Am I THAT Weird? (be honest)

so i was talking to some people the other day about pornography, and when i mentioned my preferences for anime pornography, i was told that i was really a very strange fetishist and very strange and abnormal…

so i know we are all bishoujo fans here, but i’m curious…am i really that weird? see, i am ONLY turned on by anime-style pornography and bishoujo…the live-action stuff does nothing at all for me…i don’t get hot watching real people do the deed…it’s either really hilarious as in american porno movies or rather boring as in magazines and such…

i AM turned on by real people, for example i am very attracted to my boyfriend and various movie stars, but i like to occasionally fantasize during sex that my boyfriend is actually say, Seymour from Final Fantasy 10, or Hotsuma from Tenchi in Tokyo…

so i want honest answers here…is it really odd for me to only be turned on by anime? is it weird that i always get crushes on anime characters from games and series? i even was in love with Esmeralda from Disney’s Hunchback for a while…I know they’re not real, and i don’t ever have a problem remembering this, but i’m curious for some outside opinions…

and i don’t care if I AM weird, i won’t change anyway, it’s who i am, but i am curious like a cat lol

now to leave you with a pleasant image…Sheryl from DESIRE in that bathing suit she wears when you go swimming…oh drool…drool

how about when you walk in on Sheryl changing clothes before you go swimming

i dont think we’re strange

its only natural to like pretty things right?

Well, it’s not like we’re the most objective crowd on the subject. (And stop it with the images, I already have a hard enough time concentrating… )

Like any other type of fetish, most people have a hard time understanding them and it becomes the normal “that’s different, weird, and wrong” type of thing. The fact that you get turned on only by something that doesn’t turn on most people is not weird. And the fact that you don’t take the fetishism to extremes doesn’t make it a psychological disorder. It’s the normal lack of understanding and openess that you run into sometimes when you talk about sexual subjects. I mean, I still know people who still think oral sex is a very strange and weird “fetish”.

Hmm, some of the most sexually active or open people I know aren’t turn on by live-action porn. Several of them think it’s campy and stupid for the most part and it never gets them in the mood. One friend will only watch it to learn about some different positions actually. (Yes, my friends and I tend to get studious about the oddest things at times.)

Hmm, wish I could say I was only turned on by anime as well but that’s not the case. Then again, I’m a typical American guy. A girl smiling at me is usually enough to get me going…

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 06-16-2002).]

Is it weird? Define weird.

I would have to say that yes, it is weird. However, remember: there are no normal people.

You are probably less weird than I, who also prefer anime pornography and yet am almost totally asexual IRL.

But if you want the real answer to your question, I will cite my abnormal psych textbook.

This is one of the case studies presented:

Several years ago a distinguished lawyer reported that he needed help and that his career was on the line An intelligent, good-looking single man, he noted, without bragging, that he could have sex with any number of beautiful women in the course of his law practice. However, the only way he could become aroused was to leave his office, go down to the bus stop, ride around the city until a reasonably attractive young woman got on, expose himself just before the next stop, and then run off the bus, often with people chasing him. To achieve maximal arousal, the bus could not be full or empty; there had to be just a few people sitting on the bus, and the woman getting on had to be the right age. Sometimes hours would pass before these circumstances lined up correctly. The lawyer observed that if he was not fired for exhibitionism he would be fired for all the time he was missing from work. On several occasions he had requested a girlfriend to role play sitting on a bus in his apartment. Although he exposed himself to her he could not achieve sexual arousal and gratification because the activity just wasn’t exciting.

–end psych textbook quote–

Essentially, this is what it boils down to, at least in my opinion: Whatever floats your boat. As long as it doesn’t become a serious problem (see above for what “serious problem” means), who cares?

It took me a good long while to get to the point where I could openly admit to enjoying this stuff. I felt somehow bad about it–don’t ask me to explain, it’s one of those odd psychological things that can’t really be explained more than that. I only recently realized that it didn’t really matter, and my apprehension was simply me being immature.

Just personal opinion here.

Like most poeple said, we don’t find it strange since chances are we are all into bishoujo anyways in the first place. Actually, I had a similar experience to that of ladyphoenix with my friends quite awhile ago too. What I see is the problem, when it deals with people outside the anime genre, is that people associate anime with ehmm…“toons”? People think that you are just fantasizing (spelling?) over 2D “fake” drawn stuff than “real people”. But then, they fail to realize that watching porn is “fake” too; it’s all acting.

I don’t think you are weird…I am like you too and gets turned on by anime more than live-action, and I am sure all of us here are like that too…hell, even more of these people in Japan alone.

So I guess a lot of people just fail to accept or even consider the other side of the story to many things, not just “anime pornography”. Are they hypocrites? That’s really up for debate. It also depends how conservative they are too.

But I do agree with nandemonai. If it doesn’t cause any serious problem or trouble, who cares? Enjoy what you like.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 06-16-2002).]

I look at it this way Ladyphonix-sama. You are no more weird than the rest of us. As many have said, we all share your love of bishoujo. Some of us take it farther than others.
As for pornography, I am not surprised that you find so called normal pornography to be less than arousing. Like most of us you want character development, love, compassion, and a reason for the sex. So called normal pornography does not offer this, and so the arrousal will not be as forthcoming. That some of us can be sexually aroused by a post that gives us a mental image, might also be considdered strange by so called normal people, honestly who cares what they think. The people who love you, accept you just as you are.
Are you weird?
You are a bishoujo goddess with loyal followers.
maybe you are, (I know I am) but you wouldn’t be near as much fun if you were so called normal. You wouldn’t have come to this site, and we wouldn’t have gotten to talk you into being our goddess, now would we. So I ask you… Do you want to be normal?

thanks for all the input…like i said, i am not ashamed of what i like, i was more curious what people who also enjoy anime pornography, although not as exclusively as i do, thought of my fetish

because i mean it when i say i am not turned on by live-action pornography at all…i could be watching a documentary on african farming techniques for all the arousal it gets me i think it has something to do with the fact that usually anime characters are drawn to be the perfection of the human body and the sex is usually portrayed in a much more artistic way…but that’s just a theory

and i will be happy to be everyone’s bishoujo goddess as long as you want me to be…hmmmm, loyal followers…that has such a nice ring to it

You’re not weird. Or I’m weirder than you. I’m only interested in anime girls; I don’t care at all about RL girls and never did. In the other hand, I fell for female anime characters many times.

Just consider that post I recently made:

“For those who find that weird (though I may agree I’m weird ), think about the following sentences. If I told you I was in love with an idol, would you find that weird? And if the idol would happen to be living in a far country from mine (e.g. Japan)? Now, consider that: what are the differences between such an idol and a virtual idol? Reality and virtuality, you may say. Reality… Which one? I wouldn’t be able to touch, feel, smell her than the virtual idol, right? And her voice I hear and her image I see aren’t more “real” than those of the virtual idols, right, since I can sense them through the same vehicle, both aren’t the “real” thing but artificial reproductions of her images or voice. Personnality then? The “real” idol has a “real” personnality, while the virtual idol has a “created” personnality? Do you really think so? Don’t you think than some (most?) idols have in fact a forged personnality to gain popularity, that their stories which are made public are as forged as the life of the virtual idols? So, would your feelings toward those “real” idols truer than the ones you may have for the virtual idol? If those feelings are based but on your fantasies and dreams toward the idol, if you love not the “real” person behind the “real” idol, but the image she gives, but the stories you build between her and you, how much different is this image from a virtual idol? In fact, in the case of the “real” idol, it is but a role she plays, an image she gave; in case of the “virtual” idol, if the seiyuu is playing a role, as far as the idol herself is concerned, it’s her true personnality, her true self she’s rerealing to you. How much different are the feelings you build toward a “real” idol and a “virtual” one then? In fact, in the “real” idol case, by building feelings on fantasies created by your imagination about a RL person, aren’t desillusionning yourself? While building a dream world where you would be with the virtual idol you love would be perhaps “purer” as you would make yourself enter her virtual world, instead of forcing into yours. If love can be born from dreams, would the origin of said dreams determine the truth of the love? ^_^”


I prefer Anime. The real stuff is boring. The seiyuu’s are ten times better (usually) than the live actresses, IMHO. Then again I’m a voyeur for the most part.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
because i mean it when i say i am not turned on by live-action pornography at all...i could be watching a documentary on african farming techniques for all the arousal it gets me [img][/img]

Now, now, some of those farming documentaries can be very, arousing... [img][/img]

i think it has something to do with the fact that usually anime characters are drawn to be the perfection of the human body and the sex is usually portrayed in a much more artistic way...but that's just a theory [img][/img]

It's as good a theorey as any. Sometimes it's hard to understand why we like or don't like something. I've been trying to figure out why I prefer brunettes. Came out of a drunken discussion the other night and it sort of bothers me that I can't explain why I prefer one type over another. Oh well, "why ask why"? [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 06-17-2002).]

I don’t consider that weird. Personally, I think american porn is crap. It is just to damn fake. As for magazines, the only american publications I would get would be playboy, or penthouse, and those really don’t fall under pornography. I love most of the japanese publications like Bejean, Gokuh, and Urecco.

So really, what it all comes down to is a matter of what floats your boat. you are only as weird as the next person. Personally,

I don’t know what the hell I am saying. DOes it really matter if someoen thinks you are weird or not? eople who acuse other people of being weird need to realize that everyone is differen’t and everyone has differen’t tastes.

One could imagine that people would find anyone interested in something that is not real wierd. And perhaps they have a point. It depends on wether your mind subconsiously recognizes the characters as actual people (human) or simply something else. You have to think they are people if your going to get any arrousal from it. If your mind can’t consider anime characters human, then its no better than getting arroused by an animals mating. Anyone see american ‘cartoon porn’? Such as loony toons and other such stuff? Perhaps other people will dissagree with me, but I can’t get ANYTHING from it, and I really don’t like it, and perhaps thats because there is nothing human about it. And the art sucks too, but thats beside the point.

Also, I’m speaking strictly from an art sence, and I don’t plan on talking about story and various other things usually associated with a bishoujo game. Just the art.

Hope I didn’t say anything stupid or offensive…



JUST SCREW WHAT PEOPLE THINK, and just be the way you are.


"I Like You Just the Way You Are."
Thank you.

Stole it from Bridget Jones’s Diary

Agreed. Do whatever (or whoever) you want.

Well… whatever… you did say or want.


For me I basically gave up on Regular Pornagraphy because Anime is better and more entertianing I think. Must have somtin to do with those eyes and the pefect body. They know what we like.

Its not to uncommon either, I am almost sure any guy or gal would get turned on by this stuff, cept they have never tried. I didn’t even think of anime as a turn on till one day when it just happened. I was just surfing through the net and I it cought my eye. I also know many people do not talk about this so it seems to be a Uncommon thing, but really they like it.

I do not think of myself weird, since well why would they draw anime porn if people did not like it. People make good money off this stuff so thier must be numerous others out thier like me, secret little fettishes, drool.

BBS’s like this show me that its normal.

My philosphy is very simple. I will not criticize and/or attempt to subvert, any person for being different. It avoids confrontation and embraces diversity.

We share a interest in bishoujo games. Your reasons for playing these games differ from my own. When I first started, I was looking for something different (perhaps nudity)in games. Since the M-rated games didn’t provide this feature I tried A-rated games. I found more than I was looking for. I found great stories, games that invoke more emotions. I consider the sexual relations as perks. I don’t even care if the games contain mosaics. Some paths in these games were offensive to my morality. I still played them to remain diverse. Is this weird? No way, its just different.

To sum up, those people should have tried one bishoujo game before commenting.

[This message has been edited by Gulyen (edited 06-27-2002).]

I have to agree that I definitely find anime girls far more interesting to look at then “normal” porn. I don’t think that it is weird; however, I do know some people who whould find it “tasteless”. As I see it we all are entitles to our own opinions as long as we don’t try to force them on other people.