Anyone notice something odd in the Yin Yang ad?

Hey nan, atleast they’d be honest. That’s a big point for me. Because I wouldn’t read it and role my eyes, I’d read it and think “this company knows their shit.” :stuck_out_tongue:

Make that game. I will buy it.

Actually, that sounds a lot like Ghost in the Shell.

We used to talk about making something related to that idea as a Fallout-style RPG. Doing it the way we wanted to would be both expensive and hard to market, though. And my game-building queue is very full. I’ve been working on Fatal Hearts for a year already and it’s only half done, and people are nagging me about the Kishi sequel…

(Believe it or not, I haven’t seen Ghost in the Shell. I’ve heard of it, but I don’t know much about it.)

Being dropped in a cursed spring? O_o

Actually…BraveSoul was a bigger success than XC was (this going by comments made on the forum and website…i have no inside knowledge).

However, PP has yet to come out with another H-RPG, for various reasons.

While you are waiting, you still can take a look here instead of just halting your breath… :wink:

Yea i know about Laxius Power. I didn’t know they came out with Part 4 though.

EDIT: Was thinking of another game. The battle system is okay. My complaint with the original was there scoring method which punished strategical retreats.

[ 11-24-2006, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

The difference is in the approach. While the original three games was more of a parody, Yin Yang tries to take the storyline serious.

Of course there is, just because nobody has made a potion like that doesn’t mean it is impossible.
Seeing as how men posses both X and Y chromosomes I’d say it is possible to transform a man into a woman.

How do you know that? You’re just making wild guesses based on your own limited information.
However, I agree about it most likely being painful. A complete rewrite and restructure of your DNA would by my estimate send your cells into shock.
In Yin Yang you wake up the next day and discover you have turned into a girl – nothing says that you weren’t in a coma when you slept.

I’m not sure you really do. While it is true that Kaoru’s gender changes much like Takuya’s did in the original series the approach is different.
I guess you can say that Yin Yang is what the original X-change series could have been but wasn’t.
Instead of just shoving Kaoru into illogical sex scenes, Yin Yang treats the storyline more realistically.

I do get what he’s saying but I think I’ll exit this conversation because I also believe my opinion of X-Change is biased since I hate it so much. I can see how someone can love a “redone” version of their favorite game, but I just hated the wording on the site because of the whole idea of a redone version of this game seems like a disaster of an idea. With that, I will take my leave and watch Yu-Gi-Oh DMX. (youtube video, before you think I’m crazy XD)

Actually, Nandemonai is correct. I probably know far less about biology than Nandemonai, but I know that overnight (or shorter) changes in sex is imposible because complex organisms can’t change quickly enough. It would put to much strain on your body. Plus, sexual changes are hormonal and hormones are much slower to react, taking weeks and months, plus even then there are limits.

That doesn’t mean the concept doesn’t make for interesting situations.

In the future there may be ways to get around some of these things, like faster hormoal changes, but changes that would require sex-change on that scale and that speed would require shape-change abilities which defy all known the theories of nature as we.

If it could send you into a coma like that, it could kill you. People have died from their nervous system being overloaded.

And again, it goes back to the fact of shape-changing abilities which is impossible in nature. I don’t know specifics, but I do know that some fundamental theories we have based everything we know of biology on would have to be rewritten. (That is assuming such shape-changes occur without matter changing into energy and back…which has its own problems).

[ 11-26-2006, 12:52 AM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

I know that. My point was that it doesn’t even matter what XChange Yin-Yang is actually about, Peter is going to say it’s a good game anyhow. So my hypothetical statement was really an example of something you wouldn’t hear, even if it were true (which it isn’t).

Not without someone being able to solve the organogenesis problem.

First of all, internal consistency. If you can create a potion to create functioning new organs then you have pills, potions, etc. that can regrow damaged body parts and internal organs. This effectively makes anyone in the game’s world immortal because if something breaks, you get a new one.

Second of all, you are technically kind of correct. Kind of. Science may indeed be able to eventually figure out how to mold biology to such an extent that this might be possible. It might even be doable by ingesting pills. However that is not going to happen in any of our lifetimes, or probably our childrens’. Since the story is not set 500 years in the future, but is supposed to be more or less today’s world (and today’s level of technology) I can indeed say that it is totally impossible.

Side note: organogenesis only works in the embryonic stage, for most creatures. It is not a matter of juggling a few genes around, because people aren’t built to be operated in that manner. If you changed all the chromosomes in a man’s body to be XX instead of XY, the person does NOT become a woman unless you do it to an embryo very early in development. If done to an adult, the most likely outcomes would be some variant of: a) the person dies outright; b) becomes sterile; c) acquires all sorts of chronic conditions due to the fact that a whole bunch of finely-tuned systems just got smacked around with a sledgehammer.

I am indeed extrapolating from limited information, but mine appears to be more extensive than yours on this particular issue.

As someone who has actually played Yin Yang, I have to say that it’s not much like the first 3 at all. There are some basic story elements that are similar, but that is it. This game is very good and you shouldn’t judge it based on the previous games.

On the sex changing argument…
Could you guys please stop comparing this very wonderful game to reality…
For all I thought…
These games are highly based on ones imagination…
So technically, it is fiction…correct?

Not with this potion. If I understand this correctly… The potion didn’t change Kauro, rather it activated a dormant part of his/her DNa.
Kauro already had all the necessary programing in his DNa and all he needed to change into a female was a little push in that direction.

No, that isn’t a fact. You can’t say for certain that somebody won’t solve the puzzle of mankind’s Dna tomorrow or even an hour for now. Postponing any progress years if not decades into the future because you see the science as futuristic.

Maybe Kauro would have been declared dead if they had found him that night, maybe his whole body had turned into ectoplasm. We can’t be sure since we were never shown the exact nature of the original transformation. You say it is impossible, and that might very well be true.
We can’t say for certain that Kauro’s transformation would have scientifically been impossible because we were never told the specifics. There is no hard data to dispute in this case – it’s like proving with science that there is no such thing as magic. Science can’t disprove the existence of magic since the very nature of magic is something that is unexplainable. If you could explain magic then it wouldn’t be classified as magic any more.

There’s that sentence again… “In the future”.
The future just means that it hasn’t happened yet.
In the future you might very well reply to this post, but you haven’t yet.
What you are saying is that in our world as far as you know nobody has done this – and by this you base your belief that somebody couldn’t come up with it say tomorrow?
But if we are talking about the future it doesn’t have to mean years from now, it can be within an hour or less.
In the games reality this future happens and becomes the present.

I never claimed that death wasn’t a possible outcome – I said that we can’t be sure that it would be. In the case of the game Kauro didn’t die, but for all we know he could have.

But Kauro is a shapechanger.
Yes, but the game even says that Kauro has a special sort of DNa that posses both female and male information. It never goes into the details of exactly how this works, and if it had I don’t think many people wouldn’t have understood the psuedo science presented.

You know, appeal to ignorance is a very common logical fallacy.

About that DNa thing…
Isn’t there a fact that male species have both X and Y chromosomes, so perhaps there’s the possibility of “THAT” happening…but what about females who have two X chromosomes…with no Y…can they shapeshift to the opposite sex just like males?..

Daiji, why do you spell his name as Kauro all the time? It’s Kaoru.

I think something very important has been missed in this discussion. This game is not science fiction, but science fantasy. It really doesn’t matter whether the events of the game can ever really happen, because in that world alone they are possible. Yin Yang tries to approach the story from a semi-logical view of how a man could change into a woman immediately. The writers do not have degrees in biology or medical sciences. So, they just use a little inspiration and artistic license. In the end, it merely requires the same thing as a magician’s tricks, suspension of disbelief. With that said, I just want to say that I love this game, and even think that the X-Change haters out there could enjoy it. :wink: