Bishoujo Game Junkie

I ended up using a walkthrough for Kana because the decisions in it, for the most part, seemed kind of random and gave no hint as to how it really effects the game. At least with Tsukihime you had the Ciel-sensei session after you play through to give you hints as to what you did wrong. I still need to go through Kana one last time and get the so called “good ending”, though I have heard that it is more a bittersweet ending than good.

Thanks, it’s kind of an evolution of one (of many) funny things my friend has said.

There are “only” 5 endings in Kana (one good and four bad).
And you have to see all the 4 bad endings to unlock the good one.

Y_Y ouch… … Dang i still wanna give it a go but at the same time… sigh i just need to Deal. It should be worth it from what i hear. Lots of good things i keep hearing. even if i get a bit sad

Kana actually has 6 endings, although two of them are virtually identical. I’d definitely recommend playing it as well :).

If the games don’t get you invested in them, you shouldn’t be bothering with anything but yarugee. The point of a game that’s not yarugee is to get involved emotionally. [Edit: I think I should explain the word ‘yarugee’ for our newb friend. Yaru = “to do”, “gee” is short for “geemu” = game. So a yarugee is a “do it game”. “It” means what it sounds like it means. :slight_smile: ]

I second pretty much every recommendation here – Crescendo, Kana, Ever 17, FIgures of Happiness, Heart de Roommate, etc – and I would add Nocturnal Illusion (available in the MIlky House collection). Sure, it’s an ancient game; it does suffer a bit from its old-school design and linearity. But the game still holds up remarkably well even ten years later – it still has actively-maintained fan sites!

Thanks My Japanese is a bit Rusty since i took it.

Wow I feel a bit Sad because out of those Games i didn’t get many of them out of the Ones i bought. i Think only Figures of Happiness I ordered. though i ordered YMK but that won’t arrive for awhile. Which leaves me thinking i got a bunch of Not fantastic Games. though what i read on them didn’t make any of them seem Bad just not what i was looking into. But this just means i have more titles to look forward to

Ah ha, guess I missed that right at the end of your post. But yes, it really can’t be mentioned enough.

Actually, I enjoyed The Sagara Family quite a bit, despite it’s ‘ho-hum’ story approach. The humor was great. Private Nurse is also a pretty good one. It has a lot of ‘mood’ type feel to it, but the main character can be a bit annoying at times because he’s so childish.

I did Enjoy Sagara Family a good Deal. i had some Troubles with Arisa’s story and i know i could Never Bring myself to get her Bad ending… i hate that director sooo much… i just wanted to jump in and arrgghhh!!!

ahem sorry but it was nice and the Story didn’t feel Overly Bland to me. i laughed a good amount of the Time ^.^

I was thinking of Playing Private Nurse Next out of the ones i have. or YMK i believe it is i really can’t decide yet and decided to take a little break for my Brain with a bit of Xenosaga. but i plan to start tommorow ^.^

Wow i am really happy getting all this advice. I feel like it will help me stray from the ones that i wouldn’t enjoy. Thank you Again Minasan ^.^

People around here are usually pretty helpful and love to talk about games, so you came to the right place.

If your list, I’ve only played Sagara Family and Figures of Happiness, so I couldn’t comment on the others. But don’t let the lack of possitive responses cause you to dispair, play them and see for yourself.

As for which to play next, I’d go with YMK - something heavier after the lighthearted Sagara Family. (though, as you said, there are a few places which aren’t quite so lighthearted)

Yea its really nice… i haven’t Shared my new found love with my Roomies. and i don’t know that many people with the same interest so its nice here.

yea i am going to play them. i bought them and i won’t waste the money.

Yea i was soooo Sad and upset at certain points of Sagara Family. I also haven’t Played through Ruruka’s Ending but i have a feeling something weird may be happening there. But even with that i still want to play because i want to know more of the story.

though i have been hearing about bad endings… but i think i would be really really feel bad if i missed an ending. not like getting 100% but i Play through my First Time Perfectly as my Descisions. and to hit the End with no one would be deppressing. After my First time i can kinda scope out what will lead where and that got me through.

Buy Kana. That’s an order.
That game is the ultimate drama, it makes grown men cry, dark lords shed sissy tears after playing it, scars the mind for weeks, make you lie in torpor for days and you’ll learn a few things…

After playing Kana I wanted a fun game without sadness and stuff so I got Heart de Roommate… that proved to be a bad move in the end, I won’t spoil it, but its still a great game.

I cant help but smile as I read your posts about the bad ends of Sagara Family as I simply could not feel anything for that game so the bad ends were ‘just’ a H scene for me… although the cosplay girl was kind of fun…

Ever 17 will kill your mind if you aren’t prepared for it, its a massive, mesmerizing, intellectual game full of wows.

YMK was 10/10 in my book so I re-recommend it.

Let’s Meow Meow was a bag of laughs, especially the robot girl.

I think you’d like the two Kango Shicyauzo, fun upon fun, and you’ll get a new fetish too!

Come See Me Tonight 1-2, you’d love it.

You should try to train your dark side, Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night are both epic game and have been translated by Mirror Moon (well… mostly) or you could try Slave Pageant. It’s not really dark but for one its funny as hell.

Keep away from Virgin Rooster… I think everyone hates that game, light/dark side players alike.

Enjoy spending all your money and living under a cardboard box… Oh yeah preorder Family Project! It has an epic feel to it.

Mirage, your post about bullying made me lose it for a second, I highly suspect that you were never bullied back in your days…

300 posts from me?


In before ‘Virgin Roaster’.

I liked how you mentioned Kazoku Keikaku as a followup to ‘living under a cardboard box’. That poor girl. =P

WOW that is alot. i think i will get Kana but my Wallet is already Hurting. Wow Torpor Huh? Haven’t heard that in awhile not since my Whitewolf Days ^.^

lol its cool Sagara Family was mostly Enjoyable but a couple Chars i liked. Arisa a little and Emire (Cosplay Girl) was lots of laughs.

Yea i was told a bit about Ever 17 and i think i can try it.

i Ordered YMK already. Le nuage Got me 2 ^.^

Robot? Lets meow meow robot? lol i think i need to try it.

Yea no Virgin Roster for me. i have heard things

i have a feeling i missed something funny with the cardboard box

Wait Fate Stay night??? That is a Bishoujo Game!!! I loved that Anime it was great. but there is more??


Oh my GOD!
You liked the anime?! Then you’ll go batshit crazy over the game and die from awesomeness.
3 paths, 5 ending and a sequel named Fate/Hollow Ataraxia (not translated)
The Fate/Stay Night game was the second game of Type Moon the first being Tsukihime. Tsukihime rocked the world with its perfection and spawned a sequel Kagetsu Tohya, a doujin fighting game Melty Blood that has tons of versions (the newest is Act Cadenza, with Actress Again in the making). After Type Moon scored some cash with Tsuki, they made F/SN which when released on January 30, 2004, Fate/stay night rapidly became one of the most popular visual novels in history, securing the title of “highest selling visual novel” in 2004. A “fan disk” sequel, Fate/hollow ataraxia, was released on October 28, 2005, which became one of the top selling visual novels of 2005. And ITS NOT OVER, THEY’RE STILL MAKING MORE!
(Fate fighting game, new h-games, remade Tsuki, etc.)

I advise you to get both games with sequels ASAP since in my opinion Tsuki and Fate are the ultimate bishoujo games!

Oh, and never ever watch the thing called Tsukihime anime, it does not exist… IT DOES NOT!

Where can i Find a Copy of Fate/stay night??? Is there a place i can Order it??? like of G-collections main site but whoever made it. and Tsuki is a Prequel Type??

Wow that is seriously alot of Stuff… i Can’t believe that F/SN is a Bishoujo Game… i mean the anime was so Innocent in a sexual Sense (Gore and Violence though… … bloood ^.^) WOW are there other B-games that turned anime?

Well the game doesn’t have that lot of sex. (in the 3 endings that I have there were 3 sex scenes)(for example: you remember before the fight with Berserker in the woods? They made that stupid dragon ritual? Now originally they had a threesome… much better!)
And this will be shocking but I think that the battles were better, more epic in the game!

No, Tsukihime is not a prequel or a sequel to Fate, its on a completely different story line, but the world is the same with a few overlapping things (Church, the worlds most powerful wizard, etc.) plus the characters in Tsuki are monstrous compared to those in Fate, hell the main heroine is so powerfull that she could take on all the Servants and win, and the protagonist Shiki is walking Death, almost everyone has Reality Marbles (I could name at least 5).

Getting the game could be tricky, but I’ll look around and we’ll see what we can do.


You can buy Fate/stay night here. About 80-85% of the anime is based on the first route of the game, the ‘Fate’ route, with only a few bits taken from the other two paths, so there’s a lot more content that the anime doesn’t cover. Plus as Nero Blackheart mentioned, the game is much much better than the anime. :slight_smile:

I totaly agree concerning comme see me tonight.
In fact you really should have csmt 2 (I still have to buy csmt1) ready on your computer after playing Kana, YMK or Hitomi (if you dare playing it).
It’s the perfect game to cure your depressing state induced by a huge amount of /sadeness/rage/OMG why do you do that to this poor girl/…

But concerning Kango Shicyauzo…
I have KS2 (because I’ve a fetish for miko :)) and I was really disapointed because the main character is just a player and the story is stupid.
It’s one of the 2 games I didn’t finish (the other is secret wives club).

People mentioned Ever17.
i didn’t talk about this one since there is no sex in it, but if you don’t care it must be your priority (after YMK of course).
I rank it #2 in my TOP10 of the best games ever (and guess what… the #1 is… YMK :D)

I’ll say my opinion again :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t agree at all for Come See me Tonight 2… I played it just after Come see me tonight 1… And i find it boring.
If you go for a comme see me tonight go for the 1 not the 2.

I’ll give you my opinion after playing csmt1 then :wink:
I purchased the 2 before the 1 only because the girls seems cuter and because I avoid extreme loli and obasan (but now… since I’m sane after playing the Sagara family it should be OK :D).