Brave Soul update

I’m happy to hear that all is alright!! So when can we expect Brave Soul to be released??

Peter you’re still happy(very , very happy)even though 10 homes got burned down in your area ??? I didn’t know we had an “EVIL” Moderator??

I’m just kidding Peter, Please don’t take it personally!!

[This message has been edited by dexter (edited 10-30-2003).]

I think another question is when will they get control of those fires. From what I hear everytime they get close the fires grow in power somewhere else. How is the new Governor handling this state crisis by the way?

he went to dc to ask for help.

it will likely take a few weeks to get them out.

under control could come as soon as nov 5th acording to the news agencies.

Well weather’s changing here. It’s actually pretty cool today, and I hear first chance of rain could come this weekend. So there is hope the fires could be under control soon.

Our govenernator just arrived back from DC today I heard. He cut short his DC visit to come back and see what he could do. Even our deposed governor was trying to see what he could to.

It is good to know they might soon have it under controland that your new governor actually seems to know what he is doing. Most of those I know in South Carolina are still in shock he was elected.

I just got a shipping notice for Brave Soul today.

same here
i thought i was going crazy or imagining things as it was said it wouldnt be back from the duplicators until after the first week of novembor guess it slid under everyones nose hey

Hehe, that’s what we wanted you to think…

(just kidding, the duplicators surprised us with their speed)

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
(just kidding, the duplicators surprised us with their speed)

Waffo! [img][/img]

That'll make quite a few people happy.

I just got my notice.

Thank you Peter.

[This message has been edited by ksarchet (edited 10-31-2003).]

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
Hehe, that's what we wanted you to think...

(just kidding, the duplicators surprised us with their speed)

So the games are already back from the duplicators? I gotten a notice but at the same time am still hearing that Brave Soul will not be back from the duplicators to ship out until sometime during or after the first week in November.

I got the mail this morning…, which is friday? But the mail said it is going to be shipped by “tomorrow” ? I am not complaining, but weekends ?

Originally posted by syre:
I got the mail this morning.., which is friday? But the mail said it is going to be shipped by "tomorrow" ? I am not complaining, but weekends ?

Cool, I was not sure because of the conflicting news I had heard if they were actually shipping right now, or would be by this time next week.

Well a lot goes on during the weekends, at least Saturday and some places I hear actually have mail that arrives, none picked up, on Sunday, not where I am though, so I guess weekend shipping makes sense.

recived the same message about Brave Soul also today.

I got the e-mail notice too.

hmm i guess only a few Q’s remain such as are they only preparing for the manuals to return or is it a matter of they have them and everything is ahead of schedual ? and also when will the PP homepage be updated (and a million and one other questions that i bet i have missed LOL)

Hmmm, do people who have the preorder fill out receive this email? I don’t think i received any notice.

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you would almost think they would mention something on the main page about this… maybe not though… considering what happened with their last release… they might be trying to get the pre-orders out first instead of having that huge backup they did last time…

yea that could be what it is making sure no hold ups with the games being sent out they could of gotten just enough for the pre-orders and then they are waiting for the next order before updating there homepage

Originally posted by Toronian:
yea that could be what it is making sure no hold ups with the games being sent out they could of gotten just enough for the pre-orders and then they are waiting for the next order before updating there homepage

No i doubt it... what happened with X-change 2 was they took all the orders at once... and it caused a 2 week back up for some of us that ordered the game a year ago... while people who ordered that night got it 3 days later... some of us were NOT very happy with that... (not me(for the most part?)... but i DO remember some of the comments posted here over the situation.) So from a buisness aspect they are prolly taking care of the pre-orders in order this time, as to not make the same mistake... while the masses... (who prolly dont read this forum?) Will get it in the order that they in turn order it.