Are there rules agenst anime girls under 18?

Hi im very new to these games

i would like to know if theres any rules agenst anime girls under 18 in games?

i wonder becouse in most the games the girls are exsactly 18 :stuck_out_tongue:

but i see there are games with younger girls out there untranlated like Oshiete! Onichan Sensei! ,

dont they get tranlated becouse of some law or is it just no one has wanted to translate any of the games?

I am not sure on the precise law, and it is being debated on the grounds that these girls are virtual and not real, but technically so far as it stands now, at least within the U.S. these games that involve sexual scenes in theory cannot have anyone under the age of 18 as a primary character if sex is involved with that character, in theory.

Now someone please correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t think that means there cannot be a kid sister of an 18 year old girl in these games, so long as she is not touched in any way shape or form, that can be perhaps no more then a year or two younger, but I might be wrong in my interpertation of what’s currently on the books.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-12-2004).]

Check bellow for a really good explanation about bishoujo games, subgenres and characteristics.

As for age of consent, check “Portrayal of women” in that link above.
Direct link bellow:

thank you for your replys

i got my qustion answered thanks

doesnt matter that its legal

you still wont get any of those games released

nowadays it only takes a tiny minory of upset people, justified or not to get yourself out of business

sucks doesnt it?

tho there are plenty of signs that such a subgenre of bishoujo game would sell pretty well, look at all the ‘teens’ and ‘schoolgirl’ fetishes there are for real life porn

As much as people don’t want to admit it human (at least human male) biology draws men to youth and vitality. Therefore it is only natural that a vast majority of men have a lolicon, even if they don’t admit it in private or are too afraid or disgusted to admit it even to themselves. Look at how many pornos have girls dressed up like 9 year olds. And as for these games, I would LOVE for a company to release one. You know the main reason why? The ACLU would stand up for the company if anything happened and kick the governments ass till they get off the companies back .

er, people generally have attractions to and dress up porn stars like teenagers. Which is entirely biologically logical.

Strong attraction to people who are not yet sexually mature is not biologically logical. (Not that I personally care if you like to look at lolicon as long as its pictures. I don’t. Your business.)

But the vast majority of men, afaik, are dealing with their attraction to 12-15yos. Not 9yos.

Originally posted by Laslow:
As much as people don't want to admit it human (at least human male) biology draws men to youth and vitality.

I tend to agree that this is part of it, though people like to think humans are "superior creatures" are basic biological urges and desires are the same for all living creatures. Which is why I agree too that there is such strong or large porn industry for the 'teens' and 'schoolgirl' fetishes.

Originally posted by papillon:
Strong attraction to people who are not yet sexually mature is *not* biologically logical. (Not that I personally care if you like to look at lolicon as long as its pictures. I don't. Your business.)

Keep in mind though a vast majority of of these teens (at least age 15 up) are probably sexually mature since people are having sex at ages younger then we either remember or then we like to remember. So if you define sexually mature by having had sex, teens will fit that definition. Then again if you define it differently here are probably many adults who have had sex that could be considered sexually immature.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-14-2004).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
I tend to agree that this is part of it, though people like to think humans are "superior creatures" are basic biological urges and desires are the same for all living creatures. Which is why I agree too that there is such strong or large porn industry for the 'teens' and 'schoolgirl' fetishes.

If we're going biological about it all, you could also say that a reason that we're attracted to younger females are because that they supposedly should be mroe fertile [img][/img]. But a fetish for younger girls could also be a way to express a longing for one's own yoth...

I said 9 year olds because, really, how many 15 year olds do you see running around in schoolgirl outfits with Pigtails? Not to mention the dialogue of these pornos, with lines like “Oh yes daddy” spouted on and on, and guys seem to like it. Are they getting off on the incestuous themes? I don’t really think so. Seems more loliconish to me.

Originally posted by Laslow:
I said 9 year olds because, really, how many 15 year olds do you see running around in schoolgirl outfits with Pigtails? Not to mention the dialogue of these pornos, with lines like "Oh yes daddy" spouted on and on, and guys seem to like it. Are they getting off on the incestuous themes? I don't really think so. Seems more loliconish to me.

Actually come to my area sometime, pigtails seem to be in with girls here, you cannot drive two blocks without seeing girls in pigtails, it's slightly comical but with new must ware uniforms they are teenagers in pigtails and uniforms so I'd say there are more then you think they are in existence.

Also pornos don't have plots, they use any excuse for sex "hey dinner's ready let's have sex", "well dinner's done let's have sex", "time for coffee, let's have sex", most of these games at least have some more plot then any porno, but a fetish is a fetish and carries over from things with no plot to things with plot.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
If we're going biological about it all, you could also say that a reason that we're attracted to younger females are because that they supposedly should be mroe fertile [img][/img]. But a fetish for younger girls could also be a way to express a longing for one's own yoth...

Then, I think there is something too about such an image being the "sweet and innocent" look. Even if they are not "sweet and innocent" at that age they can appear to be in such appearances. One way I think you can this, is by seeing how many women you know that can pull off the sweet and innocent look without laughing themselves or having someone laugh at them for think them (rightly or wrongly) a "slut".

There is something about that age that is perhaps not yet seen as cynical or experienced perhaps both in life and in a sexual sense, so that too could be part of the attraction. Taking guesses based on things read and some personal perhaps naive beliefs on when innocence is forced from us.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-14-2004).]

Not that I personally care if you like to look at lolicon as long as its pictures.

Lolis. Not lolicons. Lolis.
(C) Lamuness, 2004

I went to public school and I haven’t really had any friends that went to private school so I haven’t really seen girls in Schoolgirl uniforms. I guess there ARE teenagers in schoolgirl outfits and Pigtails around but in my mind when I think of someone that would wear a schoolgirl outfit and pigtails they are less than 12.

Originally posted by Benoit:
[quote] Not that I personally care if you like to look at lolicon as long as its pictures.

Lolis. Not lolicons. Lolis.
(C) Lamuness, 2004

But looking at lolita complexes is fun! If your a psychologist or something....

Originally posted by Laslow:
I went to public school and I haven't really had any friends that went to private school so I haven't really seen girls in Schoolgirl uniforms. I guess there ARE teenagers in schoolgirl outfits and Pigtails around but in my mind when I think of someone that would wear a schoolgirl outfit and pigtails they are less than 12.

I went to public school part of the time private the other part, neither required uniforms but the times they are changing.

The local public and private schools have been for a time now, making uniforms a must for all people. Private is slightly different in that, from what the papers said, girls can choose skirts or slacks, but public is requiring skirts. This is not the only area either it is becoming more widespread as people think it might help stop some fighting over who has the better clothes [edit]that seems to be increasingly common in schools. So seeing girls of all ages in uniforms is becoming much more common in this nation.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-14-2004).]

I wish there were school uniforms when I was in school. Not just because of the perv factor of Skirts and Gym bloomers, but because I hated having to decide what to wear .

Originally posted by Laslow:
I wish there were school uniforms when I was in school. Not just because of the perv factor of Skirts and Gym bloomers, but because I hated having to decide what to wear [img][/img].

Actually for the "honor" of seeing some of the girls that never wore skirts in skirts it might have been nice to have school uniforms at least one year, though not sure I would have liked to have worn one. From what I hear it's not working to help violence since the uniforms only have to look the same, and some are bought them off the rack at a Blue Light Special and some are special ordered Gucci designs.

I doubt it helps with violence much. If they have a grudge against you wearing a uniform won’t matter. I guess its suppose to build a sense of community, but i dunno.
What they’re suppose to do is in theory help with academics. In theory then since everyone’s wearing the same thing your more likely to pay attention…yeah right.

As I understand it, the trend toward bringing back school uniforms is a move to counter gang violence in schools. It is intended to improve morale by reducing the need to dress in the latest styles to achieve social equality. It’s supposed to help less economically advantaged students who can’t affort to keep up with the latest fashions.

Ironically, uniform dress codes are being contested by parents who feel it creates a “lower class” atmosphere and results in the perception that the neighborhood is degenerating. Funny how these things seem to go full circle.

Originally posted by Jinnai:
In theory then since everyone's wearing the same thing your more likely to pay attention....yeah right.

Well depending on how the uniform is designed they might be right, all the guys might be more likely to pay attention, just not to the teacher.

It also won't form a sense of community, unless the teachers want the students to someday band together for an insurrection against the school board, that might work if they keep stuff like uniforms in the works.

Originally posted by perigee:
Ironically, uniform dress codes are being contested by parents who feel it creates a "lower class" atmosphere and results in the perception that the neighborhood is degenerating. Funny how these things seem to go full circle.

I have heard the same about some gang violence but I have also heard it is used to stop the "rich kids" from showing off or some kid from getting robbed over a pair of sneakers by someone that he ticks off that might not be in a gang but just wants those sneakers.

Oh most things are circular in occurance, which only proves to me Einstein, Hawking, someone, was right when they said time is not linear but circular our short life spans only make it seem linear.