Animes that are Worthy and Not of a next season...

I feel like bringing up a few series that fo far nobody else seems to care about but at least I would like to have more of them:

Princess Nine:
While most of their personal difficulties have been resolved, their ultimate goal (Koshien) wasn’t achieved in the first season.
And hence they at least showed what they were worth nonetheless, I would guess that the next year some more freshmen-girls would join the baseball-club and bring with them their own disturbances, Plus there also has to be a solution for Izumi (who prpbably is my favorite girl on the team)…

Cat’s eye:
Perhaps not another entire season, but at least the real ending should be added as an OVA. Without it, the entire series feels a bit… hollow!

Candidate for goddess:
Come on! The so-far last episode was right about to bring the story to a climax - which now still has not happened - for years! I know how sales-increasing cliffhangers can be, but this is quite overdoing it!

Irresponsible Captain Tylor:
The TV-series itself was nicely finished and thus I might have been satisfied with it, but then…
… there were the OVAs which introduced a new third side to the war - who out-smarted the schemer Wang and seized the raalgon flagship with just one move of overwhelming power! Thus, I have to keep wondering how Paco-Paco, Azalyn and the the remaining uncaptured survivors managed to strike back against them later. Of course, there is no doubt that they will succeed, but I can’t imagine HOW

Rune Soldier:
Provided they manage to make the second as good as the first but allow progress to be made, ie not just a rehash of the first season. (This anime actually became a lot cooler to me after I found out that it takes place in the same world as Record of Lodoss War.)

The Slayers 4th season:
According to some rumors we are getting one of these. :smiley: I’m looking forward to it.

Star Ocean EX:
Not the greatest of series, by the end it was getting a little character heavy, but they never gave it a real conclusion and that just annoys me. :expressionless:

Speaking of unfinished anime, Gestalt and Shinesman were interesting (and quite funny). Pity they only got two episodes each.

Not exactly the topic of discussion, but I’d love to see an anime adaptation of Vagabond. I like the feudal era Japanese theme. It’s also what drew me into Blade of the Immortal and YoJinBo.

^_______^ honey and clover, season 3!

More than anything else, I want to see a [size=120]CLAYMORE - SEASON 2[/size]!! :smiley:
But this time, more close to the original manga story, please. :shock:

A [size=120]BLACK LAGOON - 3rd BARRAGE[/size] would be cool, too. Specially because we would have more Roberta goodness!! :smiley:

I want more:
[list][]Galaxy Fraulein Yuna. Come on, the Final Chapter could be turned into an anime![/][]Shamanic Princess. Some past stories about when Tiara was teamed with Graham would be neat, though it would mean Lena didn’t invoke Leon yet.[/][]Nadesico. We need at least a continuation to the DC game![/][]Kimagure Orange Road. All the novels need to be put into animation form.[/][]Space Pirate Cobra. More Cobra is always right.[/][]Urusei Yatsura. A new movie, please~[/][/list]

interesting I’ve heard the movies actually approach something besides slapstick humor.

That would be very neat. I’ve always liked Graham and was sad to see him go so quickly. u_u

I would like to second the call for GitS and third the call for Shamanic Princess. I may get laughed at, but I was rather upset with the way they ended Inuyasha. I’m half tempted to start reading the original manga version just so I can see more of the story. In a way, Inuyasha is responsible for me being here today. It is one of the series that really started me on the road to anime fandom (along with Cowboy Bebop and Blue Gender), and thus makes me feel a bit natsukashii. That’s not to say it was my first anime. Back before I really knew what anime was, I watched Ronin Warriors. So even though I didn’t know what it was, that was my first anime.

Indeed, he feels so more fitting a teammate to Tiara than Japolo. Also, Japolo feels to much of a magical girl’s pet; when I do like magical girls, it doesn’t fit Shamanic Princess.

As an aside, I learnt when reading the wiki article about the show that there was a very special, never released commercially, short animation that serves as an epilogue to the series! Alas, as much as I want it, it doesn’t seem to appear in YAJ, which should be the only location where I could find it.
Anyone had any idea where to find it?


I had no idea there was such a thing. :o I must see it! I’ll do some searching when I have the time and hope to come up with something that helps.

That’d help if you want anything. The main problem, obviously, is that it never was commercially released, only existing as a special reward item, so no store would have it. Auctions or second-hand stores may be the only places where one could find it. :frowning:

BTW, I’m of course referring to this bit in the wiki article:

Yeah, I read that part in Wiki. It really doesn’t help that there’s an anime called Magic User’s Club. My search is coming up with nothing. How depressing.

Yes! I really enjoyed Princess Nine and a second season would be great; is not like there is not more conflict to have, it is a team of high school girs after all 8)

And in that same note, SPORTS ANIME!


  • Eyeshield 21
  • Hajime no Ippo
  • Initial D
  • Slam Dunk

I know they are long series but if you are going animate them, do all the story!!! :x :x

It’s very frustrating to have only a part of the story animated and the rest only available on manga form :frowning:

… All have already Anime ^^;
Since 1995 for the first Season Initial D.(well they’re some difference between the manga and Anime but it’s only the love romance part who’re a little shorter in the Anime)
Hajime no Ippo’s Anime have only 2 season and don’t cover all the Manga (wich it’s one of the longer Manga which exist… about 85 Vol ^^; )
Slam Dunk Anime follow strickly all the Manga till the end… And Eyeshield 21 finished only 2 month ago after 3 years and 145 EP.

I’d also like to see another OVA for Bastard! Dark Schneider deserves more animation dammit. The only bad thing is I don’t know if that guy will ever finish the damn series. He writes chapters infrequently, but I’d love to see the manga finished up and more of it animated than the 6 episode OVA we have now. … e&aid=5894
But I don’t know what it will be about.

But none of them cover the complete story :wink:

Slam Dunk doesn’t cover the whole manga, it only covers 22 volumes and I should know this since I own the japanese volumes too; my kanji reading skills are those of a first grader but hey, it was an impulse buy! :lol:

The Eyeshield anime doesn’t cover the whole manga, BUT! I’m hoping for some OVA series to continue the story

Hajime is the worst case of all though… :frowning: this is where 100+ episodes anime series should exist :frowning:

OMG! It’s coming! Funimation has got the distro agreement for the orphaned Geneon R1 titles, so Second Barrage will be coming our way, yay! :smiley: MOAR BLACK LAGOON = MOAR WINNAGE!

Good news for us both: Black Lagoon 3rd Season announced.

Between FUNi rescuing Second Barrage and this news, July has been a most awesome month for me concerning anime news.