Amorous Professor Cherry: The Thread

With the declaration of golden master today, it’s official - Amorous Professor Cherry is in duplication now, and scheduled for release at Anime Expo 2008 (July 3-6, Los Angeles CA)!

This thread will be used for official news and information on the game, as well as to field any questions you might have leading up to release. As an official game thread it will be monitored for topicality, so let’s try to keep conversation related to the game. Thanks!

(updates to this post and official press release coming soon)

You people are gods.

Does it mean that it won’t be released before the Anime Expo even if everything is ready before ?

PS : even so unfortunately for me, I’ll have to wait one or maybe two weeks after its release since I can only buy it on archonia and they won’t directly sell it :frowning:

So in about another 20/25 days 'Til I get it .

Here’s a question.

There are pictures of threesome which means to mean they’ll be a harem ending or he ends up alone. So that makes five endings or am I wrong?

I’ll ask more later, maybe.

A few questions if I may :slight_smile:

Can you give a rough estimate of the overall playtime and the number of endings?

Aside from the protagonist and the three heroines, are there any other important characters?

Apart from the obvious student-teacher themes, what other genres does Amorous Professor Cherry fall into?

Is the writing style similar to Crescendo?

Thanks :slight_smile:

(Edited for bad grammar)

can’t wait for it

It’s possible that the game will start to ship a day or two before AX, but the plan is that event attendees will be the first to get their hands on it.

J-List does ship to Belgium, and takes a variety of other payment options if credit card isn’t a possibility.

You’re wrong. :slight_smile: There are more than five endings. The spoilers below reveal how many:

There are eight total endings to Amorous Professor Cherry. Two are similar so it’s closer to 7+alpha, but still eight total.

Overall playtime for this title will range widely depending on individual play style. I’ll just say that it’s a very heavily ero-themed title, and let readers draw their own conclusions from that…

I’m guessing play time for most will range between 20-30 hours, but it could be significantly less if you’re playing purely for the story.

The protagonist’s “best friend” Yoda Shigeaki plays a pretty major role in the game; he’s fully voiced and is the only character other than the three heroines to have his own set of standing poses.

The student-teacher themes overwhelm most other aspects of the game, but there are some “training” aspects in the options available that you can pursue in your relationship with Chieri. If I were to use short genre descriptors I’d probably tag the game as “Adventure, Female Teachers, First Time Lovers, School, Training, Romantic Comedy, Female Students.”

Not really. Other than the shared writing credit the two games don’t have much in common (it’s probably closer to Minakami Tomohiro’s work on Sensei 3).

A final note: the game’s official site is now online! Check it out for a bunch of new info and sample CG.

Ah, are there going to be proper sites like that for all/most JAST/GC/PP titles released in the future? Very nice to see.

the cool feature is the animated h-scenes that makes it even better

Given the information on the official site, I’m a bit more interested in this game than I was before. I think I may end up getting this one the next time I make a big purchase of games (or in other words, when enough games interests me that I can get the 15% discount from J-list for ordering four at once).


G-Collections Adult PC Dating-Sim Game Amorous Professor Cherry Goes Golden Master, Debuts at Anime Expo

San Diego, California, Wednesday, June 18, 2008

JAST USA, the leading publisher of Japanese PC dating sim games in English, today announced the golden master status of Amorous Professor Cherry, the latest “dating simulation” collaboration between JAST USA brand G-Collections and hit Japanese maker ZyX.

The protagonist takes the role of Kouta, a college sophomore in love with his beautiful young professor Chieri “Cherry” Hase. When she finds out that she’s the reason he can’t pay attention in class she offers to help him relieve his sexual tension, sending the inexperienced pair on the erotic adventure of a lifetime.

It’s up to the player to guide Kouta through the maze of his youthful passions and his complicated relationship with Cherry and the story’s other heroines, deciding whether to rely on the experience of Cherry’s best friend and colleague Mamiko, or to act as a support for Kouta’s childhood friend Kiyoka.

Regardless of the path chosen, this fantasy romp through co-ed campus life offers hours of gameplay and dozens of sex scenes - several with full frame animation. With a full selection of alternate endings based on player choice replayability is guaranteed. The game’s artistic team features the creators of The Sagara Family and Crescendo, an all star staff dedicated to bringing this amazing tale of sexual fantasy to life.

In conjunction with Amorous Professor Cherry’s official “in duplication” status, JAST USA is proud to announce that the game will be made available to fans for the first time ever at Anime Expo 2008 from July 3-6 at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, California. JAST USA is also planning a panel for the event that will occur on Saturday, July 5 and will feature exclusive news regarding future game releases as well as prizes to be awarded to all attendees.

The official Amorous Professor Cherry website is now online at ( and contains full information and previews for the latest G-Collections fully uncensored English bishoujo game from Japan.

Yeah, we’re planning to create new pages for all the new games we put out from now on.

On a related note, a request from us for anyone reading this: if you discuss Cherry (or Raidy, or any of our future games) on your personal site, if you could go to the trouble of linking to the official site (should you decide to link an official source on the game) it would be much appreciated.

We think its in the best interest of everyone to have the official site appear as high as possible in search results, both to provide the most reliable and definitive information and to discourage piracy, so any way you could spread the work that the site is out there would be great.

Thanks for the answers. Generally sex-romps aren’t really my thing, but Amorous Professor Cherry looks like it takes a slightly different bent on the genre. The quality of the scenario should be above average as well. Looking forward to it :).

A few links: The ZyX homepage for Cherry is here. There’s not a playable demo, but there is a game introduction, with text and a few images, and a demo movie, which shows off some CG’s with a bit of text, accompanied by background music (unless I’m mistaken, there’s no OP song).

We’ll have an all ages version of the demo movie with English text (and a less creepy background track) available shortly. There is no OP song.

Bwuh… 2 more weeks… 2 more weeks…

must… get… game…

But wouldn’t an all-age version kind of kill the point of an eroge?

Are threesomes going to happen in single paths? (Not sure how to question it better).

So what is his best friend going to be like?

i would guess there would be 3 main endings plus harem and 3some endings and maybe a bad end or 2

Shingo was talking about an all-ages version of the OP video. Some videos contain H content (Gore Screaming Show immediately comes to mind, but there are a number of others- clearly this included) and there’s usually a second version of the video made available for video sharing sites and the like.

Yeah, the original OP is around 70% NWS pictures, and as Shingo mentioned the background track for it is strange, being more suggestive of a rape themed game than a relatively light-hearted sex romp. Incidentally, it’s much more ‘H’ than the Gore Screaming Show OP (which is youtubesafe, as all the nudity etc is either blurred out, or shown for a fraction of a second) - here the pictures are all static.

i would rather have that than a sometimes gory game like bible black