Bishoujo versus hentai

Hmmm… yeah, “dating-sim games” is a really good term to use for ren’ai games, indeed. Even why, we have between us many girls who likes to play these games, so they are not just for guys (the ‘bishoujo’-part, i mean).

But as for kishiku or yarugee games, i still think that’s not suitable (because they are not really about ‘dating’ girls). Maybe we can call them something like “sex-slave-sim” or “sex-training-sim”.

In the end, we chose "dating-sim game" as a pretty good term to use for these games. It's quite descriptive, even though not all bishoujo games involvee actual dating; it's not impossible for "normals" to remember; and it's not offensive to the Japanese, who would cringe at being called "pervert game artists."

Then my question would be... Why does J-Mate
(assuming that it's yours (J-List, hence J-Mate))
call them Hentai games?