I’m not sure I’m looking forward to getting ed 1, the fact they’re not together in the end… ;_;

The title for the first/true ending is: The First Farewell.

I haven’t gotten the third or sixth endings, and I need to take a break from playing Kana.
As much as I love the game, it really pulled at my heartstrings…

The second ending, Recollection, is the most powerful ending, next to the first ending, in my opinion…

I guess the reason this game touched me so much was that it reminded me of when my grandmother was diagosed with ovarian cancer, and it was terminal because it had spread so much within her body. I only wonder what might of happened if it were diagosed earlier and she could of had a chance to live… Unfortunately, you cannot take back any decisions made in life, at least most of the time…

Sorry about my rambling there :slight_smile:

Take care and have fun everyone!

Sorry to hear about your grandma.

You managed to get the first ending? I’m missing it and the third. Any general hints?

From the ones I’ve seen so far, I’d have to say I like Live Now the best so far, probably because it isn’t as sorrow filled as the second one, and more “complete” than the fourth and fifth.

Ah, my condolences Joshua. ;_;

Nobody - Yeah it’s nice she’ll able to live a normal life, but… my thinking is… that if you’re going to throw two people together no matter what, at least give them one ending where they’re happy together. Hrm… I should reserve judgement until I see the ending though…

Coincidentally, this is sorta similar to my major complaint about the Escaflowne ending. ^^;;

So, Kana lives in one ending? Which one was it? I’m probably just being a little slow tonight and missed someone saying that in thier post. Dang…and I went and let the game to a friend after seeing the second one. That was the hardest ending for me to watch.

Hello again, everyone.

I wanted to say thank you for the condolences. I appreciate it

It has been almost 11 years now since my grandmother passed away… I cannot believe how fast time goes by…

You know, it would of been interesting to see if there was an ending in Kana that went 10 or so years ahead into the life of Taka,
and see how things wound for him. They sort of do that with some of the endings, but not that far in time. With the true ending, I just wonder what happens to both Taka and Kana, and if they really can live their lives apart from each other… because I really wished they could of been together.
Oh well… it is a very true to life ending… and so bittersweet at that.

By the way, the order of endings I have gotten so far are:

Ending 4- Snow
Ending 5- Memories
Ending 2- Recollection
Ending 1- The First Farewell

I noticed that on my way to getting the true ending, Sumako was not an integral part of the story. There are two major paths in the game. One leads to endings 1,2 and I believe 3. The other path leads to 4,5 and 6. If anyone needs any help reaching the true ending, please let me know

Take care!

Got the third. Getting frustrated at the first though, always ending up at recollection. The path is either in plain sight that I’m stupid to see it or twisted as heck.

Nobody - Hehe, I go for the True/Best Endings for last.
Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure you’ll get Maze of Mirrors first.

Originally posted by Nobody:
This game is so unfair.

Now, now, Nobody-san, the game is not unfair. It's just as fair as life is. It's why it's so moving and enjoyable...
Could we hope to find such wonderful stories outside of Japanese ren'ai games? It's a pity the answer is "no" and even more a pity it's "because the US gamers think of themselves as being more mature"... [img]http://www.uniquehardware.co.uk/server-smilies/otn/sad/bncry.gif[/img]


ED 1 - Best - The First Farewell :

Instead of a long post, considering I already made my complaint, I decided it’s best to comment on this ending in this way :
My Reactions!

And Finally:

From the way you said it Joshua, I was expecting something different, but I’m satisfied with the ending. (unlike a certain anime cough) I agree, it would’ve been nice to see what happened further down the road, but that’s what imagination is for I guess. ^^

Nobody - Ah sorry, my bad on ED 3’s name. Boy is my face red. #^^# I was probably thinking of something else when I wrote that list.
sigh It was wishful thinking, there doesn’t seem to be anything extra besides that seventh one I complain about. Oh well. ^^;;

[This message has been edited by Zorian (edited 07-12-2002).]

Thanks. ^^ I was getting nervous as heck that I might have ended up at Recollection again for the umpteenth time. (I could only watch a few more times before my limit would break. ;_; ) The only change is at the very end. From the path I took, I didn’t notice any changes in dialogues or events.

[This message has been edited by Zorian (edited 07-13-2002).]

No offense, but I hate you Zorian and Joshua. (j/k) I’m still looking too. Probably going to stop for a few days and lend it to my friend. (she keeps on bugging me to let her try it out ) Watching the endings over and over depressed the crud out of me again.

[This message has been edited by Valastati (edited 07-13-2002).]

Gratz! ^^
Hehe, I must admit, I somehow got the idea in my head when I spoiled myself that it was a “Final” farewell, and was pleasantly surprised when I finally saw it. ^^ Of course, I teared up again, but they were tears of joy this time. #^^#

Yeah, that’s the one. Didn’t really like it. Cackle A little epilogue in the future would have been nice, but I’m not really complaining, my imagination running on overdrive is pretty satisfying. ^_-;;

Originally posted by Nobody:
It is sad and frustrating that America does not embrace these types of games or make similar ones of their own. To think, blood and violence and giggling like six-year-olds about sex is the level of American "maturity".

Shh, we all know *** is evil, compared to say, the innocent act of blowing up some guy's head like a ripe melon. Won't someone please think of the children?!?! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Er back to the topic. (sorry was venting [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] ) You got it too Nobody? Bah! I feel left out. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] But I must say, the saddest thing about this game is that... alot of people who would probably enjoy a story like this if they gave it a chance would miss out on it.

Originally posted by Nobody:
*snip snip* So, we were both mistaken, Zorian.

*snip snip* ...and a guy eating his own brain...

Hehe, that'll teach me to make assumptions. #^^# And I'm curious... how does one eat his own brain? @_@

[This message has been edited by Zorian (edited 07-14-2002).]

I think… I regret asking and I’m glad I didn’t watch that movie. ^^;;

It reminded me to my Deaf sister did pass away (within twenty months ago). It made me little cry and carried memories of my younger sister. Kana got kidney disease, I think. My sister got heart and lung disorder (Primary Pulsarhypertension). Kana and my sister had same blood type: O

I did plan to give my heart or lung to her, but my blood didn’t match hers. Because I am B blood type. sigh AHHH!!! I must drink more Beers!!! Taka forced himself as isolated. Anyway… that’s long time ago news. Now I am fine.

Just I got ending 3 Out of Maze yesterday.

i can finally post in this section, although i am trying not ot read in-depth the posts about the endings i haven’t gotten yet…but i finished kana just a little bit ago and got the ending Live Now, Intellectual 3…apparently i got one of the more uplifting endings, which really leads me to believe i’m in for a cryfest when i get some of the other endings… i didn’t cry too much, but i did some when kana died and during the cat dying scene

this is the first game where i really feel that my decisions affected someone’s life…even if it’s only a virtual life…it’s an odd feeling…anyone else feel this way?