B-Game Suggestions

Originally posted by SCDawg:
yes [b]again because things change, people forget and sometimes it's good to discuss things anew.

I hope they are as generous with other definitions as they are with anything that looks human is human.

I am also for the record with that incest thing saying this, if you have the rule why not enforce it fully, why allow a loop hole even if it is one that exists in society?[/b]

The loop-hole is there because the rule is a silly one. Taboo, forbidden fruit; it is enjoyable. But society is a bit screwed up in my opinion. If you don''t wqant to pass on deffective genes then don't have children, use a condom.
As for the whole 'family' enviroment why should this be a cause for not being lovers? Love is love, if you can feel safe and all that, why throw it away?

Originally posted by Kagami:

The under-18 rule and the incest rule were not added until late 1999, thus titles published with Sofurin approval prior to 2000 may contain these elements. Sofurin does not restrict reprinting of previously approved games, so a few long-sellers are still in print with sex scenes featuring characters under 18 or incest.

I know about Three sisters sporting a chance where you could sleep with a fifteen year old and in Fatal Relations You could screw around with what looked like a twelve year old.. but .. games with 'true' incest? I don't remember any such title having been released on the american market .. These titles obviously released on the japanese market only, what were they called? ^_^?

Originally posted by SCDawg:
yes again because things change, people forget and sometimes it's good to discuss things anew.
Yeah, but we discussed the incest issue at length as recently as the Gibo discussion last June. If I may quote myself from that one
Before the last century, cousin-cousin marriages were not uncommon in the US. Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt were fifth cousins - far enough removed that there was no hint of controversy. Teddy Roosevelt was Eleanor's uncle, as a matter of fact.
and later
Originally posted by Peter Payne:
For the record on the cousin issue, throughout history Americans have frequently allowed cousins to marry, and many states still allow it.
to which I replied
According to this cousin marriage law map, it's legal [with variations] in about half the states.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
I hope they are as generous with other definitions as they are with anything that looks human is human.
The cat-girl fetish always struck me as odd. Since cat ears and tail are meant to suggest an animal nature, why do people who enjoy that at the same time find bestiality repellant?

It's like those who enjoy rape scenes, but only if they're fantasies. What part of their brain says "Oh boy, a chance to dominate, humiliate and hurt women! Good thing it's not real!" But that's another discussion we've hashed over many times, too. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by perigee (edited 11-03-2004).]

I don’t think of it as an animal nature; I would be put off by a catgirl who acted in an extremely animalistic way. I more think of it as ‘exotic appearance’. Like, say, elves. Or fairies.

If it doesn’t have a human-like brain, then sex with it would be (to me) like taking advantage of a child or a mental incompetent. Not very sexy.

Originally posted by perigee:
Yeah, but we discussed the incest issue at length as recently as the Gibo discussion last June. If I may quote myself from that one
And I still say an issue can never be discussed too much especially with a lot of people that might be new to the board. Personal opinion maybe but it's another way in which I am very obstinate in thinking if people don't like it rather then sigh and say "we have talked about it so much" they can ignore the topic and say nothing.
Originally posted by papillon:
I don't think of it as an animal nature; I would be put off by a catgirl who acted in an extremely animalistic way. I more think of it as 'exotic appearance'. Like, say, elves. Or fairies.

If it doesn't have a human-like brain, then sex with it would be (to me) like taking advantage of a child or a mental incompetent. Not very sexy.

Well I could argue about a human-like brain here but won't, and I also think there is a difference between a creature like an elf which might have pointy ears only and one that has furry ears and a tail. One is "exotic" and the other seems far more animal to me then human.

Originally posted by papillon:
I don't think of it as an animal nature; I would be put off by a catgirl who acted in an extremely animalistic way. I more think of it as 'exotic appearance'. Like, say, elves. Or fairies.

I'd have to agree with papillon here. I think of cat-girls mostly as anime symbols of cuteness and innocence. I don't really compare them to or think of them as cats at all.

Originally posted by perigee:
It's like those who enjoy rape scenes, but only if they're fantasies. What part of their brain says "Oh boy, a chance to dominate, humiliate and hurt women! Good thing it's not real!" But that's another discussion we've hashed over many times, too.

I dislike rape, but I do find a fantasy (in-game) more acceptable than the actuality (in-game). One is thought, and the other is action that has consequences. I can't identify with any character that knowingly and premeditatively carries out rape...it would ruin any sympathy I had for him. A fantasy, however, would be alright in the correct context.

Yeah, but we discussed the incest issue at length as recently as the Gibo discussion last June. If I may quote myself from that one

What's wrong with renewing the discussion? Besides, the Gibo thread only really discusses the cousin issue, rather than the actual morality of incest in general.

Originally posted by Daiji:
The loop-hole is there because the rule is a silly one. Taboo, forbidden fruit; it is enjoyable. But society is a bit screwed up in my opinion. If you don''t wqant to pass on deffective genes then don't have children, use a condom.

I agree; I like the angst the taboo brings about. Interesting as well is the relationship adjustment that occurs in going from sibling to something more. That's another one of the elements of Kana that I loved. In general, I find that relationships between characters who've known each other for a long time tend to be more romantic and intimate than relationships between characters who've only known each other for a short time. Yeah, I'm a sucker for the "childhood friend" stereotype. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Then again, if the taboo didn't exist, that would take much of the fun out of the whole brother/sister thing. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

I know about Three sisters sporting a chance where you could sleep with a fifteen year old and in Fatal Relations You could screw around with what looked like a twelve year old...

That was before Sofurin implemented the "under 18" rule, remember?

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Can you justify such actions or rather how would you if you ever felt them and were involved in such a situation with a non-blood related sister? Just curious.

Heh, what I say can differ quite dramatically from what I do. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] For example, I'm quite open about things here on these boards, but I take painstaking measures to prevent other people from discovering this hobby of mine. I haven't even told my closest friends, though they might be able to guess by now (the question of "what the hell is a hentai game" came up in anime club the other day, and I carefully explained the concept of an ADV, all the while affecting only a casual interest and attributing my knowledge to second-hand sources). Eventually I'm sure people will figure out that I know more than I really should, if they haven't already. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] My tastes in anime may give me away as well. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/redface.gif[/img] But it sure won't keep me from trying the dodge the issue. Once I've played Hourglass of Summer (and hopefully decided it's good), I might try to introduce two of my anime buddies to the genre with it. If they like it...then I'll try Kana, mentioning the H-scenes while downplaying them at the same time.

Anyway...theoretically I'd justify "incest" between non-blood relations with the genetics argument I began with. I don't believe in "boundaries of trust" being broken like papillon does. Being personally presented with the problem would be a different story. That's a whole different can of worms. It's all fine and dandy if both I and she are okay with it...but no one likes to be ostracized. As much of a "stand out and be different" type as I am, I don't know if I'd have the guts to openly declare a relationship like that to family and friends. That's a life-altering affair that, once undertaken, can never be erased. I suppose it would depend on the strength and nature of the relationship. It would take quite a bit to make me risk the security and stability of the known present for an unfamiliar and ominous future.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 11-03-2004).]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
I'd have to agree with papillon here. I think of cat-girls mostly as anime symbols of cuteness and innocence. I don't really compare them to or think of them as cats at all.
Yet I still say if people can point to anyone that uses "magic" or talks about "magic" or thinks the books of Harry Potter are trying to seduce others to the occult you will have those that see cat-girls being more animal then anything else. Regardless of how those of us that know these games and anime might see them, there is acknowledged to be a much larger group in this English translation industry of these games, at least, that understands such things.

Yes…but I doubt that people who link cat-girl/human copulation to bestiality would be buying h-games in the first place. And so far the industry is so low profile that it needn’t worry about such critics from the outside…for the moment at least. The only real worry in the U.S. is that the radical right could get some or all of the games banned, but that seems unlikely if Peach Princess keeps its current course of sticking to the law in letter if not necessarily in practice (e.g. the whole “under 18” quagmire).

I don’t know there are a lot of articles recently, well two to three a year is a lot for this industry considering the size and those seem to be still trying to link this whole game industry to porn.

It may not be a vocal majority yet, but there still some against it and I don’t know, of all know how crazy those of us are that play these games I would not be surprised if some stand against cat-girls as some do incest or anyone even 17 years of age in the games.