Anyone heard anything about Jewel Knights?

well i just did a search on Jewel knights and it came up with Jewel Matrix but nothing on Jewel knights the latest announcement from G-collections was wondering if anyone might of heard anything about this game or heaven forbid might know of any sites with screenshots on it ? well thanks in advance

Originally posted by Toronian:
well i just did a search on Jewel knights and it came up with Jewel Matrix but nothing on Jewel knights the latest announcement from G-collections was wondering if anyone might of heard anything about this game or heaven forbid might know of any sites with screenshots on it ? well thanks in advance

Try here:

Originally posted by Doug:
Try here:

-Answer YES to the are you over 18 question.

Then select the red Lineup tab on the main page.

I checked the G-Collections site a few minutes ago, and Jewel Knights is currently listed as the second game to be released after Heart de Roommate. So it looks like those who were asking about this game and its license a few months ago will be in luck in the near future.

In the meantime, I’ll be looking to buy Crescendo and Roommate once both become available. So that’ll be my contribution to fandom in February. (Better than rambling about those goofy, characterization-bending Love Hina and Eva fan games…)

Thanks for listening, and hope Jewel Knights turns out to be a really good bishoujo fantasy game.

-J. Alan: fandork, not so great compromiser, perennial newbie, encourager.

“Your house is on fire, and you’ve got to go in and rescue yourself…”

Only 1 more week for roomate I think you’ll like cresendo, great game with awesome story.

Wow. I wonder if they’ll leave the loli character in the game. If they do it will be funny seeing the “all characters are over 18” message when one of them looks 9 hehe.

Originally posted by Laslow:
Wow. I wonder if they'll leave the loli character in the game. If they do it will be funny seeing the "all characters are over 18" message when one of them looks 9 hehe.

As explained in the character's profile, her body develops a bit slowly compared to other girls. Therefore, it doesn't mean that she is an underaged girl. It is only in your mind. Some girls in real life also have smaller builds, especially Asian.

Consider how sensitive most people are with that particular topic. Making that comment might bring some unnecessary attentions to the already small English Bisjoujo Games community.

Do I sound like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today? Consider how much I am looking forward to the game. Any comment that might hinder the release of that game is a hostile comment in my eyes even though I am sure I might interpret too much into the reply post.

wasn’t ment to be a disparging comment. I just really hope they don’t edit it. I would love to see all flavors of B games released in the US. If there is an outcry hopefully it will be after the game arrives at my house .

in the past all hgames have had the really lolicon characters removed.
not a good thing to have happen…
what say we all email G-collections and express an interest that she not be removed from the game?

Problem is laws in many countries. Somehow they think some people might play the games see a young character and think that is okay to do to real life children. Granted the person would either have to be very, well, stupid not to know what is acceptable in the real world and what is not, or prone to that anyway, in my opinion.

I don’t disagree with the let’s protect the chidlren law, but do wonder if sometimes it is not carried to far perhaps with the idea that most people get their world views of right and wrong from television commericals and computer games. Though if people are really that out of touch all they probably have to do is call them by an older age and none of those might notice.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 03-30-2004).]

im not here to debate ethics
im just saying… i like the lolicon characters and if anyone else does too
perhaps we should email g-collections, kinda an informal petition to encourage them not to edit it out

theres no way im buying it if they edit a character out. Besides, even in the Japanese version of the story its a character that “ages slowly”, so its not techincally a lolicon. I don’t know about other counties but im 90% sure that animated Lolicon is legal in the US due to a law passed in the 90s.

[This message has been edited by Laslow (edited 03-30-2004).]

And btw exoarchaeologist, which games have had characters edited out? just curious.

[This message has been edited by Laslow (edited 03-30-2004).]

Yeah, I can’t say I’ve seen G-Collections ever edit out a lolicon character.

I did notice, however, that JAST changed the Enhanced version of Seasons the Sakura ever so slightly. In the original version, the girls were referred to as, well, girls. In the Enhanced version, the word “woman” is always used, which seems artificial and out of place to me considering the girls’ ages. It actually bothers me, but that’s partly due to the fact that I played the original Seasons of the Sakura so much that I know a lot of the dialogue almost by heart.

It was probably done to make it more in line with the “All characters are over 18, blah blah blah” statements on the websites and the game boxes.

Here in Norway, people are often called “boys” and “girls” until their mid-twenties, sometimes longer (like my 27-year old sister).

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 03-30-2004).]

I believe exoarchaeologist-san was referring mainly to the older games like Nocturnal Illusion. In those cases, the way the character was depicted was obviously very young and there really wasn’t any good way to imply they were older. (At least not with a straight face…)

Actually, from my understanding he is talking about Heart De Roomate, which is already out, so he’s wasting his time/posts.

Originally posted by Benoit:
Actually, from my understanding he is talking about Heart De Roomate, which is already out, so he's wasting his time/posts.

I believe we were refering to the lolicon chracter in Jewel Knights. In this case, the girl in green (Hisui I believe). That's why Noribo-san mentions that in her character profile, her body develops slowly compared to other girls. The lolicon character in Heart de Roommate was Marumu, and she didn't have that particular problem.

Why do you guys keep refering that yellow hair girl from Jewel Knights/Marumu from Heart de Rommmate as lolicons ???

THEY ARE NOT … DAMN IT… They might LOOK young but it does NOT mean they are underaged. Therefore, there is NO POINT for G-C to edit it if they are NOT lolicons.

I am all for free discussion of various topics in Bishoujo Games but for God’s sake, DO NOT call ALL YOUNG Looking girls lolicon, especially when most people are very sensitive with this particular topic. (Remember the post of that Canada’s law) This kind of discussion might bring unnecessary attention to that game and might hinder the release of that game, ESPECIALLY, when the character is NOT lolicon.

Now… Here is a game with REAL lolicon characters:

I personally has placed an order of the above game. Just 1 more week, I can start playing it.

[This message has been edited by Noirbo (edited 03-30-2004).]

Originally posted by AG3:
[B]I did notice, however, that JAST changed the Enhanced version of Seasons the Sakura ever so slightly. In the original version, the girls were referred to as, well, girls. In the Enhanced version, the word "woman" is always used, which seems artificial and out of place to me considering the girls' ages. It actually bothers me, but that's partly due to the fact that I played the original Seasons of the Sakura so much that I know a lot of the dialogue almost by heart.

It was probably done to make it more in line with the "All characters are over 18, blah blah blah" statements on the websites and the game boxes.

Here in Norway, people are often called "boys" and "girls" until their mid-twenties, sometimes longer (like my 27-year old sister).[B]

Yeah, here in the UK too. I hated that particular "translation" choice: it felt very artificial and intrusive, a real pity in a lovely game like SotS. Who calls 18-year-old schoolgirls "women" anyway?

Now... Here is a game with REAL lolicon characters:



[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 03-31-2004).]