AXNY + cumulative response

I was gone for 4 days and now…god, what happened. At least most of you guys have taken good care of this BBS while I was away so thank you for doing that. I am not going to post responses for each thread but instead I will state everything here as a cumulative response.

I guess the main concern is absurdist’s thread. First I would like to thank his suggestions, some are valid, but unfortunately many are not…and many of the frequenters of this BBS have pretty much wrote what I wanted to say, so thanks for doing that. As stated, ladyphoenix countered the arguments right on the nail, but absurdist, it’s not because she is a female, but it’s because she starts to understand the genre and how the industry works. Also, please note that the primary purpose of peach princess is to promote and expose this neglected market that is so insanely popular in Japan, and not to make something fit for the english market’s tastes. Making say a first/third person shooter from scratch defeats the purpose…it’s like asking companies here to make up their own english-favored made-in-USA anime from scratch; it’s just wouldn’t be the same compared with “authentic” Japanese ones. Please keep in mind that anime is ultimately a Japanese thing; it’s something that is “imported” to the english market.

Now, a very long diary on AXNY. Note that this is the first US con I attended.

I drove to NYC from Toronto via the best route mapquest told me (Toronto - Buffalo - Syracuse - Binghamton - Scranton - NJ - NYC). The trip there wasn’t too nice since I was being held up by US customs at the border, mainly because I told them I was going to AXNY as a visitor but found the LMM stand in the trunk of my car. Anyhow, I got away with it eventually. Next, I-90 (the major interstate highway that runs through all over NY state) had a big traffic jam which slowed things down by a lot, but I got out eventually and fortunately my route didn’t require me to be in that highway for the entire trip. Mapquest said it should take me 8.5 hrs to get to NYC (6-7 hrs for me since I drive at 80mph :P) but it ended up to be 12 hrs because of all these problems; I didn’t arrive at NYC until midnight friday.

The dealer’s room was much bigger than what I saw in Canadian cons, although I was told that the dealer’s room in AX long beach is much bigger than this. I was impressed with some of the items being offered in the dealer’s room.

Moreover, I was impressed with the sales; I never expected peapri to be able to sell that many stuff given that all the stuff on the table is adult-oriented. Interestingly, the sales of the games in this con reflects the overall sales of each title. X-Change was sold out by the end of second day (stares at nandemonai), and TCI had only a few copies left. Maybe people are buying it because XC is the least expensive title and just want to try it out. I was surprised that SnowDrop didn’t do as well as I expected though…I don’t know if it’s not “hardcore” enough and the people there just wanted “porn” so to speak. I was also surprised that people are buying WC…well, there was a guy who ran up to us (literally) and said "give me the dirtiest thing you have"

The VIE towel is now officially out of stock and out of existence (for sale). They are all sold out at AXNY and we don’t have any more in stock, nor do Will Japan.

I didn’t look at other events other than the dealer’s room and art show/artist alley. Artist alley was a total disaster; only 2-3 tables are occupied. Maybe AXNY didn’t do enough advertising?

Quite a few people were asking about when LMM and BS are coming out. Guess I’d better get back to work. I might actually work on LMM too in addition to BS.

Here’s a quick rundown on the status of a few of peapri’s upcoming games:

BS: thesis. Go bomb my school for me. But I will get to it soon.
LMM: there is actually more progress than I thought. They actually got hold of the pics (I thought they had difficulty finding the data in the first place), but the japanese staff are ahem “too lazy to get to it”, and the programming staff wants to fully coordinate with the graphic team to ensure a perfect port for this title.
XC2: preliminary testing is done and completed, we are getting there.

PS Peapri has already registered for a booth for BAAF next year, so we will be in NYC again in 2003.

PPS My war trophies. Since I have plans to travel to Japan this xmas I didn’t buy any “imports”. Some stupid dealer beside our booth was selling a carnelian doujinshi for 12 bucks (obviously they didn’t know carnelian is one of the hottest bishoujo artists in Japan). Dumb dumb dumb. I bought it immediately. That’s pretty much all I bought. In addition, peapri gave me 3 japanese games (8,800yen x 3 value) from Will as “graduation present” (although I won’t say I graduated until I get my hands on my diploma which will take 2-3 months to process?!). So I got Maple (Sweet Basil), Kanoha’s Challenge (Rouge) and Slave Bazaar Renaissance (remastered DVD version).

The good: All these 3 games I haven’t played and I’ve always wanted to try out Maple
The bad: Renaissance is DVD-ROM, and I have no DVD-ROM drive
The ugly: 2 days before AXNY (and got the games) I bought myself a new cdrom drive (and a new cd burner) because interestingly my plextor died because I overabused it as a reader. I was thinking if I should get a dvdrom drive instead but thinking that I will rarely touch a DVDrom I decided against it…and 2 days after I was given a DVDrom game (renaissance).

Now my stack of unplayed games just grew magically…

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 09-04-2002).]

Have fun, good luck catching up

i have a dvd-rom hint hint hint lol

[This message has been edited by ladyphoenix (edited 09-04-2002).]

who wants to buy my brand-new sony CDROM drive (OEM) for 20 bucks so I can buy a DVDROM for renaissance? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Lamuness I hung my Vie Towel next to my Snow Drop wall scroll when I got home.

[This message has been edited by light (edited 09-04-2002).]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
who wants to buy my brand-new sony CDROM drive (OEM) for 20 bucks so I can buy a DVDROM for renaissance? :P

I'll make a deal with you. Prioritize Brave Soul over playing new games and I will send you the twenty bucks.

Sounds like it was interesting. And I’m happy to hear about the sales. (Sorry, I’m just imaging that guy running up to you, I probably went to school with him…) From the people I have talked to, a lot of them aren’t exactly sure what to make of Snow Drop and have stayed clear of it in favor of games that make “more sense” to them like TCI. And I think the few people that have researched what people have said about the game have noticed that a lot of people have been getting frustrated by how tricky it is to get to the second half of the game. (And yes, I try to direct them here as much as possible…)

Wish my stack of unplayed games grew magically…

Deal Lamuness?

yes, Snowdrop is in some ways quite tricky since it’s more like a central story path than a tree-like structure that branches out like TCI, and you have to hit all the right clues to get to the “jackpot” aka true ending.

well, I can always put the games on the side and put renaissance on frozen status until I feel like buying a dvdrom drive. 2 of the games are still in their shrinkwrapping untouched, and I did open maple to see what’s inside but haven’t installed it yet.

ksarchet, you seem to have a lot of money to blow…

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 09-04-2002).]

I don’t considder it blowing away my money when it gets something done that I would like. I considder it money well spent. Besides, its only 20 bucks.

Of course, if you don’t want it. I’m sure I can find a worthy cause to give it to.

And I actually don’t have money to blow. I am saving for a condo, and can only spend my money on things that I feel are really worth it. Brave Soul falls in this category.

[This message has been edited by ksarchet (edited 09-04-2002).]

[This message has been edited by ksarchet (edited 09-04-2002).]


I didn’t know…

I was so busy hang out around AXNY/BAAF. I got more fun and understood this anime fest for second year. I will do again next year (third year) as will pre register for whole three days plus autographs. I got all English autographs.

I got more fun time, then I will get more fun next year!!!

…and you didn’t get MY autograph?! :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Lamuness:
Moreover, I was impressed with the sales; I never expected peapri to be able to sell that many stuff given that all the stuff on the table is adult-oriented. Interestingly, the sales of the games in this con reflects the overall sales of each title. X-Change was sold out by the end of second day (stares at nandemonai), and TCI had only a few copies left. Maybe people are buying it because XC is the least expensive title and just want to try it out. I was surprised that SnowDrop didn't do as well as I expected though...I don't know if it's not "hardcore" enough and the people there just wanted "porn" so to speak. I was also surprised that people are buying WC...well, there was a guy who ran up to us (literally) and said "give me the dirtiest thing you have"

So you of course went to give him a copy of XChange, right, only to realize you were all out and he had to settle for Water Closet. Riiiiiight?

*dives behind ladyphoenix-shield*

And actually, I would posit that is the reason. It sold out because it is the cheapest. And being that people at a con are more likely than the general public to have done research or to have heard of the game from somewhere, it is likely that at least some were driven by the game's (deserved) "sex sex sex" reputation.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
...and you didn't get *MY* autograph?! :P

Uhh... sorry... too late... I got Critial Point and towel from dealer without getting autograph [img][/img]

Originally posted by ksarchet:
I don't considder it blowing away my money when it gets something done that I would like. I considder it money well spent. Besides, its only 20 bucks.

I agree. If this would speed up things without losing some quality of the final product, I would gladly put further 20 Bucks on top of ksarchet-sans.

Hope you had fun, almuess!

If you’re irritated over the Slave Bazaar Renaissance DVD-romt hing, then why not come and visit me? . You have the game, I the DVD-rom .

Anyway, good to hear that things seems to have gone well for you at BAAF. If X-change 2 is that popular, then I really wonder how X-change 2 will do… BTW, how many copies of each game did you bring with you to BAAF? 50?

Originally posted by Lamuness:
who wants to buy my brand-new sony CDROM drive (OEM) for 20 bucks so I can buy a DVDROM for renaissance? :P

Nope. After I put my DVDROM into it's slot in may, I already have a spare-CDROM.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 09-05-2002).]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Nope. After I put my DVDROM into it's slot in may, I already have a spare-CDROM.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 09-05-2002).]

He doesn't need to buy a DVD drive. He can have one of my extras (I have two extra DVD Drves just laying around, both are in perfect working order. I got new CD and DVD Drives color Co-ordinated to my Tower a couple of months ago) Contact me and I'll send you the details on them so you can choose which one you want.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
And actually, I would posit that is the reason. It sold out because it is the cheapest. And being that people at a con are more likely than the general public to have done research or to have heard of the game from somewhere, it is likely that at least some were driven by the game's (deserved) "sex sex sex" reputation.

Hmm, althrough most people here have different impressions of X-change, I think that while I, unlike Nandemonai, don't think that X-change is a bad game (Iv'e seen and disliked worse), I do agree with what msot people here seems to think:

1. X-change COULD have been better. There could have been more paths, more choices, more endings, and perhaps more characters etc.... I think it'd have been better if X-change had been like X-change 2 is said to be (but then, again, that they amde a second game might be proof of that they listened to their customer's advice when they decided to make the sequel).

2. It is kind of sad that most people buy X-chane as their "first try" at bishoujo games. While the game might not be as bad as some other games I've encountered, it's nothing great either, and unless you are looking for certain things in the game, the game might disappoint you.

Oh, and Lamuness, did someone ask you what the status of X-change 2 is?

first try or not, surprisingly from the people who I have asked during the con who have played XC1, most of them seem to actually liked it…

ya, some did ask about XC2, but not as many compared to LMM or BS. I am not in charge of this title but Peter told me recently that the prelim testing for XC2 is completed