Bishoujo Game Junkie

I have gone Totally Crazy on Games. Alot of these have had really good stories. (got hooked after my Very First Game Snow Sakura) and i went and got alot!!! Lets Meow Meow
Sagara Family
Lightning Warrior Raidy
Private nurse
Figures of Happiness.
After spending all that money and being Really really excited. I wanted to ask the Forums to help me. Which one should i try First.

also i wanted to share that i bought alot, but i couldn’t tell my Roomies… heh heh

Thank you

It doesn’t really matter in the end 8)

But if you really liked Snow Sakura, you should start with the Sagara Family or Figure of Happiness.
I didn’t try Let’s Meow Meow but it should have the same atmosphere (still I’m not interested in the arts of this one).

LWR is totaly different so maybe try to play it after the first one.

Aniway I should kill you because you didn’t choose the right games ! You didn’t pick MY favorite games :lol:
So now, rob a bank and go buy Yume Miru Kusuri, Crescendo and kana little sister ! :smiley:

Really your Favs? i am sorry I sorta half looked some off them up (Avoiding Series Rape or Blackmail Types)
I heard many people Talk about Kana Little Sister. i was a little worried about it at first because it sounded a bit weird but nothing but goood things. Crescendo i dunno anything about but i heard the name. Yume Miru Kusuri… Damn i haven’t heard of that.

Yea i LOVED Snow Sakura… it mad me Feel happy and the Story was done well and it wasn’t overly constant sex. i felt like i got to know them and i played through the first time picking my Answers and when i hit my Ending I was soooo sad that it was over. (Rei was my ending)


I agree with le nuage. If you enjoyed Snow Sakura, you really should have gone for Yume Miru Kusuri, Crescendo, and Kana. Given what I have heard so far about the game, you might also want to look in to pre-ordering Family Project.

I’m curious, what about it sounded weird to you?

Yea I read some more of the Forums and Decided to Spend the money on Ordering Yume Miru Kusuri. but that is putting me on the Ramen Diet Hard core. but I read soo much in the Forums saying it had a great story and would be really enjoyable so i did. ^.^

I like your Signature ^.^

Ramen is good for you, helps you keep the weight off. :smiley:

I’ll tend to say to avoid Kana… Not that’s the art or story are bad… But some path could be hard since it’s talk a lot about grave disease and death (for me, the aunt part was especially hard for me since i saw my father dying of his Cancer and i even was the first to found him dead, since we were taking care of him at home).
So if you can’t bear with thise topic, don’t go for kana.

The other two are really good (especially Mizuki path in Yume Miru Kusuri :mrgreen: )

Indeed. As good as they are, Kana deals with terminally ill people while YMK deals with bullying. If you cannot stand these themes, it’s best to avoid these games.

i have to stop buying h-games because july is a big month for anime dvd’s after cherry i can’t buy anymore till my b-day

It’s totally different… The bullying is not a one sided thing with the death itself.
It’s a 50/50… The one who is bullied is also at fault for not answer back… It’s partially it’s fault.Well in case of some grave disease it’s also the fault of the people.

What i mean, that’s bullying it’s not a really hard topic.We almost all saw it when we were in High School and most of the time it’s not that hard, it’s just little and stupid prank who don’t harm physically and they’ll be forgoten when we grow up… Well, sometime , i agree, some people goes too far and drive the one bullied into commit suicide or murder… But that’s extreme case which happen, maybe, like 1 on 1 million…Where death happen 99,9% of the time for people in terminal phase of a disease.

I don’t know how to explain better, but i don’t think Bullying it’s a hard topic… And i know what bullying is, since i’m calm and i’m looking weak, in High school, people tried bullying me (well they tried but since i’m only lookng weak ^^ )

You, sir, don’t know the effects of bullying in societies, nor how much of a problem it is, especially in Japan.

Death happens whenever life exists. One could say death isn’t a hard topic since it’s as natural as living. People live, people die; therefore coping with death is the same as coping with life. There are more assistance to people in the terminal phase of a disease than there never was to victims to bullying because societies refuse its darkest sides (of which bullying is a part) while at least modern societies acknowledge the need for help and compassion associated with terminal disease.

To compare if “you” suffered more if you had a close one dying of a terminal disease or if you got bullied is immature. What matters is that either are personal experiences that someone may have issues dealing with, experiences which associated memories are painful to the person, therefore what matters is to caution the person about the matter.

those are both interesting now lets get back on topic

Kana, YMK, and Crescendo are all three worth getting - though I would warn you, Kana could kill you. I love the game, it is tremendously emotional; if you don’t cry while playing it, you’re doing something wrong. I played the game through two endings and became so depressed I didn’t want to do anything for days, and ached emotionally for a week after. Though, I guess there’s a matter of how invested you can get into these games - I tend to get very invested.

As for your list, I really liked Sagara Family and enjoyed what I saw of Figures of Happiness. (I got distracted a few hours in and never got back to it) I haven’t played the others.

I might also recommend Heart de Roommate, Snow Drop, and Yin Yang X-Change Alternative.

There are many other games out there which I would not recommend because they are mostly mindless sex romps or very dark. (unless you like dark)

If you don’t mind the absence of sex, you might well enjoy Ever 17, or Yo-Jin-Bo

Quoted because it’s true.
I was also depressed after seeing the bad endings in YMK… and I didn’t want to talk to anybody after playing Hitomi Little sister (this one is “dark” so be warned).

In fact when you think about it, you can be depressed after playing most of the games that have bad endings or at least a emotionnaly deep story.
Even if those are not “dark themed” games, you won’t be the same after playing games like kana, Crescendo, YMK, Sagara Family (some pathes aredisturbing). Most of the time it ends “well”, but before that you have to go trough some suffuring (just look at the Yuka’s good ending in Crescendo for exemple).

Yuka’s the “bad girl”, right? She was my favorite, I fealt she had more depth than the other characters - though that one scene in her good ending … yeah, that was screwed up.

That game just made my terribly melencholy - and left me wondering why my high school days were never like that.

I suppose I’ll be the one to recommend Ever 17 since no one else has yet. No sex, but the story is -very- enjoyable.

Actually, I did mention it, but no reason not to mention it again - certainly worth looking into if you haven’t.

I think that is what i would love the Most. An in=depth story even if it makes me sad it would make me a little happy for being that involved and having something that in dept. Even if it is a bit Dark. Though I have trouble With Bad endings. I can’t bring myself to get them yet.

I spent all Night Playing Sagara Family. It was pretty good and enjoyed it. I played through my First Time Being me and it lead me through Arisa’s Story. and i couldn’t do the Bad ending because i don’t think i could handle that topic cause it’s sensitve to me. But i played through the other’s except Ruruka’s and got there good endings and found it mostly enjoyable.

Ever 17? Ok ill give it a look though i am a bit broke right now.

THANK YOU Everyone I love the Responses and the help and the knowledge

The thing about Kana is it has something like 8 endings and only two of them are good, some are sad but not devistatingly so, and some are downright fudged in the head. I never managed a good ending, though, you know, I didn’t mind that so much because the first one I got felt more real the way it went. (the second one … well … yeah, wow)

Honestly, the only game I’ve played which almost compares is Crescendo. But light hearted games can be a lot of fun as well, and are usually what I steer towards unless I’m looking to punish myself. As for as lighthearted games go, Heart de Roommate and Snow Sakura are probably at the top of the list - while Sagara Family is probably the best ‘Harem’ game I’ve played.

WOW 8 endings… I want to play but at the same time i feel a bit scared. i don’t do deppressed very well… i sorta go overboard… but at the samw time it sounds Wonderfully in depth