Brave Soul update

We’re updating soon. We wanted preorders to get word first.

Thanks Peter just wondered was all LOL gave me a small heart attack actually as i wasnt prepared for it this week was expecting it next week but hey no harm done just had to use my gf’s cc (now i prob wont hear the end of it from her LOL)

hmmmm, i pre-ordered, but haven’t received word via email yet

In truth the only noticed I recieved is about it being paid for and everything is ready to ship but I have not gotten a shipment notice yet either.

same here i got the notice of it being paid but no shipping orders as of yet
at least i know im not the only one then

Well considering PPs previous Preorder problems I just waited till they posted that it’s on sale. An lo and behold I orded it just 10 mins ago. Hopefully since I’m only a 2 hr drive away from PP I’ll get BS within the week Then I might take a break from cresendo to put up some thoughts about BS (that is if someone doesn’t beat me to the punch)

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Well considering PPs previous Preorder problems I just waited till they posted that it's on sale. An lo and behold I orded it just 10 mins ago. Hopefully since I'm only a 2 hr drive away from PP I'll get BS within the week [img][/img] Then I might take a break from cresendo to put up some thoughts about BS (that is if someone doesn't beat me to the punch) [img][/img]

Only 2 hour drive away but given the experiences I have with the US Postal service that probably means you will get the game with a New York City Postmark. I am only half kidding, someone sent me a package from Athens, Georgia once (75 miles away) and it came to me via Colorado for some reason. LOL

Originally posted by woodelf:
Well it is not in my mail box yet!
I have not got the "it was shipped blah blah
" email yet, hopefully tonight.

Still this is good news even if they have not updated the BS web page to be in stock yet.

I thought they had? The front page of PeachPrincess says it is now shipping and the link to the game has in red lettering NOW SHIPPING, it is other sites like Jast and J-list that seem to show it still is going to be ready to ship soon.

PP even has a link to a downloadable wallpaper from Brave Soul now, so at least this site is up to date.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-03-2003).]

Originally posted by woodelf:
BTW I was expecting J-list to anounce it first for some reason.

Probably because J-List's updates come out on a more frequent and regular basis. Which reminds me, was there a peach princess newsletter on this? My mail has been acting goofy so I'm not entirely sure.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Probably because J-List's updates come out on a more frequent and regular basis. Which reminds me, was there a peach princess newsletter on this? My mail has been acting goofy so I'm not entirely sure.

Wait I thought Jast and J-List were two parts of the same company so if one had the update should not the other? My mistake too J-list now reads as In Stock Now too but did not at the time of the other message. So as far as I know only Jast does not show it as shipping yet.

so has anyone actually gotten there shipping orders yet or is a matter of wait and hope still ?

Originally posted by Toronian:
so has anyone actually gotten there shipping orders yet or is a matter of wait and hope still ?

As near as I can tell it is a wait and hope moment at this time.

woodelf how can you block the ones you mentioned but let the correct ones through? I thought I had mine set up right but seemingly I am having the same troubles you mentioned fixing.

Our mail server was messed up so the PeaPri mail went out after the J-List one

Originally posted by woodelf:
The spam filter is provided by my ISP.
They provide a option to not filter a list
of senders.
I can't help you with the filter you are

[This message has been edited by woodelf (edited 11-03-2003).]

Okay thanks anyway.

So does that mean that they have shipped or that they are only going to be shipped the fact the mail server was down?

im hoping that means that all the pre-orders have been shipped even if you didnt get the shipping orders LOL

Originally posted by Toronian:
im hoping that means that all the pre-orders have been shipped even if you didnt get the shipping orders LOL

That has happened to be before, one time I got a game about three days before I got the notice saying the game was shipping to me.

well for me i have to wait about a week (maybe longer if im really unlucky) so it isnt worth me sleepin infront of the mail box as of yet

i still haven’t gotten any email notice at all concerning Brave Soul…I pre-ordered it a long time ago, so I am hoping they didn’t lose my pre-order in the shuffle of the last year or so

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i still haven't gotten any email notice at all concerning Brave Soul....I pre-ordered it a long time ago, so I am hoping they didn't lose my pre-order in the shuffle of the last year or so

My preorder goes back to late July around the 30th I think, and I got the payment notice, as I mentioned. Did you order before that or after that?

Oh I have to normally wait about any time from 3 days to a week to recieve it. Even if I am on the opposite coast it got to me one time on a Friday with a postage stamp dated that Tuesday, and one time got one on Saturday with it dated the previous Friday, so I have no idea anymore how to judge the timing expect it has never been longer then a week. Ship notices though have come to me after I have recieved the packages so I am not sure if that will happen this time for a lot of us or if we will suddenly all get notices sometime this week.

well at the least it answered my question thanks (even if it was uninentional)