Before Dawn Daybreak - NEW Black cyc game !!!!!!!!

The official site opens July 9 . I see a loli , skyscrapers, and a casino of some sort . nothing more to report.

Here’s the link to the official teaser page. They also mention it on the Black Cyc Blog, but it gives even less info than the teaser. Will be interesting to see what “original gimmick” they come up with, using casino gambling. The background illustrations look divine, but I’m kinda not all that hyped over the character art style. Maybe it will grow on me.

Look at how many writers are involved! :shock:

Kinda disappointed though… this would be the “second half” title for Black Cyc this year, which means all those rumors for MinDeaD BlooD 2 were 2chan lies. :frowning:

I hope its a New Wave of Death Neko Metal soundtrack though. With the whole “before dawn” thing, I wonder if it will involve vampires. Pale skin, blood red eyes, loligoth fashion… could fit the bill. That would rock, seeing how Cyc knows vampires. :twisted:

The buzz word is making its round on the Internets already. :smiley:

Hmm…this could be an interesting game, and I have to say the name and the way this one heoine looks like does seem to fit the bill of a vampire theme game.

Still, if this is a vampire themed game, then perhaps this game might be something that could set things up for MDB 2 if it ever comes out. I mean if a sequel is made, regardless of what ending is followed (or if Black Cyc decides to remain vague as to which one) it will of course have to take place someplace outside of Chisakura. Basically, this particular upcoming game could serve to portray how vampires live in the regular modern day outside world. The setting of MDB, Chisakura Island, had it’s vampires pretty much isolated from the outside world. Mayu and Mana have lived in their mansion their entire life (Arisa being the one who goes out to get food apparently), Shizuru is amnesiac for most of the game so he won’t remember as much of the outside world (though I guess he doesn’t count since he wasn’t a vampire prior that), Daigo seemed to keep himself apart from humans and other vampires and had Anima do most of the going out and searching and that was mostly at night (in fact the only time we ever see Anima go outside during the daytime is in one specific route). The only other vampires (those that Shizuru and co. vampirize do not count) are two we know very little about. Basically the only info we are given on vampires outside of Chisakura come from Yuka and the other hunters and that’s just in passing, and a little bit at the end of Vampire Hunter. Perhaps this game will help to shed some light on all that and that way if MDB2 comes out, it can go right to the story without having to spend as much time doing what this game could do, if you get what I’m saying.

The 5 writers is certainly unusual, although it could easily become a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth. Aside from the 1+6 sub writers who worked on Dies Irae, I’ve only come across 5 in one other game… Mugen Kairou :?. That aside, this does look interesting - aside from the main title and her appearance, the ‘Songstress of the Abyss’ subtitle suggests some sort of supernatural themes as well.

I think there will be a 3rd Black Cyc title either right at the end of this year, or very early next year - given that ??? isn’t part of the staff for Before Dawn Daybreak.

That would be awesome. :slight_smile: However ??? usually does one title per year for Black Cyc… and 2008 already got Yami no Koe Zero. I noticed he kinda has this “odd number are pure winage and even numbers aren’t so winage” type thing going (at least for me).

Yami no Koe = GREAT!!!
Yami no Koe 2 = Okay…
Musashi = GREAT!!!
Yami no Koe 3 = Okay…
Gore Screaming Show = GREAT!!!
Gun-Katana = GREAT!!!
Yami no Koe Zero = Okay…

Thus the next title should be GREAT!!! :smiley:

However I still doubt a MDB2 is being worked on (at least for now). ??? (primary MDB writer) is doing Before Dawn Daybreak and ??? (primary MDB artist) is doing Shikigami 2008. Of course ??? was involved too, as he seemed to be part artist and part writer… but I’d imagine they’d need these other two key individuals if everything is to work.

Some rather upsetting news, it was pointed out to me that ??? is not credited with doing the music for Before Dawn Daybreak. They’re the actual group who does the “New Wave of Death Neko Metal” soundtracks for Black Cyc. On a more bright side, it could mean they’re working on something else that hasn’t been announced yet, as Gun-Katana was their latest work - or perhaps they are doing Before Dawn Daybreak, but its still too early for that to announce.

Looking at ???'s webpage, it seems that for some of the really outstanding Black Cyc titles (MDB, GSS, GK - judging partially by hearsay, although I’m playing Gun Katana at the moment and it’s AWESOME) he’s been involved in the planning of them, and for GSS and GK a lot more than that. So I’d wager that this title will probably be good, but not really really good. I’d also be willing to bet that Before Dawn Daybreak will be released on the 26th of September, and another Black Cyc title (probably not MDB2) will be unveiled in September/October, with a release date at the end of 2008 or the start of 2009, and with ??? having a major role in its production.

Do you know if there was any basis for the MDB rumours, such as a journal entry from one of the staff involved?

Naw… just your usual 2chan rumor garbage. Sometimes its on the ball and they get real leaked info (like the new DS Castlevania), and sometimes its totally off and made up lies.

On an interesting note, the Black Cyc Blog has some teaser info and sketches for BDD. Seems our mysterious loli has a leather jacket wearing bodyguard. The player’s protagonist perhaps? A better dresser than Shizuru at least… although ANYONE is a better dresser than him. :wink:

Argh… suspense is killing me. :o

Something someone caught on 2chan - just speculation, but interesting ones: the font in Before Dawn Daybreak is very similar to MinDeaD BlooD. Also, it puts an emphasis on the “capitalized” letters (M-D-B-D in MinDeaD BlooD and B-D-D in Before Dawn Daybreak. Still… if it were directly connected, I would think the “K” would have been capitalized too. In a few more hours, we’ll all know a little more though.

The official site is now open. Still in the teaser mode though.

Leonora is the lead girl’s name… although I like the nekomimi grim reaper Norma East better. :stuck_out_tongue:

Has anyone noticed that she has a ball at the end of her scythe that kind of looks like the one Blood Eleven from Gun Katana carries? Could it be…? :wink:

I didn’t catch it until now, but Norma East is actually the personification of Black Cyc’s Death Neko! :twisted: 8)

Awwwww, so cute, I wanna take her home…

Well you might wanna wait to see what she’s like first. This is a Black Cyc title. She could be a bat shit crazy murderer… or maybe even a trap. You can’t trust those people in Black Cyc - there’s always a catch. :shock: :wink:

I ran the background through an online translater . A pharmaceutical company bent on world domination … interesting .

World domination - bah!
A striking example for an unrefined concept!

They ought to start with the city first… :stuck_out_tongue:

well google translator is pretty rough so take it with a grain of salt . I saw some underground thingy . I also read skyscrapers werent constructed because of riots. Unicorn you know every corporation is evil and must pursue world domination :wink: :wink:

I’d try if I were you. The engrish that comes out is more decipherable and accurate, for me anyway.


And that’s why all of then FAILED! That is, all except ACROSS, who managed to get by with the more gradual approach… :lol: :wink: :lol:

Well technically Shinra Electric Power Company took over the world for a decade or two. Of course it all fell apart when a mad scientist decided to turn his own son into an oversized sword emo mama’s boy, who could only be defeated by another oversided sword emo. But they at least got there. :stuck_out_tongue:

thats true they reached the top just couldnt stay there.