Black Cyc eroges for sale on J-List

Their are ‘other’ ways to find hard to find games…

[size=10]As much as I don’t support ‘bad methods’…it became the only way to get the game so I was left with no choice…
Custom requested it at a few online stores and none could get it…so…yeah.

Please don’t hate me it was the only way :frowning: (I don’t support piracy unless it’s pretty much the only way to get something such as in this situation ).
Since then i’v considered deleting it, if that makes anyone feel better, think of it as a ‘trial run’ to find out exactly what the game was.[/size]

Speaking of which, has anyone played Ageha Extravaganza?

[size=10]If you want me to go ahead with testing this… I can. But only if it wont make everyone go into a fit.[/size]

Well, I don’t really condone it Lipp, but I’m not going to have a fit over it either. A former classmate of mine originally got Tsukihime the same way before he was able to find Tsuki-Bako up for sale.

I’ll give it a day, if anyone has a problem with it then I wont do it.
If no one has a problem with it then I’ll ‘test’ it to see how it is.

No one seems to have a problem with it…so…here :slight_smile:

The game took about 30-40 mins to complete by skipping all the text, so my guess is about 1-2 hours long if you read it.
The games images are encrypted differently…but only half of them seem to have this.

Pretty much you make 2 choices throughout the game that affect the ending.

If i remember right their was 4 endings ( or atleast I had all the images/scenes from that )

Theirs 2 mini-games you can unlock:
Finish any ending - Unlocks Mini-Game 1
Finish all endings/get all CG’s and scenes - Unlocks Mini-Game 2

18 scenes
15 different images, but many have alternate versions ( some have over 30 variations! )

The storyline is pretty much:
We have 2 girls being held hostage by some fat guy
Depending on the choices they get raped in different ways.
In one of the endings they kill the guy and escape but he turns into a tentacle monster thing.

My copy of Kanon Standard Edition arrived from J-List today. I can’t believe how lucky I was. :mrgreen:

My girls got here this morning too. :slight_smile: Although I’m slightly busy, since I’m vaguely trying to play Casual Romance Club and just finally got my Yo-Jin-Bo download working… not to mention I don’t even know if I’ll be able to translate any of this thing in order to use it yet. :slight_smile: Very cute box though! Not covered with overt sex, and the girls look nice, even if they are lacking in glasses.

(My opinion of CRC so far is vague disappointment - I prefer games with plot. There are lots and lots of options, and that’s fun, but it all seems meaningless.)

(Hey, there’s a Pia Carrot disc in here too. Demo, I assume?)

CRC is not for everyone. A lot of people are putoff by the format being non-narrative.

Besides, in exchange for not having a plot, there were some very believable characters and situations in it.

I hereby resurrect this thread from the dead…although it’s with good reason. J-list is yet again selling untranslated eroge. Interestingly enough they chose Fate/Stay Night and Cross Channel, interesting because they both have completed fan translations.

If JAST could sign up Type-Moon, then Peter is officially the Son of God returned or the Antichrist… maybe both. :stuck_out_tongue:

… they’re selling copies of these and they’ll work with the patches? zips off to order

Well, he’ll have a convert either way, hope he doesn’t mind apostacy though :mrgreen:

some Japanese language knowledge? ;p

Agreed, that is quite amusing. Nothing written by Nasu should be attempted without being able to read at a level at least equal to what is required to pass JLPT level 1 as I understand it.

I dunno, I was able to read it =P It’s hard but there’s worse.

Well, while they may be listing them, it’s apparently a huge unknown as to when/whether they’ll actually find any copies to ship… (Which is why I only ordered one, and am still waiting for updates.)

Same here, you’d think if they were going to sell them they’d at least have picked up some copies to actually sell. Fortunately I’ve been busy with Mass Effect 2 so it hasn’t been an issue. I’ll probably contact them next week if I still haven’t heard anything by then.

No updates yet, and I’m going to be moving house in a couple of months, which worries me slightly… Rather not pay that price and have it shipped into the ether. (I’ll try to update the mailing address, obviously, but the system sometimes gets confused about things like that…)