Annoying UBB bug

Every time I post, and come back, the thread where I posted in are marked as “New”.
This is very irritating…

Not really a bug, it’s just how the cookie is used. I mean, you could set it up to automatically filter out thread where you are the last poster and not marking them but it’s probably more work than it’s worth. It’s much easier to just set it up to mark all threads with a modify time after the time within the cookie.

But this is the ONLY board that does that. >_<

blink Nope it isn’t. Several boards do it. It just depends on which boards you go to and how they decided to set it up. Some boards, like this one, do their time comparisson against the login time. Others do it against the logout time. Some spend the time to do the coding as I mentioned before. Is it really that much of a big deal?

Yes, because it’s a waste of time and very irritating to revisit 3-5 threads just to see that you posted last.

Well, just to be frank, not to be rude or anytyhing, but, as they say, if you don’t like it, you can always leave. Don’t complain about free service. And also, what you can do to minimize checking threads only to find out that it was you who posted, is to remember what time you posted, so all you have to do is check the time of the last post.

精神 の 神

The fact is that UBB is not free. It costs $75 to use.
While we have phpBB and RPGBoard, superior board software that is FREE.

I simply leave the index open and open the messages in a new tab. Much nicer that way, plus I don’t have to deal with the problem of all the new messages going unmarked.

Originally posted by Benoit:
The fact is that UBB is not free. It costs $75 to use. While we have phpBB and RPGBoard, superior board software that is FREE.

What Seishin-san means is that it's a free service to you not to PeaPri. They didn't have to put together a board. Nobody is forcing you to come here to use this BBS. And you're not the one footing the bill for it.

Your complaining that the board is not doing what you want it to do. It's going to happen. No matter what they do, someone's not going to like it. Say they do change it. Someone's probably going to complain that they like the old way, or that the "new" marker should only be on those posted to in the last 24-hours.

Someone at PeaPri made a choice of this software and accepted it's behavior. Since it's been almost 3 years since the board went up, if the board wasn't doing what they felt it should be doing, they would have complained and had the "bug" fixed by now.

Of course, it’s free to me, and not to Peach Princess… which is dumb, considering that there are many scripts out there which are better but instead are free.
It’s ridiculous… and that was my point (apart from the bug).

And speaking of the bug… Peach Princess is not allowed to fix it. You pay a license to use UBB, but you can’t change any of the source code.

And I find it strange that you take it so personally and shoot offense at me. As far as I know, you’re not the one who chose the board…

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 04-13-2004).]

There’s one in every family, Sire. Two in mine, actually. And they always manage to ruin special occasions. What am I going to do with him? He’d make a very handsome throw rug. Zazu! Just think, whenever he gets dirty, you can take him out and beat him.

Just trying to lighten the mood. And nobody really wants conflict or to go on the offensive, actually everybody’s going on the defense. Don’t complain to vets about something that they’ve been living with for years, you can bitch to the newbies, but don’t tackle the old timers, or you get your ass chewed off. All in all, We just live with what we got.
One of the prime examples of a major company changing their Forums is Sierra. They used to have a BBS thing or something, I forget. I never really posted way back then, but then they changed to WebX, I’ll tell you, there was a giant exodus of people, nobody liked it, I didn’t care for it, people bitched for a long time to bring back the old forums. But a lowly peasant really doesn’t have much say in the grand scheme of things, and it was Sierra’s choice to which they still stick by. You don’t see too many old timers from the old boards era, but when you do, they’re mostly in the old games boards. I stopped using the Sierra forums two years ago when I got banned. Long story, don’t ask.

Anyhow, don’t complain. Nothing is life is going to please everybody. There will always be those few who don’t care for it. Like two old people five blocks down who don’t want stadium lights put up on the high school football field, even though they can’t see the light. We just live with what we have to live with and enjoy the rest of life that we do enjoy living…That sounded redundant.

God damn, that’s a long post. For me, anyway.

精神 の 神

[This message has been edited by Seishin (edited 04-13-2004).]

This time it marked as new a thread that I hadn’t posted in, and that didn’t have any new replies to it. WTF?

This isn’t a complaint only a suggestion, but I have seen UBB boards (running the same version software) which implement “first unread reply” and “last reply” arrows in the topic lists. It makes navigating multipage discussions a whole lot easier. It might take a change in cookies to enable, but unlike most bells and whistles, it’s a useful feature.

Whatever the limitations, we should be glad PP didn’t choose the forum software currently in use at GC. What a mess!

No kidding count your blessing this forum isn’t like G-coll’s. Course they should be upgrading their forums soon so maybe then I’ll contribute there.

Originally posted by Benoit:
And speaking of the bug... Peach Princess is not allowed to fix it. You pay a license to use UBB, but you can't change any of the source code.

I didn't say PeaPri themselves would fix it. Like you said, they paid for a licensed software and if it's broken or has a "bug", you call the company who you bought it from to fix it. The point was, if it's been that way for three years, either PeaPri doesn't consider it a "bug" or InfoPop's tech support is unusually slow.

And I find it strange that you take it so personally and shoot offense at me. As far as I know, you're not the one who chose the board...

Hmm, nope I didn't take it personally. If I did, the post would have been hell of a lot longer. (And more insulting) If you felt I was being offensive to you, I apologize. I didn't think I was being all that offensive to you, but like I've said before, what my read on what I post is usually very different from other people's.

And we'll see what happens to the G-Col BBS. I mean, I really did try and get into the flow of things over there but it really didn't work too well. That's alright, worst comes to worst, I'll just have to be annoying here and over at GameFAQs only. [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
And we'll see what happens to the G-Col BBS. I mean, I really did try and get into the flow of things over there but it really didn't work too well. That's alright, worst comes to worst, I'll just have to be annoying here and over at GameFAQs only. [img][/img]

G-Collections isn't heavily populated, so posts can be few and far between. Maybe because of the rather clumsy layout.

As for GameFAQs (where I'm "known" as sniperscope), the boards seem to be mostly populated by pirates, some who can't seem to get their games to work properly, or wonder where to download them. I think the moderators have given up on the place, since marking messages often doesn't seem to get their attention. Especially not in the Horny Bunnies board.

Oh, so it’s about GameFAQs now?
I personally stay away from (joining) the boards. Most of GameFAQs consists of ‘12-year olds’ with half a brain, whose first RPG was FFVII.
Poor place.

Oh my God!

I’d almost make an account just to tell those retards how f*cked up they are!!!

While looking at that forum, I realized that since AG3 is sniperscope, he’s the one I saw at the Princess Maker 2 board, posting intelligent messages. I told myself “Hey, this guy should join the Peach Princess BBS.”. Hehe, seems you already did so.

It’s useless trying to argue with idoits, learned that the hard way many years ago One of the reasons why I don’t particpate in gamefaqs boards

Yes, I know GameFAQs is more irritating that it’s probably worth. But on occassion, I have found someone who really was uninformed about these games. If I can nudge a few of them over, it’s worth it. And it has sort of gotten a smidge better. Or at least I’m not as completely pissed off when I go there like I used to. Besides, what’s the point of being an advocate if you only go to places where most of the people agree with your views anyways?

Always one of the joys of multiple boards, remembering who’s who on each. I know I was telling someone here I didn’t agree with one of the reviews on GameFAQS only to realize I was talking to the person who wrote it!