Biggest disappointment (of the genre)

I think this has pretty much wrapped much many things we’ve got to include in this thread. :lol:

Heh, I’m finally sitting right before my bloved PC, now’s my turn.
For those guys into YURI: I don’t understand you but we live in an era of political correctness so I respect your point of view :smiley:
For those disliking Hentai free dating sims: I see your point, because the whole aim of a romance is to “win” the bedtime moment. A dating sim without sex at all is like a day without sun or party without alkohol (at least that’s how I put this)
For RPG complainers: It’s obvious we cannot compare classic RPG games (such as e.g. Baldur’s Gate) with dating sims but there are proofs of much older games being better than LWR. Best example:BRAVE SOUL
For Zyx haters: well it isn’t wise to get prejudiced towards ZYX basing only on one title but it’s true that majority of their releases are Sex Romps which might be unacceptable for some players.
Guess that’s how I see it diplomatically :lol:

XC1 was my first eroge and… I was so disapointed that I waited several years before trying a new one (Crescendo). And then I was addicted.

I, for one, believe that just about every guy is probably inherently into yuri, they just don’t know it yet.

I, myself, had no idea until I played that very famous collection of doujin yuri eroges. Yes, you know the ones.

There are erogee RPGs that I like more than the “classic RPG games” (or recent “popular” general audience RPGs) and I do think you can perfectly compare both.

I don’t think I’ve played a Yuri one yet, however I’m willing to try it out. I just hope it doesn’t have too much “female drama” in it.

My disappointment mostly lies in the Zyx games, I’m not big into sex romps, but it’s not something I hate. I very rarely play them. However, it mostly lies in their character designs, I can NEVER get myself to like it.

AliceSoft have some RPGs that are better than pretty much everything else in the business. I dunno whether that’s praise for AliceSoft or criticism of the rest of the industry, but either way =P

I’m willing to give a Zyx game another chance, but it will take a bit to convince me the next time around, given all I’ve seen on the forum about how the majority of their games are (i.e. their tendency to produce yaruge).

Actually, I was just naming that as a general rule. Everything by ZyX is pretty bad =p

You read my mind; I was indeed thinking about AliceSoft when commenting about the “old RPGs” part. :stuck_out_tongue:
???III? is soon~

The next time anyone tries to incoporate RPG elements or ANY kind of interactive element into an eroge, I have some words for them. GET SOME GOOD AI damnit! It’s all fun and games when you try to act unique things into games, but if the AI is so damn predictable, then it’s no fun AT ALL.

It sure is. I’m counting down the days to that release in my sig on the novelnews gemot =p

On the question of eroge RPGs, this article compares Alicesoft’s Rance VI, to Final Fantasy XII. Also, one of Alicesoft’s highest rated ‘RPGs’, Kichikuou Rance is available for free download here - it’s a very impressive game, especially considering that it was released in 1996.

I haven’t played that many English titles, but my main disappointments are:
Raidy + Pretty Soldier Wars: The makers decided to go for a literal remake, without fixing any of the flaws of the originals.
X-Change 3: Bad script, below-par translation
Hitomi: Below par in every department

On the Japanese side of things, I haven’t played any games that I’d classify as bad… but there have been some where the makers have clearly cut corners. Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo is probably a good example - although it’s clearly a sex-romp with some very nice artwork, that doesn’t give the scenario writers the excuse to make 4 out of the 5 paths virtually identical, aside from the ero-scenes.

1.) Pretty Soldier Wars
2.) Pretty Soldier Wars
3.) Pretty Soldier Wars

Nuff said, and I’m sharing my review again for the fifth time to demonstrate how vocal I am about it… … 17105.html

This game should never have been released and was a waste of time I would have rather seen go into… well… anything! I would take a sequel to Water Closet any day because at least I don’t have to worry about inaccurate hit percentages. ::Waits for someone to jump in and defend Pretty Soldier Wars for the sake of arguing::

I think there are only 2 titles officially translated into English with any sense of Twincest. One of which doesn’t have full-blown twincest and the other which is a lackluster title.

Fan-translations there are a few more options, like Tsukibako (but you’ll have to pay a pretty penny as well as find someone willing to part with it).

Of course in full untranslated Japanese, there are enough titles out there.’

Yes, but we need them translated.

Guys, you have now interested me in Alicesoft’s games :smiley: is there any American/British/whatever company translating them into english? (whenever you say sth about Japanese games I cannot really comment because I haven’t played => discrimination of non-Japanese speakers is against the rules of this forum :lol: )
Where can I buy/buy download edition of their games?
Reply to Remedy: I couldn’t concur more. Pretty soldier wars should never have been released.
As for Yuri: you know, Yuri can be categorised at the same spot as yaoi… I’ve never played yaoi before and I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to start. I mean if my first eroge was yaoi I would probably never gather the courage to try it once again. No offence to anyone

Well, I wouldn’t say so, since yuri involves two girls, while yaoi two guys. I guess it depends on your tastes here; personally, while I love yuri, I would never want to watch a yaoi hentai picture.

Seriously get some yuri into you… although, if you can’t read Japanese, that might be a bit hard (I don’t think anything’s translated, other than one or two titles that aren’t really representative yuri). It’s awesome stuff.

Yes, it’s presumably for girls*, but I can assure you that you won’t regret playing a Sono Hanabira game (or some equivalent).

*I’m personally suspicious of that, since yaoi is also for girls, it doesn’t really match up. Still, whatever =P

Well, y’know, girls do have different tastes. :slight_smile: Personally I’m just not into yaoi, but I dig yuri - and I know other girls who are completely the other way around, and girls who hate Teh Gay and only want otome games.

Nah, Sono Hanabira is for guys. Most yuri stories are aimed at women (this tends to be of the shoujo variety: a popular, non-explicit example might be Maria-sama ga Miteru), but that doesn’t mean male-oriented titles don’t exist!

OTOH, yaoi is really only for females. One theory is that the market grew via the rise of feminism…it’s not much about homosexuality, but rather the elimination of power imbalances in depicted relationships (and some would say that by not featuring women, BL smut isn’t degrading to them). While I personally know nothing about the genre, I’ve heard that BL relationships sometimes appear the same as normal heterosexual pairings (from characterization to male pregnancy!!), with a character’s gender being the only significant difference.

I haven’t read much about yuri, but I suppose a similar line of reasoning may fuel that market too.

Obviously, that sociopolitical factor doesn’t apply to guys, which may be why this stuff never flew off with them.