B-Game Suggestions

Yes, I’m a Skies of Arcadia fan.
I’m even in the process of replaying the game, though it’s been something like two weeks now since I played, since I have to switch between my Dreamcast and my GameCube.

Nice to run into a fellow fan. I’ve kind of been playing it again off-&-on for the last few months, although real life intrudes quite frequently. One of the most underrated rpg’s in recent memory even if the story is a little bit cliche.

OMG damn I forgot NWN style B-Game hehehehehehe

wish its like NWN (or D&D well its just the same), still with battles but you can build relations hehehe

Baldur’s Gate II was one of the first D&D RPG’s (first RPG?) to offer optional romances, I believe. Great game. Ah, sweet Aerie…

Originally posted by Nameless Mofo:
Wow! Another SoA fan methinks? Don't see many of us around any more.

Hey I like SoA. In fact I played both dreamcast and GC versions of it [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Skies of Arcadia Legends, eh?
I’ll be buying it sometime for reduced price. While the extras are very appealing, it seems the music quality got reduced, which is a very important aspect in a game for me, and especially this one…

Good thing about the romances in Baldur’s Gate 2 is that there are plenty of mods that could be added to the game to increase the depth, interactivity, choice, and number of the romances offered in the scenario.

Well how about a Bishoujo game where you can get together with your ‘biological’ brother/sister? I know that there are some games out there but these as far as I can tell only feature the sibling relationship as being siblings because of adoption i.e not related by blood.
I wish they didn’t whimp out like that … but what can you do…?

But you see…that presents ethical concerns that people don’t like to think about. Incest isn’t “gross” in itself…but it does pose hereditary problems for potential offspring. That’s bad, and that’s a logical reason why incest is considered “wrong.” Biologically, aversion to incest might even be a pre-programmed instinct that furthers our race’s chance of survival. Whatever the case, people often feel so strongly about true incest that even in a game (even an H-game!) it’s not considered appropriate.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 11-02-2004).]

Are there people who are intrigued by fake incest but put off by real incest?

There may well be, but I’m curious.

Me personally, I don’t care so much about the genetic component as I do the violation of boundaries that comes from someone who was raised as a family member suddenly being a lover. So I won’t count it as ‘okay’ if your sister is adopted - if you grew up together, she’s still your sister, and it’s still ‘wrong’ in my eyes. (Not that I care if someone else wants to play such a game, but it doesn’t appeal to me.)

OTOH, a stepsister who’s only recently become part of your family when your parent remarried is okay to me.

Violation of boundaries? You don’t like the “forbidden” or “taboo” aspect then? I realize that’s the instinctual response, but how do you justify it?

I don’t think it’s necessarily that people who are intrigued by fake incest are put off by real incest…I think it’s more that these people can justify fake incest to themselves. But with real incest it’s flagrantly wrong, and expressing an interest in it, even to oneself, would make one a deviant.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 11-02-2004).]

shrug I can’t explain it, really. It’s just sort of filed in my head under ‘things not to have sex with’. Children, animals, and family members. But my brain doesn’t interpret family genetically. If two people fall in love and only then discover that they’re related, I don’t care if they have sex, although I would hope they would have the resonsibility not to BREED.

Sex with family you were raised with is a breach of trust, or something.

Originally posted by papillon:
Are there people who are intrigued by fake incest but put off by real incest?(...)OTOH, a stepsister who's only recently become part of your family when your parent remarried is okay to me.
Recently became at what age though? I can see where you are coming from though but curious as to what age cut-off you see in such situation.

What if the younger sister who was adpoted or a stepsister since you were about 10 always loved you as more then family since then and you her but it was not until you both grew up that such feelings could be acted upon? Throwing out an idea here that could happen in real life, albeit not as often as it does in fiction.

To throw out another question based on what you asked, I am interested in where people think the boundaries between non blood relations are, where they should really be considered to start and end (no matter the age they started a 'family' relationship)?

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:Violation of boundaries? You don't like the "forbidden" or "taboo" aspect then? I realize that's the instinctual response, but how do you justify it?

I think anyone is slightly stuck because I don't always think it is right to repress and instinctual response when the feelings from her are mutual and she is not a blood relation even if she is a relation (adoption/stepsister) but at the same time it is hard to justify to others that stand against any such relations regardless of her not being a relation by blood.

Can you justify such actions or rather how would you if you ever felt them and were involved in such a situation with a non-blood related sister? Just curious.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-02-2004).]

DLSite is cool. I don’t go there anymore. It’s too easy to spend money, just because the games are not expensive, and you get them right away and it’s legal. Oh well, at least you can say that I downloaded something legally.

Originally posted by Kagami:
Sofurin has a number of rules about content that is not allowed in games if they are to receive a Sofurin rating. Among the things not allowed are certain vulgar words for sex organs, necrophilia, bestialiaty, characters under the age of 18, and incest.
What about a game like Crescendo which basically takes place within the last days of a high school setting? Wouldn't those characters technically be under 18 despite what someone might say are the ages and how the youngest has just amazingly turned 18? Or Gibo where it is no secret that one of the characters is the main characters cousin? Also cat/dog/etc. girls might not be bestialiaty but it does walk that fine-line doesn't it?

As to incest I think as it was mentioned, that really depends on your definition. There are many times when they could be seen as walking that same fine-line and could be seen as having incest in there but through some quark of fate it suddenly is not incest because those actions are not with a blood relation or if it is a blood relation it is a cousin which as noted does seem to slip through at times.

Therefore it seems clear that many parts of this rule they do not seem to be enforcing, or enforcing at all times, which I truly hope they do not become overly anal about and start to enforce more often or start enforcing in a stricter way.

So how often do they (game companies) actually enforce these rules(on their own games) or do they unless someone complains or do they even then rather then just pointing to the rules and saying it won't happen again (until it does happen again) since as you noted they do not have legal standing? Yet without that standing they still seem to carry a lot of weight with companies that want such a rating so in a way they might in fact carry more weight then any legal precident.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-02-2004).]

I don’t see why “last days of high school” means under 18. Most people are 18 when they finish high school. In Japan, it is legal to marry your cousin, so I suspect it’s not considered true incest, just as we would say that having a relationship with your third cousin would not be incest. Other than that interpretation, incest is incest. If it’s not a blood relation, it’s not incest, even if society’s taboo still persists. Relationships with cat girls wouldn’t be considered bestiality because they’re essentially human except for cat ears and a tail.

I’ll answer the “how would I defend pseudo-incest” question later, when I have some time to think about it and not just throw down the first thing that comes to mind.

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
I don't see why "last days of high school" means under 18. Most people are 18 when they finish high school.
Well I am thinking back to my high school days those I knew in my last year of high school were either just 18 or almost about to be 18 remember if a school gets out in May, there are still seven months and perhaps still majority of the eighth month of birthdays to occur which might turn someone from 17 to 18 technically within their last year of high school but also after the school gets out for the year and they graduate.

Regardless of that however, there is also often "the younger ones" the year or two younger that sometimes play a role in these "high school" games such as Crescendo. Even if high school is only three years rather then the four it was for me, that still could put them almost ready to turn 16 (still 15) perhaps 16 for a short time or just about 17, all of which are under 18.

For the record I am just arguing the otherside of the coin of what you mentioned, in truth I don't think that anyone over the age of 16 should be considered taboo when kept within the realm of a computer game.

Relationships with cat girls wouldn't be considered bestiality because they're essentially human except for cat ears and a tail.
And a particular series of books about a boy wizard is not truly turning kids to the "Dark side of the Force" (the occult) but people think it does, just as some I have little doubt think cat girls are a form of bestiality since part of them is animal.
In Japan, it is legal to marry your cousin, so I suspect it's not considered true incest, just as we would say that having a relationship with your third cousin would not be incest.
Several states (none of them down south as far as I know) now allow marriages between third cousins, yet let me then rephrase the question, how does it slip through the people on this side of the pond, and I am not talking about any of those in any of these companies, but rathers those that might say the boy wizard turns people to the dark side, or cat girls are bestiality, and incest is with any family member regardless of how removed or lack of blood relationship, those are the people I mean here, those that might have gotten whatever rules exist, legal or otherwise, to exist governing computer games and try to find excuses for stopping these types of games?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-02-2004).]


What if the younger sister who was adpoted or a stepsister since you were about 10 always loved you as more then family since then and you her but it was not until you both grew up that such feelings could be acted upon? Throwing out an idea here that could happen in real life, albeit not as often as it does in fiction.

In a fictional setting, where it's made clear that there was *always* this weird romantic attraction between the two, I'd say that's ok. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] Especially if it leads to ANGST!

If the stepsiblings were puberty-age when they became related I generally won't complain. I sort of acquired stepbrothers myself at that age, and before meeting them for the first time I remember thinking about all of these issues and wondering if they would be cute. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] (I say 'sort of' because neither I nor they lived with the parents who were marrying. Therefore, I hesitate to count them as my step ANYTHING. And I don't know if said parents still ARE married, either.)

I have read some incest-related works, but they were either playing carefully with the taboo (conflicted attraction and masturbation thinking about the other, but NO SEX) or *intended* to be disturbing (a weird mother-son thing with the mother grooming her son to replace her dead husband... it was meant to be creepy) And it has to be good writing. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

In Japan, it is legal to marry your cousin, so I suspect it's not considered true incest, just as we would say that having a relationship with your third cousin would not be incest.

Again this Incest thread?! *Sigh*

If i remember well, by definition, Incest involves the sexual relationship with close relatives, like Father, Mother or Brother/Sister. Cousins are not in this category. For more info, check here and here .

[This message has been edited by Peter Gilis (edited 11-03-2004).]

yes again because things change, people forget and sometimes it’s good to discuss things anew.

I hope they are as generous with other definitions as they are with anything that looks human is human.

I am also for the record with that incest thing saying this, if you have the rule why not enforce it fully, why allow a loop hole even if it is one that exists in society?