Amorous Professor Cherry: The Thread

Me too. I’m looking forward the release date for this game, even knowing there’s absolutely NO WAY this eroge is like KANA or CRESCENDO in story-telling! :lol:

And, on top of that, it’s just me or the students characters are incrediblely young-looking for 19 y.o.? :roll:

in the japanese version the 19 year olds or most likely 17 and the 18 year olds are 16

Now I eagerly await Shingo stating the company’s stance regarding all their games again…
In any case, the game says it’s at a college, so while you might think they look young for 19, it’s only that you think they look young. Nothing more.

That pretty much sums it up. ^^

If you’re asking whether threesomes happen in the course of the story before it diverges toward one of the possible endings, the answer is no.

He’s a pretty typical “best friend” - a reflection of the protagonist’s Freudian id. He likes porn, speaks his mind regardless of the consequences, is a loud mouth in class, isn’t very good with women… you’ve probably seen the type in games before.

As per EOCS regulations in Japan character ages are never specifically mentioned in the Japanese version of the game, nor is their scholastic affiliation defined in a way that would suggest an age bracket. In accordance with JAST USA character age policy we chose to interpret this as a college setting; there’s nothing in the original text to contradict this (other than the term “gakuen”, which can refer to anything in a nebulous class of post-secondary educational institutions).

Haha, you beat me to the punch. :slight_smile:

Amen to that. But the US does seem to be more strict in many things than Japan. Its funny that they try to have such laws to keep the system safe when Japan is more successful in keeping a safe system.

This was one of the games that I wasn’t sure if I would get or not. The official site really helped me make up my mind. I’ve decided that I am going to get this game after all. Really looking forward to it. :slight_smile:

If ages are never mentioned in the original games, why does JAST USA bother making ones up? It’d be simpler just to stick with the “everybody is over 18” disclaimer and leave it at that.

If I were to venture a guess as to the reason why, I would say that it is somewhat of a CYA action for theoretical legal action against them. Since they are the ones releasing the game, they are an “official” source of information for the particulars of the game, whether it be how old the characters really are, the blood type of the characters (not that many in the western audience care), etc. With them plainly stating the age of a character, it cuts off someone finding some sort of legal loophole and saying “because of blah and blah and blah, this character must be X years old” or some such. Half the fun of law is in writing up something with an airtight wording… (as you should know from the license agreements we all read before we install software :wink: cough cough :roll: )

G-Senjou no Maou’s Aizawa Eiichi is by far my favourite version of this character, even if it’s mostly because said character is a girl. =P (but basically exhibits every other personality characteristic) Usually I really hate the very existence of the “best friend” character because they often (not always) do little to further the plot and only end up further padding out the scenario, but Aizawa Eiichi is just so great I don’t mind at all =p

True; however, not all visual novel creators are part of the EOCS. Of course, CD BROS is, so everything by ZyX, D.O etc. is going to come under that banner. There are plenty of notable exceptions, though. Will itself is not part of the EOCS. Ruf is part of the EOCS, but neither Pulltop nor Propeller are. (ruf, pulltop and propeller are all under Will) Leaf/AQUAPLUS and TYPE-MOON are, but VisualArt’s/Key and Nitroplus are not. CUFFS is, amusingly; they’ve probably got some of the most loli stuff out of anyone else under the EOCS that I know of.*
*EDIT: I take that back. Just noticed that RUNE was part of the EOCS lolz =P

I wonder… I figured it was just for completeness’ sake rather than as a cover-your-ass move. Honestly, I don’t think Cherry is a particularly dangerous title as far as that sort of thing goes, anyway.

Yeah. Not only “everybody is over 18”, i’d say sometimes “everybody is under 36” too. :lol: There is some eroges where 20+ y.o. characters have mothers with “just” 30 or so y.o.! :stuck_out_tongue:

Legal Insurance. It just helps prevent Jack Thompson and his cronies from filling a lawsuit, that would obviously fail in court (at least in the US), but might cost PP tons of money to battle. If there’s anything the government and private interest groups excel at, its causing people to waste their hard earned income on pointless lawsuits. Sometimes that’s even the PURPOSE of their attack, as they have more $$$ than the people they sue and can keep it up for years. :expressionless:

So it really saves everyone all the hassle of bothering with trouble that can and should be avoided. The disclaimer is a minor thing, and does nothing to the enjoyment of the game itself, so it shouldn’t bother us b-gamers. The benefits outweigh any potential upset - I think we get PP in enough trouble as it is. :wink:

To be honest, I don’t think Jack Thompson would care about any of these titles. Other people might, but I think you’re safe from him (I mean, even if he wasn’t getting disbarred =p)

Essentially 1) They aren’t marketed to anyone under 18, they don’t appear on store shelves etc. so there’s no real question about whether they’re being advertised to 15-year olds (which was Jack Thompson’s main argument against stuff like GTA and Bully; that they would find their way into the hands of children), and 2) They typically don’t know the level of realism in the interactivity (because you aren’t controlling the protagonist most of the time) that Jack Thompson always complains about.

Great point. :lol:

Would not be wise to do anything what will provoke those sharks searching for blood. :wink:

Nothing is safe from Jack Thompson or the wanna-bes who follow his ideology. :frowning: One day it was Janet Reno, then it was rap music, then it was video games, then it was the Islamic faith… the man seriously has issues going and too much free time (not to mention money to waste). :expressionless:

I’m not arguing against you - I agree with a lot of what you said - but another weapon Jack likes to use is ease of accessibility to minors. Games being a digital product - and the prevalence of pirate sites that have zero supervision or legal standing - I’m sure his creative legal team could come up with something nasty (which is yet another reason why pirates sites are bad). They never seem to fail at it. And even when (not if) Jack gets disbarred, that will only make him a martyr to some circles… so the battle will never die. God help us all, if some rapist is found with a closet full of Peach Princess titles.

The point I was trying to get at was this: I’d rather have Peter, Shingo, and the L-man waste their days attending game conventions to promote b-games, negotiating deals with b-game companies for more English translation, and just having fun in Japan so they can tell people how fun it is to be in Japan ¬ñ than sitting in a court room to defend our First Amendment rights or get caught up in some legal stink that will only pull negative press coverage from the vocal ultra conservatives (read: FOX News). Companies and individuals wealthier than PP, have lost lawsuits to morons like Jack Thompson, so if putting a single sentence and adding ages helps prevent that from happening, I’m all for it. For us b-gamers the disclaimer and ages are really a small and insignificant thing that can be ignored with minimal effort, but to lawyers and courts it’s like an 800 pound gorilla that’s help blocking the door. 8)

To bring this thread back on topic. (Not that its not.)

Does the events in game happen one school year or a few days/months?

yeah i would like to know about the amount of time the game takes place over as well

hi ,please can you say the type of endings? good/bad/harem??? :smiley: thanks

??I know their are good, bad,?normal,?and harem endings. Anyway, If you like to know about the ED PM me. I can tell you how many of EDs and individual eds.

The “bad” endings are probably not really “bad”.
If it’s like the Sagara family, you get the girl but she get raped before or she becomes some kind of sex slave (-> harem ending).