AX 2004, and Bishoujo Games

Well, today was Day One of AX, and I met the G-Collection’s Staff. (By the time I was done registering, it was almost 4:30, and thus I was limited on time. Tommorow will be Peach Princess, Via J-List.) A very nice bunch of people. They saw my name tag, and the realization of who I was was very quick. Good or bad, this reconization, I don’t know. Anyways, onto stuff:

Slave Pageant WAS there, and thus, I have beat the release date by FOUR DAYS. You may feel free to swear and gripe about this. Bwhahaha.

Come See Me Tonight 2 is projected to come out some time next month, hopefully. And yes, it does come with 90% less vegetable chopping simulator. Huzzah.

Expect maybe some more stuff coming out to supliment your diet of Bishoujo Games. While they were mum about what might there be, I did pester about Music CDs, Posters, and other fun stuff. Maybe I had had an influence on what comes up. (If I do, expect a hell of a lot of light and fluff stuff.)

They have a diffrent cosplay girl as Maria this time, or at least today. About as cute as last years.

If you’re sick and tired of getting “Bishoujo Gaming News Vol 1, No. 1”, rejoice. Now you’re gonna get “Bishojo Gaming News Vol 2” for the upcoming year. Joy! It’s about 1/3 the size of the old one, though.

If you ever wonder why Kango Shicyauzo 1 Voice Plus and 2 have such a weird disk swapping feature, it’s a bug when they were encoding the disks. How it occured, and why, it’s a rather complicated thing, which I’ll leave to G-Collections to handle, but at least you know what it is.

Oh, and finally, I got a crapload of “Neat Stuff” from the G-Collection’s Booth, including tablets, folder holders, and other misc stuff. Neat Stuff Roxxorz!

Anyways, that’s Report 1 of who knows how much I feel when I’m not too lazy. Now to install Slave Pageant!

I’ll be there tomorrow. Don’t know if I’m getting Slave Pagent though. I don’t remember the last bishoujo game I got and I’m only planning on getting one or two and it’ll probably be the horny bunnies games. But who knows. I might crack and get it anyway. I tend to do that and it’s hell on my wallet…

精神 の 神

I actually didn’t really care for it too much, but I decided on it just for the pleasure of going on this board and going “FIRST!” getting it 4 days ahead of release.

There were some booths selling posters from Bishoujo Game companies. I’m planning on looking into them.

So they actually showed up at Anime Expo? They had a booth reserved at ACen, but I am quite sure they never ever showed. I was looking for them so I could buy Jewel Knights.

that’s coz we are scared of you :stuck_out_tongue:

just kidding

i dunno why we don’t do the east coast though, maybe it’s the cost factor…


Originally posted by Lamuness:
that's coz we are scared of you :P

just kidding

i dunno why we don't do the east coast though, maybe it's the cost factor...

Well, I was specifically referring to G-collections. They had a booth, it had a nametag with their name on it, they never showed.

But I do wonder about Peach Princess. I think JAST USA had a booth at ACen the first year I was there, but that was ... god, 5 years ago? Sounds about right; I was a normal ACen attendee for 3 years and then I was assimilated into the staff (last 2). Don't think they were back the next year. I think they were still pushing the games in the DVD-style shell casings then, but I might be mistaken.

I cracked… :sniffs: I bought the two Horny Bunny games and Slave Pagent. I met The Great and Powerful Peter Payne-sama, though. Yay! And I got to see the Yoko Ishida concert. Front row, but to the left. Very cool. Sat next to a beautiful, blonde girl who was wearing a bra and panties. Even cooler. The front material was covered in fur, so it looked like a furry bikini, but the back was exposed.

精神 の 神

Day 2 of AX:

Since Day 1 was devoted to pestering G-Collections to no end, I proceeded to pester their co-conspiritor/competition, Peach Princess.

Peach Princess is more or less in a way, a subdivision under J-List/JAST, and that is where I headed. Well, TRY to. This year, the J-List/JAST booth was tucked away off to the side, which caused no small ammount of confusion. Anyways, I got to meet Peter Payne, who, as one of the employees said, when I asked which one was Peter, “He’s the guy over by the Hentai. I’m the one who watches over the cute stuff.” Great fun.

It seems to me, when I talked to Peter about Something Awful, it really reinforces the whole idea of “There is no such thing as bad publicity.” He also mentioned that he couldn’t wait to see what Something Awful was going to write about Gibo, in some idea of what he said, (Since I wasn’t taking notes.), "If you thought the review for this (pointing to ‘Water Closet’) was bad, you should see what will probably be the one for Gibo.

Other stuff today relating to Bishoujo Games including finding a vendor selling Japanese ones, which I did’t bother with, since I can’t get a word of Japanese, as I said. However, the people there were also selling POSTERS of Bishoujo Games, which I snagged 3 of. (I would have gotten a 4th and 5th, but I had run out of cash for a 4th, and they ran out of the 5th anyway.) I picked up a “Do You Like Horny Bunnies”, a “Kango Shicyauzo 3” (Yes! Go me!), and a poster for that Apron game that Sekilala is making. ( ) (Every time I see that game, I think “Damn, I went to the wrong High School.”)

After I picked up the posters, I went on down back to the G-Collections Booth, where I mentioned that I had gotten posters for their game, at which point they wanted to scout out the compeition. In the interest of kissing up… I mean, helping, I directed the Sales Rep (A real nice guy, btw, but I wonder if that has something to do with me owning one of nearly all their games.) Anyways, cound on seeing posters, CDs, and other fun toys for sale here soon, probably… heh.

Oh, and Hentai has made great strides in being more public… I saw more Hentai Doujin sellers than ever before… in fact, so much that even I was frightened. (There’s something seriously disturbing by 3 boxes worth of Legolas/Aragon Yaoi done Anime Style. Let alone the box of Harry Potter. Then there was all the standard anime stuff turned so very wrong…)

I’m skipping tommorow of AX, for July 4th.

Oh, and PS: Reports are sketchy, but appearently, Man-Faye either was cited or arrested for indecent exposure. (Appearently, WAY too much hairy… legs.) Anyways, this year he was selling T-Shirts with a bust of Man-Faye on the front, and a “I Spanked Man-Faye’s Ass” on the back. Don’t even ask about the picture on it.

Originally posted by Vaga42Bond:
Oh, and PS: Reports are sketchy, but appearently, Man-Faye either was cited or arrested for indecent exposure. (Appearently, WAY too much hairy... legs.) Anyways, this year he was selling T-Shirts with a bust of Man-Faye on the front, and a "I Spanked Man-Faye's Ass" on the back. Don't even ask about the picture on it.

That dude's nuts.

Ya know, thank you for writing these summaries/updates. I’ve never really thought I’d be the type of person to like conventions (of any kind), but I do find the stuff your relaying back here quite interesting and may have to go next year (I assume they have one every year… I’ll be moving to cali eventually)…

So, thanks again!

I don’t think everybody here knows Man-Faye and I hate to suffer… er, uh, experience things alone, so here’s a link of AX’s Man-Faye.

Also, just on a little side note, It’s been so long since I last played a bishoujo game, that I forgot that you have choices in the game.

精神 の 神

[This message has been edited by Seishin (edited 07-05-2004).]

I do know who that is, they talked about it on the PSDB some months ago, and I think I already saw that ugly link…
doesn’t click on it

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 07-05-2004).]

I’m blind ;~~~(

Excuse me. I’m going to go claw my eyes out now.

Thanks for the fair warning… I’ll refrain from clicking on the link…

No, no. Don’t deprive yourself on our account. It’s … funny.

Ah… I see… Misery loves company

Man-Faye… Saw him while in line for getting my pass and I almost passed out X_X I’m sorry but some people just should not dress up like that…

Man-Faye… Saw him while in line for getting my pass and I almost passed out X_X I’m sorry but some people just should not dress up like that…