Biggest disappointment (of the genre)

I can understand why people feel hatred for Virgin Roster, but personally I don’t agree with that. I my opinion it was the most influential Bishoujo Games that I have played. Never before was I given the opportunity to see the world with the eyes of an evil son of a bitch, a scum and a rapist. Even though I don’t find rape scenes attractive it was a shocking experience preying on my psyche. Playing that was better than any thriller/horror movie.
But I totally disagree with a statement saying that everything by ZYX is bad. Although they are indeed sex romps, ZYX games without a shadow of doubt have the best CG’s, the best graphics and drawings. And that is, in fact, what we expect from hentai in general (not only dating sims)

Yes, I couldn’t concur more: women are cruel, malicious and evil. They deserve to harmed the same way they harm us: the righteous people :twisted:

You know what usually happens to whoever does a triple post in another regular forum?

Earlier, one person wondered if otome games feature a female lead pursuing male love interests. Most of my knowledge of untranslated otome games is from the reviews which occasionally get posted here on My Neoromance ( – just look for ‘reviews’). Some of the stories sound like slice-of-life, while others sound more suspenseful. Since I’m an open shoujo fanboy, I’ve made sure to read through the reviewers’ thoughts. Be sure to look, and think, “Who’s pursuing who?”

Now as for letdowns… if I may mention an abstract (“I wish there was more of this type…”) letdown, it would be the lack of complex, stat-driven dating simulations in English. True Love '95 was translated about ten years ago, and since then… the only one which I can remember was Summer Session (OEL) from Tycoon Games. I mention this because my background is in console games. I grew up liking games which emphasized strategy and RPG elements. I don’t think I’m the only one who’d welcome such things in ren’ai games…

A more specific disappointment? The first thing which comes to mind is Nocturnal Illusion. It could’ve been so much more… but it was completely linear, right up until the last decision. If the creators had dismissed the map, then it really should’ve been a kinetic novel.

I haven’t played all that many games yet and haven’t really had too much in the way of disappointments, in fact probably the most annoying thing for me is that due to my poor memory, I can’t remember what has happened in the story from one day to the next.

From the games I have played I would say that the most disappointing thing was Asumi’s ending im Heart de Roommate, I really enjoyed the game up until the ending but I just found it to be an anticlimax. In fact that caused me not to go back and do the other girls endings for fear of similar disappointment.

I also didn’t much care for what happened to Hitomi in some of the endings of Hitomi My Stepsister (mainly the Yoko endings if I remember correctly).

Heh, don’t get some of us started on Hitomi. Even though there are many points to Hitomi that I have issue with, at least there was an actual story in it, even if lacking much emotional content because the character is a cold-hearted bastard for the most part.

I suppose I’ll throw my 2 cents in here. Several titles can get minor disappointments for having art and/or stories that were less good than I thought they would be, but the two biggest are these:

  1. Pretty Soldier Wars A.D. 2048

Two words, Stormtrooper Academy. Seriously, the tactical sequences were a constant exercise of pain and frustration. Since this is a tactical RPG, this seems to be a rather serious problem. The only things your soldiers can do is move and shoot (poorly at that), in that order. No guard command, no special attack options or battle field healing, not even the ability to shoot then move. Sigh I beat the game, once, and am probably not going to again. Even for the last scenes, of which for an eroge there were not enough of. Oh well, at least the art was decent.

  1. Lightning Warrior Raidy

I really wanted to like this one, I really did. I mean, it had good art and I like RPGs, not too crazy about Yuri but I guess you can’t have everything. Unfortunately between the annoying gameplay and lack luster sex scenes, I just didn’t find it interesting. I’m hoping that the sequels will improve so that I can enjoy this series more, not enough RPGs get translated. :frowning:

So that’s my 2 cents. :wink:

PS: My dream ero RPG that I would someday like to see: A game that has the main character go out from his base and capture cute monster girls, the higher his level then the more exotic and powerful the girl he captures. He then takes her back to his base where he seduces (light side :smiley: ) or breaks her (dark side :twisted: ) to his will using an SLG interface, as a nice contrast to the RPG elements. In fact, to add to the interactivity when he ‘dominates’ a monster girl he can use her special abilities to get to more locations for even more girls to claim for his menagerie (such as a spider girl with climbing powers letting him reach cliff tops so he can capture harpies, dragon and angel girls, or an elf girl letting him travel into deep woods so he can capture a nymph/dryad or unicorn girl. Things like that.) Of course he re-visit any girl he has captured any time he likes, or work on her later if he has something else to do (want to capture the Vampire before going to work on that Lamia you just caught? No problem!). If it had good art and lots of scenes this would make an awesome game that I would gladly pay a lot for. Pity such a thing doesn’t exist… :cry:

Heh, whatever does it for you. Personally, I don’t understand why so many people are in to the kemonomimi thing.

I’m probably going to get a lot of hate for this, but my biggest disappoint was Kana. I didn’t like any of the characters or its heavyhanded gloominess. It didn’t help that the art was so inconsistent. It’s one of the few eroge I have that I can’t even force myself to get of all the non-bad endings.

No hard feelings, i just don’t get the “inconsistent art” part.

Btw, since this is the “Biggest disappointment” thread, why haven’t I seen anyone mention HinataBokko?

Kana in the event CGs often looked very different from the normal paper doll or whatever you call it CG. The event CGs’ art didn’t seem that consistent to me either, but I can’t remember clearly since it’s been a while since I last tried it.

For me, it has to be XC3. Peach Princess screwed up royally in their localization of the title.

My biggest disappointment is that there has not been enough twincest or loli titles (especially the combination of the 2) translated to English.

But even if it’s loli, the characters are still over 18. :wink:

That fact right there was one of the reasons I went o_O and “urk…” at least a few times during my playthroughs.

If they managed to get the localization for XC2 right, HOW THE BLOODY HELL did they make such a mess out of XC3?!!?

well…i can assume the “over 18” disclaimer applies to the VAs so long as they don’t mention ages.

Those that do mention ages, I can assume they were on crack when doing that part and thus didn’t know what they were really typing. :stuck_out_tongue:

As for the protagonists in translated games, with most of them are still in high school, i can hardly say that they’re all over 18, especially when he’s not last year (you’ll know it if he has a senpai). :lol:

Among the actual adult protagonists, these 2 are the most dispointing:
Okano Makoto (high school’s last year)
Hayami Natsuki (graduated from high school 3 years ago) (also the 2 came from 2 disappointing games as well :()
Being technically adults, but they behave just like other teenager protagonists, ironically :lol:

Regarding characters in games being in high school, I’ll let Shingo’s response to something I said regarding YMK explain it:

protagonists need to get some phreaking jobs (that have nothing to do with restaurants or schools). I still don’t know why most animes take place in an academy (note, not “high” school)? I wander if it have to do with the fact that that way the protagonist won’t have any responsibilities which will make it easier for the player to relate to him :mrgreen:

rule of eroge #xxx: The protagonist won’t have any responsibilities, since “getting the girl” will take all of his time (even if the VN doesn’t take place at school, the protagonist will most likely still be a school student with nothing to do)

In Amusment park the protagonists have responsibilities.

And in I’m gonna n… hum… no nevermind. 8)