Biggest disappointment (of the genre)

I think I could play an otome game, really - when I get my copy of Under The Moon I’ll test this theory out. I doubt I’ll find the H scenes off-putting, really, because I’ve played enough bishoujo games where the occasional H scene is from the girl’s perspective (Light like to do this occasionally).

However, I’m pretty damn certain I wouldn’t be able to stomach yaoi, and I’m not willing to experiment either =P

Unless you’re a homo/bisexual guy. A friend of mine is gay, and he often mourns the lack of translated yaoi, though in the coming years, this may no longer be an issue, since he is learning Japanese. In fact, where I met him was in my Japanese class. In any case, he even has a bumper sticker proclaiming his love of yaoi. Another friend of mine from that class is bisexual, but his interest is more in futa than yaoi as far as I know.

Huh… I’ve spoken to a number of (gay) males about the genre, and the general agreement seemed to be that the males in most yaoi titles were too feminine to be appealing to them - the one gay male I found who was into these games preferred otome games =p

Guys, what’s the difference between whether it’s 2 men or 2 women? Homosexuals are homosexuals and I do not distinguish subtypes. And since I’m 100% (or even more :lol: ) heterosexual I find Yaoi one of the most repulsive threads in Hentai world (although I admit that gay community needs their own hentai as well)

Otome games to me are pretty strange. Here in the US, girls don’t go after guys. The guys go after girls, so keeping that in mind would an otome game involve you just standing there waiting for a guy to hit on you or what?

I’ve never played an otome game before, so I have a hard time understanding how it works. I suppose it could be exactly like the guys bishoujo games geared towards guys, but the opposite. it’d just seem a bit odd, at least to me. Does that mean h-scenes are primarily focused on the guys too?

… Have you ever met a female member of the species??

While this varies a lot by culture and girls in some settings are far more outgoing than in others, even in the most male-dominated women-should-be-seen-and-not-heard religious enclaves, girls have plenty of ways of expressing interest in the man of their choice and trying to get him to be interested in them in exchange. Way way back centuries ago when they couldn’t go out in public without an escort they STILL knew how to drop their handkerchiefs and request introductions through the proper channels. And the world has moved on a lot since then. Plenty of US girls ask out their own dates. Just because none of them have ever asked you out…

Not to mention that in many BxG games, you don’t really have to “go after” the girls very much… the girls generally show up and are, for whatever reason, already somewhat interested in you and spending lots of time with you… you mostly just have to pick which one you like best and return her interest! Reverse that situation and you have a game where, as a girl, a lot of cute guys are already making eyes at you and spending time in your presence…

All my past girlfriends have been those who came after me, as I have no interest in chasing girls and playing their games. Like I said, I never played an otome game before, and have no desire to do so. It’s just something different to me, that’s all.

Anyways, back on topic, I’d say my biggest disappointment in the English market would be the following.(In no particular order)

Pretty Soldier Wars A.D. 2048
Ai Yori Aoshi
And every sex romp out there with the exception of Sagara Family and Yin-Yang - X-Change Alternate, and those two were only because of the humor value they had.

I was also disapointed in X change alternative. Silly of me…; for one second I thought there wouldn’t be rapes in this game.
But what’s the point for a man to be turned into a woman if he/she can’t be raped ?
In general I’m disapointed in games where rapes are shown as some fapable material. In Crescendo it was “ok”, but in X change it’s like being raped is some kind of fantasy that every women have.

Argh… now it’s sounds like the start of the classic troll ligh side vs dark side :lol:

Join the light side ! :slight_smile:

you aren’t alone, I’m part of the light side. Something makes me feel bad when I see them “crying” and you see tears.

More women is moar bettar.

I don’t care as long were talking two identical men or two identical women. 8)

MOAR loli (Aeka-like is fine) :twisted:

MOAR mahou shoujo :twisted:

BEST if it’s gothic mahou shoujo loli :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Hmm…is there even one out there that is translated to english? I’d be interested. :stuck_out_tongue:

However, does that mean it’s a disappointment to you?

no best is twincestial gothic mahous shoujo loli.

there is violence and there is violence.

vampires, supernatural and magic users killing each other or people and leaving a blood path behind them is fine (actually more then fine :twisted: )

rape, abusing a woman or feeding on the “desperate need” of some women is a different matter, and frankly, I find it quite disturbing. I don’t even understand what people find interesting in these titles? for that matter, I don’t understand what drives the people that make these title to actually make them :evil:

Virgin Roster and Hitome little sister were a big disappointment (I stopped playing VR at the start of the VN, I didn’t even finish the first day in school!).

any way, “short” stories are a big disappointment as well, long ones are better :mrgreen:

What do you do when you get a title that does both at the same time? Companies like Black Cyc and Touchy have supernatural stuff and treat women like meat bags, depending on the story path you pick.

Remember that different people have different ways of looking at things. I find most “true love” eroge boring for the simple fact that there’s nothing interesting about it to me… it’s all mundane and nornal. Dark eroge explore love and passion from another prospective - I find that far more entertaining and worthwhile to examine. VR gives you the chance to take the role of a hateful, evil individual. That alone makes it unique in a world where games always have the protagonist as a good guy or childish played evil.

Gives you prospective on things, while demonstrating the reactions of despiration and lost hope.

Thus is highlighted the key fissure between the light and dark camps. Those of us in the light side camp are repulsed when the protagonist, in whose eyes we see the world of the story, acts contrary to our moral compass. Those in the dark side camp are instead drawn in.

the underlined part is the important part, if women are abused then I’ll keep my distance. :evil:

you are right about “true love” eroge being boring (infact I can’t stomach romantic films), that is where the comedy and story part comes in to the rescue. A good story that adds romance to itself is, IMHO , how VNs should be, after all, a novel can’t be a novel unless it have a good story. The protagonist doesn’t have to be a good guy for the story to be good, in the game “Kane and Lynch: Dead Men” (am currently playing this game) have 2 of the best protagonists I’ve seen in a western game (IMHO) and I’d love to read a VN that have similar protagonist in it. As long as rape or abuse of women* is not there, then give me violence :twisted:

  • killing women is fine though :mrgreen:

Man, now it’s clear you have never been to Sweden, because in their culture only FEMALES are outgoing, never the opposite (at least that’s what I unfortunately experienced during my long interaction with Swedes :()