Brave Soul: "And so it begins."

Originally posted by RedHell:
Hey,is this guy spamming or something?

Yeah, that's the impression I got too. And considering that the thread he made for it in the help forum got the answer to his problem long ago, one can start wondering if he actually wants an answer, or if he just likes to ask.

This thread is just too damn funny.
Especially Seishin’s post. Just ROFL!

Dammit I HATE those stupid kids who keep asking stuff that’s BLATANTLY OBVIOUS.
“how do I save?”
“where’s da catnip?”
“I dunno wat do in Monster Cat tral”
“wat do i ned to do on 4th floor fo Ancient Scroll i cant solve the puzzle help plz?”
"where’s the client’s house?"

And I also HATE people who don’t make an effort to type properly. IS IT SO DAMN HARD?! English is not even my native language and you don’t see me typing in 1337. Hell, not even in my native languages! How the f**k are you supposed to learn to write properly if you spend your time on the net writing dumb shorthand letters and simplifying words? It makes you look like a retard.
We go to school for a reason!

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 04-12-2004).]

Not really, I think the shorthand we see here is the new form of shorthand that use to be used by typists in days of old before computers. Now though instead of them using it for notes only we all use it now which is a major problem for trying to communicate across languages when people actually spell out words.

Here is GameFAQs’ version of "how do I save my game???"

I like AG3’s posts in it, and at one point he was really funny:

(reconstructing from memory)
You could have asked your friend by phone.
No, wait, he probably wasn’t home, or doesn’t even have a phone.

Originally posted by Benoit:
This thread is just too damn funny.
Especially Seishin's post. Just ROFL!

Dammit I HATE those stupid kids who keep asking stuff that's BLATANTLY OBVIOUS.
"how do I save?"
"where's da catnip?"
"I dunno wat do in Monster Cat tral"
"wat do i ned to do on 4th floor fo Ancient Scroll i cant solve the puzzle help plz?"
"where's the client's house?"

And I also HATE people who don't make an effort to type properly. IS IT SO DAMN HARD?! English is not even my native language and you don't see me typing in 1337. Hell, not even in my native languages! How the f**k are you supposed to learn to write properly if you spend your time on the net writing dumb shorthand letters and simplifying words? It makes you look like a retard.
We go to school for a reason!

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 04-12-2004).]

Hrmm..... ROFL? I don't recall that word in the English language.

Sorry, couldn't resist, had to tease! [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Allarian (edited 04-19-2004).]

Well, you partly failed, because you said ROLF, not ROFL. :stuck_out_tongue:

Rolf is the main character from Phantasy Star II.

Guys, i need help with this here… i’m at a completely loss

How do i turn on the ‘thing’ that ‘throws water from below’ and where i can sit after being sit ‘thinking in the things i have done in the past and the things i must do in the future’??

This is really hard for me, there are no answers for this in any manual… i moved the pc to the bathroom for help… plz…plz…PLZZZZZZZ!!!

also i need help with the cat girl… she asks me for a catnip and i tell her ‘i have lots in my van! come with me!’ but it always is ‘game over’ after that…

BTW (and now seriuosly): what is ROFL? and IMHO?

“The reason we think the flowers on the precipice are beautiful, is because we are standing on the precipice as well.
Do not fear, because we are like the flowers,

We did not step off.”

ROFL and ROTFL = rolling on the floor laughing

IMHO = in my humble opinion