Beside this games

This just came into my mind. Beside Peach Princess and G-Collection games (or any other bishoujo in general), what you usually play/do?

In my case, I have spent some heavy $$$ in Magic The Gathering: On-Line (This game is damn addictive!). And of course, work in order to earn $$$ to spend on my hobbies. ^_^;;;

Eh, I could never get into something that didn’t put a physical product into my hands. That and I suck at Magic, too. I do collect Magic cards though (the physical kind). Used to play, but don’t anymore. I have outdated rules knowledge.

I mostly deal with PS2 games and some PC games, though the latter tend to more of the outdated offline kinds. I also read (don’t/can’t play) White Wolf roleplaying games, but also outdated, only the original sets 2nd edition or earlier.

Geez, I like outdated things…

[This message has been edited by Smithy (edited 10-27-2002).]

My Dreamcast and Xbox keep me busy gaming wise
What else, working on my Master thesis, looking for a new job that is not as boring as my last one, hanging out with friends, chasign girls and other usual stuff I guess

Play: pencil&paper RPGs.
Do: watch anime, read manga.

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 10-28-2002).]

I do a lot of anime (gotta love it) and do my homework. College ain’t easy

Mostly play games on my PC and PS2. Trying to keep my computer the best it can be for the newer games coming out. (I have a Computer System I built myself) Also Trying to get some of the newer Anime that’s being released. (Utena’s Black Rose Saga, specifically)

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 10-28-2002).]

I havnt played magic since revised… still have all my unlimited. Once all those draw card things came out i lost intrest, Anyway.
I go to work on campus, and classes inbetween that… study my ass off and still get b’s and whats left over some anime, books and lord of the rings: the two towers for the ps2.

i love anime ,and i am a super HUGE gaming fanatic…i have a pc, ps2, and gamecube

current games i am playing include, but are not limited to: SUIKODEN 3 (bounce bounce happy goddess), morrowind, neverwinter nights, animal crossing, baldur’s gate, everquest, the sims online, the regular sims, resident evil GC, pharoah, romance of the three kingdoms 7

that’s all i can think of right now…yes yes i multi-task a lot, so i can never play just one game at a time…oh yeah i love paper and pen RPg’ing as well, buti have no one to play with right now

The silliest thing for me about Magic was I got into it in college, then decided to get out and sell my collection. Then my first workplace had a bunch of Magic guys and they dragged me back kicking and screaming again into it. (At least I showed them a trick or two ). Now I’m back out and I’ve been too darn lazy to get rid of what I have now… (And with my luck, as soon as I do, I’ll again be dragged back into it…)

Um, what else? Computer stuff, anime, and paintball. (Somedays, I just have to get a few head shots in…) I more read RPG’s then play them. This all assumes they let me out of my cage, er, cubicle at work.

Lt’s see… Well, besides bishoujo games, I spend my money on a game once in a while, or buy an anime DVD or manga… Well, that’s pretty much it . I have few, but expensive hobbies

I believe ladyphoenix is playing some of the best game out there, I want to play Suikoden III and Romance of the 3 Kingdoms 7 too. Well, for me right now, I played mostly PS2 and Gamecube, I am currently beating myself up with Resident Evil and already reserve Resident Evil Zero on Gamecube, I am a hugh fan. And I currently consuming most of my time on Dynasty Tactics and waiting for Dynasty Warrior 4, I already play the first 3. Aside from my other games I watch lots of anime, just finished Shaman King, and begining Full Metal Pinic.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i love anime ,and i am a super HUGE gaming fanatic...i have a pc, ps2, and gamecube

current games i am playing include, but are not limited to: SUIKODEN 3 (bounce bounce happy goddess), morrowind, neverwinter nights, animal crossing, baldur's gate, everquest, the sims online, the regular sims, resident evil GC, pharoah, romance of the three kingdoms 7

that's all i can think of right now....yes yes i multi-task a lot, so i can never play just one game at a time...oh yeah i love paper and pen RPg'ing as well, buti have no one to play with right now [img][/img]

Really? You pen-n-paper RP? Do you have the 3rd ed D&D books? I think it may be time to start a campaign or something...

To actually be on topic, I am a big anime fan and I am also a big time RPG fan. I have like six RPG’s I have yet to even crack out of the box

I’m doomed, but at least it’s fun

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
To actually be on topic, I am a big anime fan and I am also a big time RPG fan. I have like six RPG's I have yet to even crack out of the box [img][/img]
TRUE RPGs? Or those ersatz PC ones? ^_^

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
[quote] Originally posted by Nandemonai:
[b]To actually be on topic, I am a big anime fan and I am also a big time RPG fan. I have like six RPG's I have yet to even crack out of the box [img][/img]

TRUE RPGs? Or those ersatz PC ones? ^_^

[/b] [/quote]

Um, neither. I dabble in pen and paper RPGs (the real kind) and I am a big fan of console-style RPGs.

i am a sworn 2nd edition D&D player…3rd edition makes your character way too powerful once you get going…it has its good points, but i prefer my own version of 2nd edition (i usually DM when i play) wherei re-do the mage and cleric magic trees and completely change how non-weapon proficiencies work and i am a happy person

suikoden 3…::drool:: just finished it for the first time last night…chose Chris as my ‘special’ character, she’s so cool…going to choose Hugo this next time around, the boy deserves it, after all…does anyone else think Chris is totally hot when she puts her hair down?

I have played both second and third edition D&D. I don’t really have a preference between them, and prefer rolemaster over both. Unfortunately no rolemaster DM. Curently in two third edition games. We usually stop around 15th level.

Hmm, I think I like the flexibility in 3rd Ed. more, plus I have the giddy excitement of being at GenCon the year it came out. My friends don’t like me DMing since my games either get really weird or end up like a demented game of Paranoia, without the Computer. (Not that my being a player is any better, my last DM referred to my half-elf character as a “kender on speed”.)

I’m always a bit odd about RPG’s. I’m more interested in being familiar with the different gaming systems than concentrating on any one particular one. Meaning that I tend to have main books of systems that I’ve never played a session of in my life. I really need to get around to selling some of this stuff off one of these days…

About Magic, maybe you could try Apprentice. It’s a legal (small) program you can get on the net ( and you can play magic with all the cards you want for free (you can play constructed or sealed).

I really love paper and pen rpg but not AD&D (even if it might be good to start or casual fun).

Besides bishoujo gaming (Which I can’t do much of right now, since I rarely use Windows anymore and plan to delete it in 2003), I watch anime, write music, play keyboard, do shotokan karate, learn Linux, learn Japanese, play games over my universities LAN, get drunk, and well, that’s about it.

Funny thing is, I’ve been at uni for six weeks now and I really don’t feel that I’ve done any real work or learned anything.