Air-Will Peach Princess Translate It?

(T-T) The melodramatic anime is so cute. I can’t help but wonder what the original story is like so I like to ask the staff about their opinions on the franchise. (^-^)

No chance. Not now, not ever. In the first place Peach Princess doesn’t deal with Key, the Japanese game makers. Furthermore Key’s games are SO SUCCESSFUL that they sell millions of copies in Japan. There’s NO WAY they’re going to come out over here unless it’s clear they’ll at least be in the same league – and they would not be.

You think it’s COMPLETELY impossible? Hmmm… let’s check.

(*glues paper wings to a pig, throws the squealing creature out the window, whereupon it hits the pavement 3 floors down with a loud THUD)

… Yup, it’s definitely impossible.

Originally posted by AG3:
You think it's COMPLETELY impossible? Hmmm... let's check.

(*glues paper wings to a pig, throws the squealing creature out the window, whereupon it hits the pavement 3 floors down with a loud *THUD*)

... Yup, it's definitely impossible.

I dunno do a bit of gene-splicing with a pig and a large'd haveto change more than its wings of course....but still...
Originally posted by Jinnai:
I dunno do a bit of gene-splicing with a pig and a large'd haveto change more than its wings of course....but still...

Hell, why don't we learn Japanese while we're at it. You and your pipe dreams. [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 02-08-2005).]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
Hell, why don't we learn Japanese while we're at it. You and your pipe dreams. [img][/img]

Indeed, but we can also use the genetic knowledge as a trade coin for new games translated to english.... (i do believe that Japanese gov would be interested in genetic-manipulation....)

BTW: at begining of next month, i'm going to start studying jap on a private school [img][/img]...

I wouldn’t say that it’s completely impossible, but at the present time it’s highly unlikely.

We never know what the future might hold.

Originally posted by AG3:
(*glues paper wings to a pig, throws the squealing creature out the window, whereupon it hits the pavement 3 floors down with a loud *THUD*)

... Yup, it's definitely impossible.

Really? You should have tried this in a dome on Mars. They glide well there. [img][/img]

please don’t ask for the unthinkable, hope is a very dangerous thing.

I just got into the Air anime a few weeks ago. I was half expecting it to be dour and uninteresting, but I really like it. Might have to get a Gau Gau Stegosaurus shirt for myself.

It’s my secret ambition to form a company capable and willing to translate high quality dating sims. I’m definitely not an entrepreneur, and I don’t have any skills needed for translation or tech work. Plus it might take serious investments to fund the licenses and then market games well enough to pull a profit. So this is a distant dream. Still…

No chance to get it translated,eh?So sad,gaoo…
I just watched the anime up to ep 4 and it’s really good,the best since Kanon and Kimiga.
Wonder if in the game we can chase all the girls?Since it’s hentai I doubt we can get the chibi that keep bashing Kazuki.I just love those scenes

Side note,do all b-games with good plot have to be sad?I have watched 4 good bgame-turned-anime(Air,Kanon,Kimiga,Phantom)and they all have sad stories

More or less it isn’t going to happen, because there is no market yet. This isn’t to say that there aren’t a ton of people who would like games like Kanon – there are. There are plenty of people who would go for a game like Kanon, or Air, or To Heart, or Pia Carrot. The same people who buy Onegai Teacher and Love Hina. (Well, many of the same people.)

The problem is none of the people who would like the games know they exist, or if they do know, they think they’re all like XChange. The number of people who actually want a story with their b-games is still unfortunately quite low here.

A game like Kanon would cost a small fortune to license. The game has sold millions of copies in Japan, I think (if not millions, 100’s of thousands). I doubt very much it would sell enough copies stateside to be a worthwhile investment.

This calculus changes slowly over time, as the market continually expands. The question is, how long will it take before more story-heavy games are readily profitable?

I’d say the issue will be that hentai games will always be a pretty small market over here - it’s viewed as “weird” at the very least and creepy and perverted by most people I’ve met! Games that are super succesful like AIR are things we’ll never see outside of possibly fan translations, and h-games are rarely even picked up by translation groups on the 'net, it seems like…

Perhaps…but consider than ~10-15 years ago anime in gneral was considered to be such by almost everybody and was considered a cultish phenomena in the US and now is considered mainstream enough that it has its own section in movie stores which is comprable to most of the other ones, like drama and comedy sections.

I know that they are making a T.V. Anime for AIR which will probably have English subtitles. I watched the one for KANON and it gives you the basic gist of the story.

Of course, I wasn’t very impressed with the KANON anime. Someone said they left about 75% of the story out. (And of course they had to delete the hentai)

Never say never, is the saying.

Considering that sim-dating games are catching on in the English and European markets now, more “racy” games becoming more and more acceptable isn’t a big step away anymore.

Yes,I know it will cost very much to get the right for such games,but won’t the price be cheaper after a few years?Just like those movies in the cinema,after a few years even television in small country can buy the rights for airing Box Office movies.

Even a very famous game won’t give any profit after years(except such as FF series),why won’t they sell the rights?It won’t cost them a penny,worst case the translating company will go under but that’s not their bussiness

For Kanon I’ve only watched the anime not the game so I don’t know if they cut the story,but the anime has all the girl endings from the game version,pretty weird eh?And maybe Air too because it looks like the hero is solving everybody’s problems

I dunno…after a few years if a company still wants to squeeze money out of a title it’ll release a different version, usually collectors or limited edition, etc. Something special in the new version to get people to buy it, even if they own the original.

It has to do with saving face. A sucessful company like Leaf doesn’t want to see their games do poorly in another country. If they feel that they won’t recieve much money from an outside market, why sell the rights? It’s not worth the bad publicity. Also, Peach Princess doesn’t do everything. It’s up to the Japanese company to make the game compatible with the English version of WinXP. It’s just a hassle that isn’t worth the time or the money. As more and more little companies are willing to licence their games to the English market the chances of getting some real big titles translated are increasing. I think that the quality of bishoujo games available in English will contine to increase as long as piracy doesn’t kill the market.

It’s definitely possible. Just a matter of time. Even if it is a very, very, very, very, long time.