Aselia the Eternal official thread/FAQ

It’s time for the second in our series of Big Three announcements for the new year: Xuse’s Aselia the Eternal!

[]Official Announcement (blog post)[/]
[]Official Site[/]
[]J-List Preorder[/]
[]JAST USA Preorder[/][/list]

In the interests of keeping discussion centralized and answering common questions, here is a “THE THREAD” for all things related to the JAST release of Aselia. I’ll address some questions immediately, and will be adding further replies to this post as new ones come up.


Q: Which version of Aselia is being produced?

A: Eien no Aselia -Kono Daichi no Hate de-, the version released on PS2 and on PC along with the Seinarukana premium release, is the version of the game we’re producing. This version contains the content from both the original release and the expansion.

Q: Why are you releasing the non-adult version?

A: Along with Xuse, we felt like this was a great opportunity to put out a very solid RPG title that will appeal to a broad audience. We feel that both versions of the game represent Xuse’s full artistic vision (those who’ve played both have attested to this), and as such this version of the game would make the most sense given production efficiency and content concerns. Update: further clarification on the decision making process is posted on page 5.

If Aselia does well, it’s possible that it could pave the way for us to license other non-adult titles in the future.

Q: You’re producing the same version of the game that Dakkodango released a patch for. Are you using their translation? [Updated]

A: We’ve been in contact with Dakkodango and they’ve been wonderful in talking with us about the project. We are not using their translation for the game text, however. As part of the contract with Xuse we are using a translation they have produced and we will be quality checking and developing independently for our PC release. We may be enlisting the help of some Dakkodango staff on other parts of the release, but the translation we’re using is completely original.

Update: Due to logistical issues encountered with the port of Xuse’s PS2 data to our PC version, the decision was made to approach Dakkodango about the use of their translation. They agreed to license it to us, and work is proceeding on the project with their cooperation. We anticipate a much more prompt release thanks to their assistance.

Q: What’s the timeframe for the release?

A: Officially, 2011. Unofficially, hoping for 2nd quarter. After President and Demonbane.

This game is awesome.

Er, yeah. I’m a huge fan of Eien no Aselia. A decent enough TRPG but wrapped around a brilliant storyline with some of the most memorable characters in eroge. You don’t even realise how much you’ve grown attached to them until you end up blowing out your mission time by a hundred turns to cannibalise everything in all your cities, slowly build your reserves up with your one E-converter in Rakios, then level your spirits up as far as you can just to avoid one of them dying in a particularly nasty unavoidable series of battles.

Indeed, if this does well, it surely paves the way for more XUSE titles; although the only other particularly good XUSE title is Saihate no Ima and I just know you won’t be translating that =P

How does this fit into Yumina, scheduling-wise? I take it that it’s on a tighter schedule because it doesn’t have to be translated from scratch? I know it’s basically the same people, from both an engine and a staffing standpoint, but that doesn’t necessarily apply to the localisation.

I’ll probably preorder this, because it’s Eien no Aselia and I don’t mind playing it again. Plus Kono Daichi (ry contains new routes.

I uh think have a wallpaper from that game, but can’t find it. The girl swordswoman looks really similar tho, could be a coincidence tho.

But nonetheless, I’m curious of this new game.

Hell yes, this is a great news. There was a period not so long ago when I felt you guys were falling behind Mangagamer in terms of quality releases, but that’s definitely not the case anymore. I’m looking forward to this game (and to the third announcement, of course :smiley: ).

if you’ll did the adult version i would buy it but the non-h version i don’t care about

Yay, another non-adult game I can actually sell to my customers! :slight_smile:

Stopped reading here. I’m sure the game is good, but as an OCD type I prefer my games to be as complete as possible.

Uh? You don’t miss much out of the adult versions but gain the EXPANSION content (= routes for Tokimi and Kyouko) and additional content to flesh out the Minor Spirits (to whom you easily grow attached, and who were popular enough to bring out the SpiTAN then the AneTAN sequels [well, technically AneTAN is part of a fandisc but…]). Now, I would find a justification for the Evil Route to exist (really!) and I really think you gain more than you lose with the latter, non-adult versions.
So, heh, missing on a top-tier S-RPG for such a reason doesn’t make sense to me.

And which is what the non-adult version is, compared to the adult version but, heh.

Errrr, I never lost any unit in any game and got SS ranks pretty much every time except mayhap in the first couple of battles in the very first play. Same for Seinarukana, in fact (except Seinarukana is a hundred times easier). It’s not really hard to get SS ranks without losing any unit.

Wait you guys made a deal with Xuse? The Xuse? Meaning we’ve got a good chance for getting the rest of the Eternity Sword series (that includes the fandiscs) and the other games in their library (Tsukumono, Namida-bashi, Ultimate Hunter, and the upcoming Kuon no Kizuna sound interesting)? You guys sure have pulled off some pleasant surprises, a very good way to start the year and I can’t wait for this game.

No ero…

Yeah… no thanks…

Edit: I’ll be happy if we see 18+ version

with a good translation

I still don’t understand that part. What do you expect with the ero parts? The non-adult version is the ultimate, most complete, final, refined version! I don’t know, which part of “We feel that both versions of the game represent Xuse’s full artistic vision (THOSE WHO’VE PLAYED BOTH HAVE ATTESTED TO THIS), and as such this version of the game would make the most sense given production efficiency and content concerns” isn’t clear? :shock:

Don’t forget the non-ero version has Voices!
You don’t want a voiced game to have voiceless H-scenes would you?

The people behind the dakkodango translation said they were uninterested in doing the evil route.
As tempting as an evil route sounds, … well if even THEY say so… Then I can pass :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, and I’m really impressed JAST! Getting this game should open the door to even more good games… (including more all-ages games)
BTW I spent 150-200$ on the special edition of this ;_; YET the J-list price for this game is 29.95$. IF a long, highly-rated visual novel, fantasy game is not good enough for people… Then perhaps nukiges are the thing for you…

Oh and how did this deal with Xuse come to pass?!

So does the adult version…

Oh, I have been in the dark I see… :slight_smile:
So the new adult version has voiced ero-scenes?

From Dakkodango :
The different versions

EDIT: Oh, wow… not using the Dakkodango script? Interesting, totally overlooked that… Wonder if that will be good or bad…

Uh, it always did.

And where do you read that it is NOT voiced?

2 words: Evil route.

Hm, I guess I developed a misconception about that when the dakkodango project first started. I was never corrected until now :x
Thanks for the heads up.

Anyways, I just pre-ordered a copy.

i will just wait for Yumina the Ethereal later this year
unless the h gets taken out of that as well
hope it won’t get delayed like demonbane

The lack of ero dosen’t really matter to me (see sig :P) so I’ll definetly get this when it get released.

Just … out of curiosity (since we’re not ever going to get it, it seems) – what exactly is in the evil route that’s so messed up? Is it just that it’s terrible, or are we talking about the game going off in a Black Cyc-like direction?