buy prduct for sure

Since sepetember is over in two weeks I order the two product from erogeshop.

Titles: ???here
reasons to buy I like the kaguya product.
reasons All of characters are cute, CG are good and I like the voice actors.

For the October

Titles: ???[url=[/url]
Reason to buy I likr the clockup product.
??? ???Crystal Friends?here
Reaons to buy I have the ??? ??? and I like to know after story for it.
Reasons to buy I like the sisters and drawing are nice and they have tundere.

How about you guys?

To tell you the truth, I preordered nothing for September. Still a lot of stuff to get through and the only title that excited me was the Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu FD, but it didn’t excite me enough to overpower my aversion to FDs.

October preorders–

???GOLD?STAR by SAGA PLANETS - it looks like a lot of fun and worthwhile in terms of production values, I suspect it will also be quite satisfying from a story perspective and there’s no problems with the staffing.

??? by sprite - has a certain ‘style’ to it that attracts me to it. Might get this on instinct just to see if it’s worthwhile - my instincts tend to be pretty decent.
???Rock by Akabeesoft Try - Low price for the production values and number of characters, but the gameplay might be a bit of a concern
??? by Sugar Pot - I played the trial and it was pretty fun… looks better than the other bakage of 2010, but I don’t know, I really don’t know.

?? ??? by PULLTOP - I love PULLTOP but this isn’t their specialty and the writers are a bit ordinary
??? ??? by elf - Looks very good and the writing is probably high-class, but after Biniku no Kaori I still feel too queasy about trying one of these again
??? ?FULLMETAL?EYES? by Skyfish - I like the sound of it, I really do, but the writers are rubbish (they’re Skyfish’s normal writers and they also worked on the landmine Primary so…)

??? ??? by hourglass - their first game looked a little tempting, but it doesn’t seem to have turned out so well and honestly this just looks horrible

EDIT: Of course, I’m not saying I got NOTHING in September… I’ve got Uchi no Imouto no Baai on the way, w k t k~

wwwwwww and you obviously went for the ???, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

September - no preorders, but waiting for reviews on a bunch of titles including DiveX.

October - ???GOLD?STAR is the most likely, for the reasons that Lancer-X mentioned. Trial will be out in a couple of days, so I’ll be able to confirm then. Really not sure about ???Rock and ??? - they both look fun, but the former may have problems with the gameplay, and it’s hard to tell if the latter is more than just a collection of ero-scenes (trial was really short - it also has the worst OP/song of 2010).

ME too I like the graphic but they have ???Insult) scene. Maybe they have ???I really hate ???(I don’t know how say in english)

Dive X is really good if you like the other story of Dive X

here is the link to it.

??? - Ignosco and I typically call this NTR.

And, in fact, I’m fine with both those things-- I mean, Rasen Kairou has plenty. But that can’t be all the eroge is; if it sacrifices the story etc. we’ve got a problem. And yeah, ??? just looks completely bland.

Now that I’ve had a look at a few trials for October’s releases, might bump this thread a bit.

???GOLD?STAR - Story seems like it’ll be more involved than I first though, but to offset that, the slice of life, while still good, isn’t quite as strong as I’d like it to be, especially since there’s going to be a lot of it. It’s still looking like the standout October title.

??! SPOT?LIGHT - a bit curious about this, because the game’s planning was done by a member of the public. Courtesy of INO, it’s also got art that would be on par with the average full price eroge, but whoever this new scenario writer is… I hope that they’ll never work on an eroge again.

??? - seems like they’re trying to sell the game on the art, and to a much lesser extent on the concept. Art’s some of the best of 2010, but comments for SPOT?LIGHT also apply to the writer. In this case, I might rephrase it to ‘I hope this artist’s next game is with a writer of their calibre’. This is pretty much a pass for me, unless the reviews are exceptional, and suggest that the game gets a lot better after the OP.

I just DLthe playable demo and the one i’m going to get is very good I really like it. I already preoder the 3 products and I just wait for it. You guys should play a playable demo. here is the link to it.


October almost finish. Novenber is coming. Novenber product I will buy for sure

  1. ???¬Ö¬Ö? from Over-Dose

First of all, I will buy this product for sure becuase I like the voice actors and drawing. I have all of the product for the makers.

  1. VenusBlood -EMPIRE- Dual Tail here
    I really like the VenusBlood series.

This two products I need more info. If I like it I will buy. I guess I will post liken in NOV. Anyway, here is the lik to it

???Divus Rabies 0? Psy-chs??? here

???¬Ö¬Ö??? CROSSOVER here

November huh?

Most likely-
??? (it’s like 2000 all over again. The only way it could be any more awesome is with the Hate Shinaku writer on board. This is pretty much a definite preorder unless a trial comes out and it really sucks)
??? (decent writer and it sounds pretty good. Still need to play the trial, which I’ve downloaded)
??? (don’t tell me you can resist a game like that) (DL sales title)

sisters ??? (like the look of this, so it depends how I feel later)
??? -What a beautiful memories- (I will get this eventually but I’ve hardly even started up Hikari no Valusia so it might be a bit early to get it)
JINKI EXTEND Re:VISION (don’t know, just don’t know)

??? (It LOOKS good but Abhar (TRUMPLE is a new Abhar brand) has a reputation for producing good-looking games with little substance. I should play the trial, but it’s over a gigabyte…)

??? COMPLETE - have been waiting for this for a while. After the announcement of the fandisc, I was 99% sure they were going to release a combined edition of the two. At one point, the second-hand price of the original reached the 14000 yen mark, so they were obviously well overdue/lots of money still to be made for a reprint.
??? - depends on the trial. Comments on 2ch have been fairly positive, so I’ll give it a shot.
JINKI EXTEND Re:VISION - Waiting for reviews. I’m completely unfamiliar with the original work, and I’ve avoided reading about it so as not to ruin the eroge experience.
??? - should be more interested in this than I am, but I haven’t played an eroge by either writer before.
??? -What a beautiful memories- - wait and see. Still have other games in the series to play.
??? - Think I’ll wait for Lancer-X to try this first. Morbid curiosity only goes so far, and if it turns out to be a bad eroge, I don’t think I’ll bother.
??? ??? - Probably not. Releasing a trial that’s 100% ero-scenes isn’t a great way of advertising a game.
??? - Ex-CIRCUS writers, so not expecting much from this.
??? ??? - firmly a wait and see. Elf’s had problems of late.
??? - Unsure. Would love for this to be more than an art game.

Nothing looks interesting in November. December has 3 games I’m definitely getting, though:


December, for me, used to be all about Kimi ga Ita Kisetsu, but age has delayed that one for four months. However, I’ve since then played Hello, Good-bye’s trial and it looks pretty damn good, so that’s a definite preorder.

Hatsukoi Sacrament may depend on the trial, but honestly, it’s still very likely.

Noble Works will depend on what else I hear about it. Looks good though.

Other titles in December that interest me:

Snapdragon’s Tsubasa no Oka no Hime is one of the most awesome-looking otome games I’ve seen so it’s almost a definite grab.

Sakura Sakura Festival looks pretty decent but I’m not completely sure. I have a thing against FDs that takes some work getting over.

For December, in addition to what Ojamajo_LimePie and Lancer-X have mentioned, all of which I’m somewhat interested in, particularly Hello, Good-bye and ??? A red and blue moon -finite loop- (revival of Tori, one of Alicesoft’s oldest scenario writers - in fact, she’s probably been in the industry for longer than any other writer) there’s also
??? - will almost certainly be good, although it doesn’t grab me quite as much as other Nitro+ titles.
??? - while this looks interesting, airy?F?airy was released incomplete, so I’m worried that the same might apply here.
???- 5th (might be more I’ve missed) band eroge of the year, and 3rd full price one. Probably a pass…
??? and ??? - both seem like weaker cousins of Majikoi and Oretsuba respectively.
On the doujin side of things, Snow Drop ?first step in spring? is one decent looking C79 title. It’s only 1300 yen for dlsales, so despite it looking /trial suggesting that it’s drawn ‘inspiration’ from a number of other eroges (Punya being the most obvious example), I’ll be getting it regardless.

No doubt she’s been around for a long time, but I suspect Hiruta Masato (WORDS WORTH) might just have her outclassed. He retired last year though, so she could still outdo him. He’s one of the founding members of elf and worked on their earliest games, but he was writing eroge for Fairytale even before that, back to 1987.

That one looked kind of cute, too, but not quite pre-order worthy. If it gets good reviews, I may purchase it down the line somewhere. Of course, there are a ton of really great games I need to buy first.

Decenber product^^; Probably I will buy these and these

  1. ??? here

?it was release on NOV 19 but they delay to decenber

  1. Let’s??? -???-here

it looks like good game.Steal the tresure from rich house. Also, I like the drawing the characters.

  1. ???3 here

Chikan is not good to do it on real world but you can do in 2D

  1. ??? here

Since the characters are cute. I need more info on the products.

I like the sky-fish product. But since ??is about 81??I have to give up some of the product. One game is worth about $200 or more. It is too much of money if you use US credit or debit credit. :frowning:

But I rally like the ???-

Ok, since the ???Divus Rabies 0?,???¬Ö¬Ö??? I will buy for sure. They updated some of the info and I really like it. I play the demo and it looks good. Also, VBE demo has been updated also. You should try on it.I t is really fun.

Must be time to talk about January. Here’s what January looks like to me:

Grisaia no Kajitsu - FrontWing: Somewhat ordinary art but the trial was pretty great and the game has a strong writing team including Kio Nachi.

AQUA - SORAHANE: It’s a debut work, and it’s hard to tell if the game will actually be good or not even after playing the trial, but the production values are good, I like the characters and the game has a bit of a ‘fresh’ feeling to it. I’m going to be forever curious as to how it turned out if I don’t get it so this is pretty much assured to be a preorder.
BLOODY RONDO - 3rdEye: Another debut work. Looks and sounds good, although I’ll play the trial before considering it. Weaker writing staff than I would have ideally liked but this may not be so much of a problem.

Hoshi no Ouji-kun - Leaf: I played the trial and it just doesn’t work for me. Unfortunately, the fact that I’ve been trying (and failing) to enjoy Routes is not a mark in this game’s favour.
Soushinjutsu Rei - Studio Jyaren: This doesn’t actually look all that bad, but I’ve not played any of the other games in this series. If anything, I’ll wait for the DL sales version.
Paradise Lost Renewal - Light: Actually, it looks good but I already have Paradise Lost.
With Ribbon - Hulotte: Ultimately, the lack of a compelling reason to get this. It simply doesn’t look that special.
Damatte Watashi no Muko ni nare - ensemble: Lovely art, but after Hana to Otome I’m a bit reluctant to play this, especially since it doesn’t really offer anything that unique.

Gokudo no Hanayome - GALACTICA: Too silly and not my kind of game in the first place.
Sayoko - BLACK CYC: yeah, no
Canvas 4: Achrome Etude - F&C FC01: Is a landmine a landmine if you saw it coming? I’m not even touching this.
T.P. Sakura - CIRCUS: CIRCUS isn’t selling an eroge here; CIRCUS is selling a franchise. I’m always deeply suspicious of moves like this and the game doesn’t look that good in the first place.

Top priority is the dl sales version of PARADISE LOST. After that, the next two are AQUA and Grisaia no Kajitsu, although I haven’t preordered either. I’m reasonably confident that those two will be good eroges, but everything else is a bit up in the air. In addition to those that Lancer-X has mentioned, it’s hard to get a sense of what genre Oborokomachi fits into + the writers aren’t particularly strong. Sorairo Memorial is by a new Giga sister-brand, and I’d be very surprised if it’s not another Gigamine.

I guess there are also several other nukiges like Imouto Paradise, Anekano and Harakami, but none appear to be (in objective terms) good eroges. Tried a bit of Imouto Paradise’s trial, but the writing and character interactions are all fairly pedestrian, predictable and standard for the genre. They’ve also taken a severe shortcut on the production values by only giving each heroine a single tachie with facial variations, which for me at least, leaves a pretty bad impression and makes me wonder what other areas have been skipped over.