adult anime recommendations

Putting this here because it may stray outside of “bishoujo” anime…

Anyways, my friend’s girlfriend requested that I get her boyfriend an adult anime for Christmas. Apparantly she’s never seen one and she specifically requested one with yaoi (okay, she doesn’t know the term but that’s basically what she’s asking for) elements, he’d prefer something without.

So, here I sit trying to think of a good, I guess the term would be “couple friendly”, title to give them. I was considering Buttobi CPU but I think while he would get all the little computer in-jokes and would enjoy them, she’d like something more explicit. (I’m so tempted to just let them browse through my collection but I think that would lessen the impact of the gift…) Any suggestions?

Koihime! It meets all the criteria (couple friendly, explicit), plus it’s one of the nicest looking adult anime out there. Anzu no kawaii :slight_smile:

Darling is good, and pretty damn funny to boot. In case you don’t know about it, I’ll briefly explain the, uh, plot.

The main character is an erotic manga artist named Jun, whose latest assignment has an extremely tight deadline. However - and I bet you didn’t see this coming - when he’s in a state of arousal he works like a madman. The sex scenes are basically representations of what Jun is drawing and feature his wife and other characters from the show. Some are non-consensual, but it feels more like role-play between the characters.

hmm… I know many animes are er…“Guy” Friendly…(cough…cough)…But Couple Friendly…

Well… I would have to say…

(1) Space Ship Agga Ruter
This is a very fun animation to watch…

(2) Koihime I …NOT II… ^^

I’ll give you more titles when I think of them… ^^

Dvine Luv’s a good one. I’d also recommend Tokio Private Police, Love is the Number of Keys, Stainless Night, and a few of the Vanilla Series.

精神 の 神

Hmm…interesting question. How hardcore do you want it? I think Masquarade will fit the bill. It’s not too explicit, is pretty much couple friendly, and has a decent story. There’s some yuri action in one scene but no yaoi. I don’t think I have any hentai with yaoi in it. If they like fantasy then wordsworth is a good choice. Though more rated R Sprite has a good story about a girl with multiple personalities. Yu-no is also pretty interesting and deals with alternate dimensions and time jumping. Well these are just off the top of my head. If you need more suggestions let me know.

I haven’t actually seen it, but Akira Saga has been getting some good reviews. The first part of the Akira Countdown series featured hermaphrodites, but apparently that theme isn’t continued with this installment.

I will have to agree on Koihime, but Koihime II? Does it actually exist?

Anyway, other suggestions:

Pia Carrot he Youkoso! 1
Pia Carrot he Youkoso! 2

Not to steer further off an unrelated topic, but who knows a good place that carries second hand used Japanese AV (Adult Video) VCDs? I figure they should be really cheap if the DVD format has been adopted so quickly. No illegitimate stuff, only the real licensed merchandise.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
Not to steer further off an unrelated topic, but who knows a good place that carries second hand used Japanese AV (Adult Video) VCDs? I figure they should be really cheap if the DVD format has been adopted so quickly. No illegitimate stuff, only the real licensed merchandise.

hmmm... I am not into Japanese live AV so I am afraid I can't help you much here but I am sure you can find some good deals on eBay. Of course, we always have to be extra careful shopping on eBay as there are a bunch of bootleggers there. ^_^

Originally posted by bokmeow:
Not to steer further off an unrelated topic, but who knows a good place that carries second hand used Japanese AV (Adult Video) VCDs? I figure they should be really cheap if the DVD format has been adopted so quickly. No illegitimate stuff, only the real licensed merchandise.

I know the L.A. Computer Fair in Pomona has an adult section that carries a lot of VD's, uh, VCD's, but unless you're in the area, that information's pretty much useless. [img][/img]

精神 の 神

Thanks for the recs. Darling is actually a title I ordered myself but am still waiting to arrive. (Couldn’t find it locally.) Some of the other’s I’ve seen, I’ll have to go through them again and think about it. This is why I hate having to shop for a couple, if I was getting it for one or the other, I have a pretty good idea what to get them, but getting something they’d both be happy with is a little more difficult…

Originally posted by perigee:
I haven't actually seen it, but [b]Akira Saga has been getting some good reviews. The first part of the Akira Countdown series featured hermaphrodites, but apparently that theme isn't continued with this installment.[/b]

It's not too bad, the plot is a little wierd I think. With the guys sister complex and all. It's a decent couple hentai as everything is consensial and nothing really hardcore in it.
Originally posted by fxho:
I will have to agree on Koihime, but Koihime II? Does it actually exist?

Anyway, other suggestions:

Pia Carrot he Youkoso! 1
Pia Carrot he Youkoso! 2

Yup there's a Koihime 2, I believe it's in the pipes for Nutech to release sometime in the next few months. Along with Wordsworth gaiden too, I'm waiting for that to come out [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Thanks for the recs. Darling is actually a title I ordered myself but am still waiting to arrive. (Couldn't find it locally.) Some of the other's I've seen, I'll have to go through them again and think about it. This is why I hate having to shop for a couple, if I was getting it for one or the other, I have a pretty good idea what to get them, but getting something they'd both be happy with is a little more difficult... [img][/img]

Acutally I've been hearing that retailers were having trouble getting Darling in. As alot of retailers I've seen ether has is on backorder or don't even have it listed. But it was reviewed on AOD so I know it's out somewhere. I wonder what happened to the distribution of this title.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Yup there's a Koihime 2, I believe it's in the pipes for Nutech to release sometime in the next few months. Along with Wordsworth gaiden too, I'm waiting for that to come out [img][/img]

You are referring to these ones, right?

OK, my mistake...

Yup that’s koihime 2. Nutech I think had them out for a dec release but no one believes nutech release dates because they always miss them so most people are thinking early 2004

Oh yeah another good anime is moonlight lady although vol 2 hasn’t come out yet. The char designs are very bishoujo game like. The hair reminds me alot of snow drop.

Thanks Sakamoto-san. Hmm, not familiar with most of those titles. Guess it’s research time…

Yami no Matsuei - ?shounen ai

Just lots of implied stuff. I think the manga goes more indepth and the anime just basically glosses it over.

Hmm, well my copy of Darling finally came in and I watched the first part and skimmed the rest. (I came home late and I was really tired…) Very interesting. I may just end up giving them that. At least with the variety of scenes, if they ask me about it later, I can recommend other titles in those genre…

Although I really should get them a yaoi title, to make my buddy squirm if anything…

The way Miyuki says “Darling” somehow reminds me of Lum. They should have done a Urusei Yatsura cosplay scene, however wrong it would have been

By the way, if you’re looking for Yaoi you could try My Sexual Harassment which features an infamous scene with a corn on the cob. I don’t think I need to tell you what sort of role the corn plays (use your imagination)…