ax 2013 licenses your feelings

Shingakkou while a great game would be troublesome. As much as I’d love it in English, the Catholic references are pretty strong. Considering the Catholic church is already in the spotlight lately due to various scandals, I’d be concerned the media may start targeting it, essentially turning it into another Rapelay. Among it’s content you have a statue of the virgin Mary being defaced, priests having sex with high school boys, references to the devil and the Crucifixion being depicted. The editing would also be a pain considering it’s set in postwar Britain (more specifically somewhere between 1945 and 1950).

Despite that, if JAST does take the risk I’ll be buying multiple copies to show support on release. Not to mention I’ll probably buy extra copies as time goes on just because it’s Shingakkou.
I tweeted Peter Payne about it, so I’m curious to know what he says.
[size=30]I’ll easily throw $500-$1000+ at this on release.[/size]

OP movie:
OP song translation:

If you haven’t played the game or aren’t a fan of yaoi, this review may change your mind of Shingakkou: … me-tangre/

Whenever someone mentions the rapelay bullshit I cringe.

Depicting sexual abuse in the Catholic church is not something new. It would outrage some people, sure, but it’s nothing that hasn’t been done before. The whole ‘rape simulator’ angle to Rapelay was the entire reason for its controversy; nothing to do with depictions of rape, but some people simply had trouble with the idea that you were controlling an avatar acting them out. That’s what upset people, I think.

Although it’s difficult to determine with certainly the cause for today’s manufactured outrage media beatup because logic rarely plays a factor. If people are looking to get upset at a game they’ll find a way.

Come on, the real reason for the Rapelay scandal was that the Japanese title had “Rape” in it. In English. And it was a 3D game with decent graphics (the loli on the cover was the icing on the cake). JAST sells games that have more extreme content than Rapelay, that put you in the shoes of a rapist protagonist. People don’t search methodically for offensive titles and choose the top X to react to. They react to that which is most salient. Title. Cover. Graphics.

Religion however is important to many people, and with the Catholic investigation making headlines the past few months it’s something the media can (and probably would) spin for ratings. CNN still runs stories on RapeLay at least once a year unfortunately. What I’m trying to get at, is it’s a touchy subject due to the Catholic content (and it’s not like it’s just a scene or 2, its prevalent in the entire game). If JAST goes down that road, they need to be prepared for what could potentially happen. But like I said before, if it were licensed I’d be supporting it 100%.

Something I’m curious about though, I noticed Yukkuri Panic has references to a Catholic school on the Jlist page. Not being a fan of yuri, I never played the game. How deep are the Catholic references in that? Because if it’s a prevalent theme in Yukkuri Panic, and that was never picked up by the media or a religious group then something like Shingakkou shouldn’t have problems.

I’m usually overparanoid about extreme content (I’m the one still thinking that Euphoria might be risky) but I don’t think it’s likely that Shingakkou would cause problems. It’s not just about the possibility of causing offense, it’s about who would be likely to be offended. If a Catholic focus group happened to notice the game, which is unlikely to begin with, they might complain. But they complain about stuff all the time! And the mainstream media is not likely to be sympathetic!

I haven’t read too much of the plot of the game because it’s supposed to be pretty interesting and I’m hoping there’s an english version someday, but from what I understand, it’s not likely to attract the wrong sort of uproar. Being played for drama and being skeptical of the church makes it more likely that people will view it as Meaningful Literature Deserving of Protection.

Now, if it were a game where you played a mad priest who set up his own school purely for the purposes of luring in young-looking boys and raping them, and the cover featured an underage-looking boy in tears and was called Altar Boy Cuties or something… that’s likely to get an entirely different outraged reaction. At that point, you’re pissing off the Catholics, you’re pissing off people who are very squicked by rapist protagonists, and you’re looking highly insensitive to people who have actually suffered this sort of sexual abuse.

ITT: Paranoia

Interesting points, I can see how it would be less controversial when looked at like that. Thanks :slight_smile:
Here’s hoping the CODEPINK titles do well so we can get the other worthwhile titles from STONE HEADS branches.

Seeking crowdfunding for Altar Boy Cuties, please support :>

Top title I am looking forward to is Shiny Days… also most likely I wont be buying due to the edits I think they will need to do to get this game out. Sad.

Hoping for it to be uncut…

Yeah,this is my thought.If this game release full version I will surely buy it but if something being cut out I won’t buy it.

[color=#0000FF] viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6793
I requested this VN in 2010,I eternally grateful u[/color]

Me loves VNs from Littlewitch.

Personally, I’m really excited about Romanesque. :smiley:

Hmmm…Shiny Days ehh? I foresee some major problems with that title, and anything from Littlewitch. Unless of course JAST has forgone their censoring ways, and thrown caution to the wind.

Don’t think I posted it here, but I asked Peter Payne a few questions on twitter a few days back:

ETA on Steins;Gate pre-orders:
Yumina website:
Romanesque short story/free game:
Any chance of Shingakkou:
He skipped my question about Kokoro censorship…

Some other questions people have asked I thought were interesting:

Steins;Gate IOS:
Calgary Expo:
‘A certain visual novel’ will be out by AX next year:
Possibility of console versions of Steins;Gate:
Jlist has a bento specialist (and it’s a girl):

He’s not going to answer questions about censorship until a final verdict has been reached and the official announcement is delivered. If he says there won’t be censorship, he’ll be held to his word. If he says there will be censorship, it’ll just fuel speculation unless he specifies the exact changes–and again, he’ll be held to his word. The issue is too volatile to answer carelessly or off-the-cuff.

Sounds like JAST may have gone for Kiminozo again:

[color=#0000FF]If haves censorship a biggest boycott is coming,like the boycott on IF MY HEART HAD WINGS u.u[/color]

I draw a distinction between censorship to “reach a wider audience”, and censorship arising from legal paranoia. Don’t get me wrong: I’d be pissed if JAST censored Shiny Days. But not “I hope you go bankrupt” pissed, which is the kind MoeNovel has attracted. While JAST has its issues, at least it pays attention to the fanbase (usually…sometimes…when they’re not on vacation).