Adam: The Double Factor - opinions needed

I had decided not to buy Adam for several reasons, but after playing through most of Hitozuma Hime Club and being left with a feeling best described as “blehhhh” I’m after something with a decent narrative.

But some questions:

-Do I need to play Eve to follow the plot?
-Is the translation really that poor?
-Is there a plot synopsis for the sequel out there?
-Does the main female character feature in any h-scenes?(this last one isn’t so important. Even though she is hot )

Help me decide, people.

Originally posted by Interzone:

But some questions:

-Do I need to play Eve to follow the plot?
-Is the translation really that poor?
-Is there a plot synopsis for the sequel out there?
-Does the main female character feature in any h-scenes?(this last one isn't so important. Even though she is hot [img][/img] )

Here are some answers:
1)You can kinda follow the plot without playing EVE, BUT you lose alot of backstory and character interactions without playing EVE, plus everything is tied together so I would advise playing EVE before playing Adam. To avoid alot of HUHs? during your gameplay.

2)The translation is pretty bad. Gramatically that is. Looks like they laid off the proofreader on this game. But that said you can easily understand exactly what they are trying to say and what they are getting at. Kinda like a fansub quality if you watch fansubs.

3)Don't think there's any english translated site with what happens after. I tried looking after I finished Adam a while back but couldn't find any. Course that was a long while ago and you might be able to find one that or maybe my search skills really suck and there was one all along [img][/img]

4)It's really been a while since I last played the game, but I think she does have some h-scenes. Personally I think the other girl the one with grey? hair is hotter [img][/img] And I definately remember there were h-scenes with her [img][/img]

So why don't you just play eve first you will get a much better feel for the game, and personally I think Eve had a better story/plot than Adam.

If your looking for other games with more story, have you looked at chain from g-collections. Very good story driven game, Desire, Divi-dead are also very good story driven games that aren't per say romantic like Cresendo or kana.

All I have to say is… Why in the hells of haydes would you not want to play eve burst error. Considering it is probably the best english released game out. I wouldn’t bother playing adam if you haven’t played ebe.

Originally posted by Interzone:
I had decided not to buy Adam for several reasons, but after playing through most of Hitozuma Hime Club and being left with a feeling best described as "blehhhh" I'm after something with a decent narrative.

I haven't kept track about which games you talked about already, but if you ask for a strong story I would recommend:

- Kana
- EVE Burst Error
- Chain
- Crescendo

in just this sequence.

-Do I need to play Eve to follow the plot?

Not for this game's plot, but you will be pretty puzzled about some references. For example the word "EVE" will be used, but its meaning never explained.
Actually, it was just the same for me: I played Adam first and didn't understand this reference in particular. So, I bought and played "EVE Burst Error" afterwards and didn't just understand the unresolved references. I also realized that Adam is (story-wise) terribly inferior to "EVE Burst Error" for more reasons than just the cliff-hanger-ending...
I suppose, if I really would have played Adam after EVE BUrst Error, I wouldn't have been just a bit confused, but terribly disappointed.

-Is the translation really that poor?

Having english not as my native language, I am a bit insensitive to this point. So I can't give a reliable answer to this question.

-Is there a plot synopsis for the sequel out there?

Hmmmm... I have the sequel for quite some time but not yet touched because there were other japanese games that captured me more.
Also, I am most likely going to play the parts before first (I just got yesterday "EVE Zero" and "The lost one" also collected some dust already...)

-Does the main female character feature in any h-scenes?(this last one isn't so important. Even though she is hot [img][/img] )

Yes, Marina has h-scenes. If I recall correctly, there are even two of them.

Originally posted by smog:
All I have to say is.... Why in the hells of haydes would you not want to play eve burst error.

Well, I was waiting for someone to say it...

Mainly because of the removal of h-scenes. Now, it's not as though I refuse to buy good entertainment on the basis that it doesn't contain sex, but I can't play games, read books or watch anime knowing that something that was once there is there no longer, for whatever reason. You may have another opinion/perspective on this, but that is mine.

Thanks for the opinions guys. I will be getting Chain soon. I've spent the last 8 months or so trying to find the cash to catch up/keep up with the releases I want. Chain seems like an interesting game, so I've purposely left it for a "rainy day", so to speak.

Originally posted by Interzone:
Mainly because of the removal of h-scenes. Now, it's not as though I refuse to buy good entertainment on the basis that it doesn't contain sex, but I can't play games, read books or watch anime knowing that something that was once there is there no longer, for whatever reason. You may have another opinion/perspective on this, but that is mine.

So, you try to express that you are a purist, right?

How about a game that lost its original appearance by mosaics being removed from the graphics, then... Or text having been changed during translation? [img][/img]

Actually, I have to say that the plot of Eve Burst Error doesn't suffer from the removal of the h-scenes, exactly like the plot of Phantom of Inferno.
Of course, the erotic images were removed as well as the text that tells what exactly is happening, but at least a short textual hint remains that gives a hint that something is happening at all.

Not like in Wings of Honneamise where the scene has been removed entirely without any trace and the audience has no clue why the people's behaviour changed suddenly.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
So, you try to express that you are a purist, right?

I hardly see how objecting to entire scenes being ripped from a game in order broaden the audience constitues me being a "purist".

Yes, there are other issues with mosiacs/translations and whatnot. I won't get into the mosaic argument, but translations of anime products have improved IMO. Actually, I don't want to argue about it at all [img][/img]

Just an update for everybody, I’m going to be finishing up EVE DVD Ltd.Ed. either this weekend or next weekend (Found the walkthrough that I had printed out in my binder from the original English Release) I’m on Dec.5 on Kojiroh and Marina gets caught up today. Sorry about the delay, but with Brave Soul (Still shy 2 endings), Virgin Roster and Tsushite Agechau 4, it’s been tough to find the time to play the game.

-I’ll be posting the review in the Japanese Review section when I’m finished.

To Uni:
So you are going to give us summaries of the Eve games you played right??!! We need closure dammit.

To Doug:
Sweet can’t wait till you do a review of it for us. I can’t remember the LTD is the one with updated graphics, but missing h-scenes right?

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
To Doug:
Sweet can't wait till you do a review of it for us. I can't remember the LTD is the one with updated graphics, but missing h-scenes right?

-EVE burst error Plus is the PS2 game and is missing the H-Scenes.

EVE DVD Ltd. Ed. is the one that contains the H-Scenes, is for Windows based machines and also comes with XP compatible versions of Love Potion and the PC98 version of EVE burst error.

Theres no shame in admitting you just want to play a game for the whacking :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by smog:
Theres no shame in admitting you just want to play a game for the whacking :P

Heh. That's what Horny Bunnies is for [img][/img] Although I do think Marina is a fox.

Doug, Unicorn: Do you guys understand Japanese? Or at least enough to be able to stumble through the games? Oh how I regret the untimely demise of Himeya [img][/img]

Originally posted by Interzone:
Heh. That's what Horny Bunnies is for [img][/img] Although I do think Marina is a fox.

Doug, Unicorn: Do you guys understand Japanese? Or at least enough to be able to stumble through the games? Oh how I regret the untimely demise of Himeya [img][/img]

Not in the slightest, I can recognize some of the spoken phrases in the game (i.e. nani? (what?) Joto (Wait for me) etc.) but I couldn't translate. Sometimes you can get what a character is feeling due to the almost overall excellence of the Japanese Seiyuu's (sp?). The EVE DVD LTD. was a no-brainer since I've played the English version and I also had the walkthrough that Himeya had posted to their site when the game first came out. A lot of the other games I've gotten is mostly trial and error. Sogna's Japanese games are good to get because there really isn't a whole lot that you can do to get a bad ending and you can save just about anywhere. It's mostly just trial and error. That's why I usually stay away from the classic text adventures, because there are too many possibilities to go wrong and too much work involved going for every ending.

Um, do you mean “chotto” instead of “joto”? (“Chi”, small “yo”, small “tsu”, “to”) It sort of translates to “just a little” or “just a moment”, and in context would mean something along the lines of “hold up a little and let me catch up”. Just sort of curious.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Um, do you mean "chotto" instead of "joto"? ("Chi", small "yo", small "tsu", "to") It sort of translates to "just a little" or "just a moment", and in context would mean something along the lines of "hold up a little and let me catch up". Just sort of curious.

Yes just didn't know how to spell it in Romanji.

Update: Now on day 12/6 for both Kojiroh and Marina. (Wow! that scene with Natasha was wayyyy hot!) 2 days to go.

Originally posted by Doug:

Not in the slightest, I can recognize some of the spoken phrases in the game (i.e. nani? (what?) Joto (Wait for me) etc.) but I couldn’t translate.

That’s about the same as my ability then. It isn’t really much to show for nine years of watching anime in Japanese

I could buy the LTD DVD and the English version of Eve, then Adam… adds up costNooooooo!

[This message has been edited by Interzone (edited 01-11-2004).]

Originally posted by Interzone:
Doug, Unicorn: Do you guys understand Japanese? Or at least enough to be able to stumble through the games?

I still have to improve a lot on my japanese. But after I first took a course that taught me japanese grammar, katakana, hiragana and a basic vocabular, then learned about 2000 Kanji in a special Kanji-course, I think I am now able to survive in original japanese games.

That's also the reason why I have not yet started playing the missing EVE-parts.
Actually, it already grows better and better in each new game that I try.

Originally posted by Doug:
Yes just didn't know how to spell it in Romanji.

No problem, not like Romanji spellings are always the same. I was just wondering in case I should add another new word to my Japanese vocabulary. [img][/img]

Looks like I might have to add eve LTD to the list of possible purchases next time I make a himeya order The graphics are updated in the LTD version right?