ax 2013 licenses your feelings

What exactly does “raising simulation” mean in LWR? If it’s the usual “raise your own waifu” bullshit, I’ll give it a pass. Not to mention that I don’t really like Oyari Ashito’s art style.

i updated the first post

You’re raising them as magicians, not wives, if that’s any comfort.
If you don’t like eroges with any kind of gameplay this probably won’t sell you on them, but it’s far more fun than a lot of similar titles.

I see, that’s better… somewhat. Gameplay is fine, as long as it’s interesting.

Hmm, I’m interested in 5 out of 7 of those titles. For now I’ll just wait and see how things go along, but all in all not too bad.

Just thinking about it, the IOS version of Steins;Gate is the same as the PC version isn’t it?

I wonder if JAST has looked into releasing the IOS version as well. The 360/PS3/PSV versions would be too much to ask for, but the IOS version perhaps could be possible.

It does sting a bit to hear them say they’re releasing games for all tastes, when there are no otome or yaoi/bl games coming out. I guess I don’t exist.

Buy 500 copies of Boob Wars if you want it, nerd.

That was a pretty thoughtless comment on Mangagamer’s part. They definitely haven’t licensed the gameplay-focused titles I’ve been clamoring for.

Buy more Boob Wars

So what your saying is…since I have Australia’s Beckaa on speed dial I should convince her to spend thousands on Boob Wars rather then buying a new car each month?
…Because I could possibly make that happen.
[size=30]And when her radio show starts up she should have a ‘Big Boob Wars’ hour?[/size]

On a more related note, some interesting info on Steins;Gate (and 5pb) is coming out:

I don’t think it is about Starless as they clearly stated being a “slightly different product.” But I am bit disappointed on the panel as I was hoping they would release some information about the release date or what portion of it will get cut from the game. I don’t think it is worth the wait or the money, if they decide to cut significant portion from the game just to meet their legal requirements. If that is the case, then being mum is a good idea since they will lose lot of dedicated fans of Starless, who are waiting patiently to find out the outcome of the project.

Personally I think JastUSA made a grave mistake when they decided to license Starless as they were unaware of the contents in the game and now trying to rectify their mistakes. If they do cut a significant portion from the game, then they will justify their action before the game is released with an excuse that a lawyer might use in their cases. Seriously speaking though: Why is it so difficult to just come out of the open and say this game has this illegal contents and we will just cut them off to comply with the United States standards. That’s it!!! With just few words, you give everyone peace of minds! I don’t want to be left in the dark and then later to find out that the game will be cut and waste my money and time on the process because if I want to see a game being cut, it’s not from a group who translates it but from the group who actually made the game…like a Director’s Cut or something. That will be worth the wait! Well anyway, I hope we hear some good news about Starless and I sure hope nothing gets cut, yes including the bestiality that the game has, which in my opinion, should stay as artistic depiction of sex with animal isn’t illegal in the United States or the law is bit fuzzy about it.

Yes, according to MangaGamer you MUST buy 500 copies and after that you can refer your friend to buy 500 copies.
It’s like a triangle of love

OK fuji, we get it, thanks now move along.

I just came here to say damn, about time we got our next VN hit. I hope Steins;Gate lives up the hype everyone’s giving it. Yes I’ve played it-I’m talking about whether or not the English VN market can walk the talk-or in this case, open up their damn wallets and pay money for their entertainment.

What was our previous “hit”?

school days :frowning:

Been doing some digging around and found that CODEPINK shares the same parent company as PIL, who own this particlar game:

While I have no interest at all in the announced CODEPINK titles, I DO have interest in France Shoujo.

Unfortunately, STONE HEADS’s only active subsidiaries seem to be CODEPINK and their yaoi label Pil/Slash. Other than France Shoujo, this developer relationship seems to be a “dead end”. Although for yaoi fans, their title Shingakkou -Noli me tangere- seems unusually well liked.

No one is crazy enough to translate France Shoujo.

Plus it’s a seriously niche title. I liked it, but many didn’t and I don’t think it represents particularly good value for money for JAST.