Brave Soul: "And so it begins."

Go to an inn and talk to the receptionist, then select Save. Like it says in the manual

Originally posted by chronoluminaire:
Go to an inn and talk to the receptionist, then select Save. Like it says in the manual [img][/img]

Considering that seems to be one of the main questions people ask about the game, you would think more people would have cracked open the manual by now. I mean, yeah I sometimes play games before reading the manual but if I get stuck because I can't do something I know I should be able to do (like save), I then go through the manual to figure it out.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Considering that seems to be one of the main questions people ask about the game, you would think more people would have cracked open the manual by now.

Of course, that doesn't include our friends from the "eyepatch, hook, skull and crossbones"-faction, because they don't have the manual at all, right? [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 03-15-2004).]

I don’t know I think the ‘old’ joke is becoming more true then ever these days, “No one reads the manual”. To be honest it is becoming more of a surprise to find people that have actually read it first before playing the game and coming to these types of questions. Seriously I wonder how many copies of games could be sent with no manuals before anyone noticed or complained and at that how many would notice or complain when all was said and done.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 03-15-2004).]

Well, in this particular case what surprises me is that the players must have not actually been into any inn all game, since it offers you the opportunity every time…!

Aww, come on. These people don’t read the manual, you don’t really expect them to read the on-screen text as well do you?

Just kidding. Hmm, well I guess you can muck around the game for quite a bit before ever entering an inn. Though it still seems silly to me. Usually you explore each place to figure out what’s where.

What also gets me is the fact that I’m seeing the question posted as a new thread so often on various boards. I mean, what drives a person to go to a board, see several threads with titles like “how do you save in Brave Soul?” and then think “well, it’s obvious nobody answered any of those threads, I’d better open a new one and ask the question again…” Okay, now I’m just irritable again…

I don’t think anyone checks old posts so if it is not within the top 5 to 10 posts they can see, they figure either has not been asked or they just don’t care to look and ask again anyway, simplier that way for them. If they don’t read the manual though I can understand the confusion, thinking inns are only places to stay at, and how any of the ‘usual’ ways to save must work but wait they aren’t so what’s wrong how do you save in this game. I can see that, but then not looking in the manual, not trying an inn, or not searching old threads that I am not sure I completely understand. I mean isn’t the first logical step to check the manual or try all possibilities no matter how remote?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 03-18-2004).]

shrug Seems logical to me, which is why I don’t understand why there’s been so many posts asking about it. And I probably shouldn’t have picked on the “how to save” question in old posts. I mean, there’s been several times when I’ve seen consecutive posts but different people all asking the same thing, just phrased differently. I guess it’s just my pet peeve that people sometimes don’t even try going through the old posts (either manually or via the search function) for the information they seek.

I have seen similar ones with different topics repeatedly asked, so I know what you mean, it just sometimes irks me that the people have the information they need if they would just look for it, and it’s not hard to find. Yet instead they just ask the same question, nothing wrong with asking but it just shows they did not even take the time to look for very visible information. So I know where you are coming from, for me it can at times become tiresome when the same question appears about nine times.

Originally posted by ekylo:
*shrug* Seems logical to me, which is why I don't understand why there's been so many posts asking about it. And I probably shouldn't have picked on the "how to save" question in old posts. I mean, there's been several times when I've seen consecutive posts but different people all asking the same thing, just phrased differently. I guess it's just my pet peeve that people sometimes don't even try going through the old posts (either manually or via the search function) for the information they seek.

Sometimes I get the urge to answer stupid questions like this:

Q: How do I [do X]

A: I hear reading works very well. You should try it.

Originally posted by colorge:
i need help from anyone....could you plzz...send me a walkthrough about bravesoul plz.....([][/url])plzz.... send me...plz

See, this is why so many kids today are failing English. The internet has destroyed all hope for proper grammatical usage. Damn you, internet! These kids were our last hope. Now you've turned their spelling and grammar ability into mush! Why?! Why must you torment us with your wicked, vile ways. Bad, wicked Zoot. Awful, naughty Zoot. There is but one punishment for lighting the grail-shaped beac... Oh, wait. Went off on a tangent there. [img][/img] Aww, shaddup. Tired. Going to sleep. [img][/img]

精神 の 神


Nope, you’re simply seeing the birth of a new language, admittadly by mostly lazy people.

Originally posted by Seishin:
See, this is why so many kids today are failing English. The internet has destroyed all hope for proper grammatical usage. Damn you, internet! These kids were our last hope. Now you've turned their spelling and grammar ability into mush!

about 7-8 years ago when i was still in high school i started using the net...and began typing quickie text like 'coz' instead of because, and i remember writing 'coz' in a chemistry test and my teacher killed me for that.

now....i wonder why this year-old thread is brought back up again?!

Heh hey at least you didn’t you any acronynms like BTY, FYI and ROFL
I’m just waiting for the first person to type up a report in l33t

[This message has been edited by wanfu2k1 (edited 03-22-2004).]

Originally posted by DeathKnight:
guys, where do you find the Monster Cat? (Vol 16)
I've already talked to the Cat Girl but I'm at a complete loss. She kept saying about stupid catknip or something.

Will about the Catnip you can buy at the store. Then go to the place where Marin has been capture and use the Catnip. Anyeway, this discussion on the help section. („¤ƒGG ±¾±¾

Originally posted by Lamuness:
about 7-8 years ago when i was still in high school i started using the net...and began typing quickie text like 'coz' instead of because, and i remember writing 'coz' in a chemistry test and my teacher killed me for that.

now....i wonder why this year-old thread is brought back up again?!

Havn't you learned by now to stop wondering about such things? [img][/img] Just kidding, I'm always surprised when an old thread pops up like this. Just wish it was for a more appropriate reason...

*shrug* For me, I've always been a fast typist. So I rarely use the "internet shorthand" that's become popular. But personally, I always thought it particularly silly to use on a BBS format like this. I mean, I can understand it being used for chat rooms or on-line gaming where you are trying to convey quite a bit of information quickly, but here? What could you possibly be in a rush to post? Plus, there's so many non-native English speakers here, that when you're using a lot of that shorthand, it often makes the posts even more difficult to understand. And now Seishin-san has me having "Monty Python flashbacks" and that's never a good thing... [img][/img]

I don’t think it was a joke but it is interesting timing, someone just asked about how to save again.

Now, where’s the Mech game?

I think this is lame but can someone tell me how to solve the puzzle in the 2nd hunter exam in the 4th floor in the southern ruins. the missions name is retrieve the ancient scroll.

P.S. sombody help me im lvl 50 now and still i canot solve that puzzle there you should press the 5 bottons in the floor i cannot solve it because i cannot fid any clues how to solve it please help me

Hey,is this guy spamming or something?