Any news on LMM?

Well now that Gibo’s done, is there any word about when we can expect LMM? I saw that they updated the product page with some new pix, and I’m waiting with bated breath for this one! Anyway, any updates would be appreciated.

I am waiting for this one too. It looks like a winner.

Not sure but this and gunshield are the next 2 in the pipes for PP. If we go by their usual release schedules probably late in the year would be my guess.

Maybe other games being delayed for various reasons, such as manuals, has me gun shy but each time someone asks I fear the response will be something along the lines of another delay.

Yeah… I know when RightStuf has it marked as available–but then they had Gunshield available as of June 1, and that hasn’t happened, so I guess I shouldn’t hold my breath for Little My Maid

What is interesting is, not a Peach Princess game, but Hourglass of Summer where at three different sites they show the release anytime between yesterday to somewhere in August.

That is what I sort of fear happening and partly know will not because of the care Peach Princess gives now to announcing such dates. Yet still there is the fear of one release date, then for something unforeseen like manuals, that date is pushed back, then something else happens such as all of the boxes are printed in Klingon instead of whatever language they should be in which delays the release again and so forth. Here’s hoping even if it is a longshot at happening to start with that it does not happen and by saying this stuff it somehow stops it from happening, how’s that for grasping at straws in the hopes of preventing something that might not even happen?

They’re both in beta testing right now, so I don’t think it’ll be that long.
I would place the release in begin autumn.

Then another question to guess about, staggered release even if they are both completed at the same time or simultaneous release?

If staggered which first do you think?

Technically, Gunshield Warrior Sakigake was supposed to be released first, so I would imagine that they would push that one out before Little My Maid.

I figured since they are about the same stage, beta testing, it was even money as to which would actually be done first. So you think even if they are done at the same time there will be a gap in the release times?

I couldn’t say for sure… if they’re both actually at the same stage in beta testing, they might actually come out at the same time–I don’t know how Peach Princess wants to do their marketing. I suppose technically it wouldn’t hurt to release them both at the same time. My assumption is that Gunshield is a little farther along in the process, and will probably get out first, but I’m not in the loop, and certainly don’t know that for a fact. Since I have both games on pre-order anyway, I just have to sit back and twiddle my thumbs in either case.

I just know what they say on the front page of the web site, both are in beta testing.

Well, my assumption is that, since Gunshield was scheduled for release a lot earlier than Little My Maid (which technically isn’t scheculed for release just quite yet), it would be the one that would hit the market first. I suppose a lot of it just depends on how much work needs to be done on each game, and how quickly that work gets finished.

I’m inclined to speculate that LMM is probably going to happen first. Last I heard it was being re-beta tested, which probably means it will be done in a few months. Sakigake Gun Warrior, on the other hand, is at an unknown state of completion and its rights are in an unknown status. Peter has to get all the work Hobibox Europe did, no pretty feat considering it’s disbanded. Then he’s got to have its status assessed and draw up a plan for completing it. THEN work can start in earnest. It sounds to me like LMM is likely to be out by 1Q 05 (purely a wild guess) and possibly sooner, but Sakigake I’m not expecting for at least a year.

Well still good that one of them might be out by the end of this year, though from the statement of both in beta testing I had thought both were further along then anything we have previously heard had indicated.

some updates

lmm is in the process of polishing text but core testing is done and should be perfect, and is in the process of semi-final testing as well as text polishing right now.

sakigake, like nandemonai said we need to figure out a plan first because this is not our project so we need to do some accessments before beginning work, and currently i think work is being just started (i said “i think” because i am not involved in this one)

Thanks for the update Lamuness
I realy whant this game

Indeed thank you for the update Lamuness that sounds very promising for LMM and hopeful at least for Sakigake.

From what I read, it always seemed like Little My Maid would get released first.

As for Gun Shield Warrior SAKIGAKE, I think it was confirmed some months ago that they had successfully obtained the project, and that their programmers were working on it.

Thanks for the updates, Lamuness.

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 07-09-2004).]

It is all news and all good news to me, I had just been going from what was on the front page about both being in beta testing, so this more news is very good news.