Brave Soul update

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i'm a big supporter of manuals, actually, even though i don't always read them....when it comes to bishoujo games, it's a great way to get someone interested in the game...I got Brian playing Casual Romance Club a bit by showing him the pretty manual and it intrigued him

besides, having a nice manual just makes the whole game seem more 'legit' and less like 'just porn', at least to some judgmental people

I can understand the latter point about the manuals and admit they often have more useful information that I alluded to earlier, I do think however that there are perhaps a lot of the other ways to do it. Such as some games have had them on the CD, a point I know that has been argued a lot, or have had a very thin manual with the CD packaging.

Does anyone know the status of the manual reprints?

Originally posted by DragonLord:
Does anyone know the status of the manual reprints?

Right now im sure they couldnt tell the differnce from page 35 and page 1...
(dont know this for a fact... just trying to be funny)

Brave Soul is a 2D RPG game just like Final Fantasy 5. Now my question is is Brave Soul’s battle system turn-based like the Final Fantasy series or is it more like real-time combat?

Originally posted by dexter:
Brave Soul is a 2D RPG game just like Final Fantasy 5. Now my question is is Brave Soul's battle system turn-based like the Final Fantasy series or is it more like real-time combat?

You only control the main character's actions directly and decide for each of your companion-characters a certain strategy/behaviour that they use in battle controlled by an AI.

Originally posted by Sandalphon:
gee... are you in a bad mood? or do you have issues perhaps??.. i was just fooling around.. that's why these kind of stuff are made for right?? the forums i mean.. to chat and fool around.. sorry if my post offended you.. but if it bothered you so much.. why you wasted time replying to something that you don't like??? that's confusing.. (not to say ridiculous..)

Huh? I was making a joke myself based on the fact that some of the more prolific posters like myself and Spectator Beholder-san tend to get a greater share of the teasing here. If it had bothered me, I would have continued on about it instead of doing a one-liner and then shifting topics.

Hmm, I would guess the game would be more towards mid-November myself. (Unless, heaven-forbid, there's another problem with the manual.) They have to print the manuals, ship them over from Spain, package them and then start sending them out.

I feel that manuals are useful but not that important for someone to play the game. And the game not being released because of the manuals is not a good reason for me.

I also want to ask what are the “standards” for manuals ? And why didn’t the first set of manuals meet the “standards” of Peach Princess? That’s all!

Originally posted by woodelf:
I suspect it is was a typographcal or bad luck kind of problem. Like the first 500
printed fine but then pages 4 and 6 are upside down in the last 500.

Bad luck how though? I admit it would be annoying to have upside down pages, but it is not the end of the world, if that was the case, and something most of us could deal with without trouble. I sometimes think people can forgive errors done in an attempt to finish something to please them, then they can delays to make it perfect for them.

Anybody who knows everything should be told a thing or two. - Franklin P Jones

i dont suppose we could have an update on the status of BS just wondering if theres an estimate on when it will be out (to make sure i have the cash for it LOL) anyhow…heres to hopin its sooner than later.

My guess is, the fires mentioned in another thread would more then understandably perhaps delay things even if the game is released soon. Safety of all those near the fires first, game shipment second, or am I way off on my guess?

The Magic 8 Ball says…

Early December.

Wow, I’ve never seen a Magic 8-Ball that’s so specific. Can it do lotto numbers too?

精神 の 神

Everything is burning in San Diego right now. Here are some pictures:

Pictures 2 through 6 are our neighborhood.

Anyway, I will find out the status of Brave Soul ASAP. Hopefully the fires will have calmed down and it will come in on Monday.

Originally posted by Seishin:
Wow, I've never seen a Magic 8-Ball that's so specific. Can it do lotto numbers too?

No. Talk to my organization for those, but the price isn't usually counted in money...

I think early November, which is not that long from now, but I can see that and the next game at g-collections coming out at the same time. It would make it fun for those of us that have not ordered it yet and have budgets to consider. Speaking of g-collections when did they redo their site??? Has anyone seen it recently?

im in Australia so i dont hear much on the news about San Diego so im sorry if my post sounded a bit pushy and i do hope all the staff are alright

O_O The sacred 8-Ball does what it wants.

I’ve found after all these years that lying is just a part of the Magic 8-Ball’s nature, though. sigh

What’s the news on Brave Soul ?

Originally posted by syre:
What's the news on Brave Soul ?

All the CDs are burned.... literally!

Chuckle, all burned. You’re making me laugh in this famires, attracting more attention than I already get from being the only gaijin pecking away on a Powerbook at midnight.

I’m happy (very, very happy…) to report that all is well. Only ten homes were burned in our area of San Diego, although 880 total have been lost so far in the county, so we were definitely lucky. It’s Soddom and Gamorrah, really. BS is still at the duplicators, we’ll know when they’re expected back soon. Shipping might be a little slow due to the general confusion of the fires all over CA, but it shouldn’t be too bad.