Black Cyc eroges for sale on J-List

Got a heads up from someone via IRC - J-LIST has some Black Cyc games for sale at very very good prices (Gore Screaming Show, MinDead Blood DVD edition, Gun Katana and Yami no Koe 1-3, but there’s only one copy of each game/game set in stock). Link here. Hopefully this won’t be just a one-off thing. :smiley:

$18 for MinDeaD Blood or Gore Screaming Show!? Holy shit that’s a deal. :shock:

I’m tempted to order them at a steal like that (especially with MDB out of print)… but it be unfair seeing how I have copies of my own. :stuck_out_tongue:

This + what Lamuness said…

Black CYC titles on J-list
‘Evil’ plans
Cool announcements

!!! they must have licensed something from Black CYC! :o

That might not necessarily be the case. If they’ve licensed them, why would they be selling the untranslated versions?

I just remembered but I recall reading that Black CYC was looking to hire someone who could speak Japanese and English. Perhaps Black CYC are handling the translation or something.

I just find it a weird coincidence that:

  1. Lamuness mentioned ‘evil’ and ‘new announcements’. Thus implying that a Dark game has been licensed and will be announced.

  2. They are selling some of Black CYC’s titles for cheap. Perhaps they were the ones the staff used for testing to see what the games were like? ( If they are allowed to test Japanese originals to find one to license )

  3. Black CYC was looking for someone with English skills. Perhaps for translation purposes or for proper communication with the people who choose to license their products.

I’ll admit it isn’t 100%, but their is atleast some implication that it could be a Black CYC title.

Wha?! They are disappearing! There really was only one in stock :frowning:

Hehe, I snagged Gun Katana as soon as I could. It’s a shame they didn’t put them up a few weeks ago, could have used the discount on MDB and GSS.

I bought Yami no Koe and Gore Screaming show, but I’ll have to wait for confirmation before I’m certain I managed to get those before someone else did. It took a while before they took Gore Screaming Show out of the list after I bought it, so there still is a chance someone had already bought them before I did and the list hadn’t been updated yet. :?

P.S. Ok, I usually am confident with my English despite being self-taught, but I’m not perfectly sure the above message was grammaticaly correct. I’m too excited right now to tell… Apologies if it’s too hard on your eyes :oops:

They were selling Black Cyc games for under twenty bucks, and I missed it?! :shock:

Nooooooooo! :cry:

Damn, this is cruel. I really wanted all four and I’m still not sure I managed to get any of them. Oh, PLEASE, Peter, make some more copies available. PLEASE. Oh, send some copies to your european retailers, too. And I repeat, PLEASE.

The real oddity is that they were selling (presumably new and unopened copies of) the special editions of Gun Katana and Gore Screaming Show, and the DVD re-release of MinDead Blood, which is currently out of print, all for ridiculously low prices (20-25% or so of the original cost). There’s no way even the second-hand price would be anywhere near that low, not to mention the cost for an unopened limited edition/out of print version. If they do get more copies in stock (or if they get other untranslated eroges in stock), I doubt they’d sell them for anywhere near those prices, otherwise they’d be making a huge loss.

TBH, after the brainwashing Narg gave us through his reviewing, I could care less about prices. The thing is, I am still afraid of customs, so those prices served an important purpose by being close to the price of a negligible item and therefore I probably would be able to avoid customs that way. If they somehow made some copies available to european retailers though, I would buy them no matter the cost, despite being a cheapskate in general.

EDIT: I just received confirmation that they received the payment and are beginning to ship the items. Boy, would I love to show you guys my grin right now. It’s pure evil.

Just got my confirmation for Gun Katana. Definitely worth the price considering even with shipping it’s about 1/3 the original price. Too bad they’ve sold out of all of them already.

Hmph, these things only happen when I’m on vacation with no Internet access :shock: , but I’m HAPPY :smiley: to see that J-List now sells untranslated erogames from Japan, I’ve spent 200+ euros on Call Of Cthulhu books last month as personal tribute to poor Keith Herber, let’s see if I can pay my respects to Payne-sama in the same manner :lol: …

It’s odd they only offered one or maybe only a few copies of each game. Was this a test run to see if the game is worth bringing over? Whatever became of the thing Peter Payne was mentioning at last Anime Expo about getting some darker stuff?

This is what i mentioned earlier.

Even ‘Lamuness’ hinted at it.

I’m guessing that either:

  1. The JastUSA team is considering trying to license one or more of the titles that were listed.
  2. They have licensed one or more already

Sidenote: More japanese-language games are available.
Sidenote 2: So I bought the Yami no Koe trilogy. But I forgot to check… Was this the fully voiced version or not?

Huh… so Black Cyc games as well as Reminiscence Blue from mikanbako (which seems to be defunct and is being handled through distributor Russell). Apparently fripSide did an opening song of the same name for the latter, which isn’t too bad. I guess they’re not just getting samples from Cyc, and as far as I know, Russell doesn’t distro for Cyc (but Russell apparently distros Katahane(!) or used to, anyway).

And earlier there were two oldish Pulltop eroges (Onegai Ohoshisama and Yunohana) as well as the original unvoiced (non-dreambox) version of Hoshizora Planet. Maybe they are just offloading some of their eroges that they were considering licensing at some stage?

I guess those three games aren’t as interesting, since they’re from known partners, but it does seem to support the notion that these are samples they received from talks with Japanese companies.