buy prduct for sure

I alredy pre-order for Jan. Here are my product

  1. ???5???here Voice actors

  2. ??? here I like the drawing and more like yakuza or Love story to me^^;

  3. ??? I guess no link to it I like the tentcles

  4. ???0 here Mind Control and I like the story. Main character are very strong mind control

  5. ???here Voice actors and drawing. School stories so it looks fun

  6. ??? -?◊??◊??-[url=[/url] voice actors and story are unreal but to me it looks fun.

That it for January.

It’s February, and you know what that means…

Grisaia no Kajitsu - FrontWing: Hang on a sec, wasn’t this on the last list? Well, yes, and it was delayed. Not looking forward to it any less though.
Nekonade Distortion - WhiteSoft: The writers of great eroge from 2000 (Sense Off and ELYSION) teaming up to produce this very unique eroge. Catgirls and quantum mechanics. Is anyone NOT looking forward to this?
Artemis Blue - Applique Sister: Trial was enjoyable, entertaining and quite different. Written by the scenario writer for elf’s famed Ashita no Yukinojou series. Female protagonist. Practically guaranteed to be good.

Sisters - Jellyfish: Hard to tell if it’ll actually be good or not, but it’s exceedingly pretty and has unsurpassed production values in eroge.
White - Nekonekosoft: I dunno what Nekonekosoft is trying to do here, but it’s going to be different; that’s pretty much guaranteed. I think it might be illegal in my country, though; like, really illegal.

Souykuu no Soleil - Skyfish: This could be alright, but I haven’t played the other Soleil games, they haven’t got good enough reviews to convince me to and I’m not much of a Skyfish fan.
Sweet Robin Girl - Chuable Soft: Yes, it’ll be a good eroge; yes, it’ll get good reviews, BUT- I don’t really want to spend that sort of time on a single eroge and this is virtually guaranteed to be a timesink. The day of dating sims has passed.
Taiyou no Promia - SEVEN WONDER: Marutani Hideto, you’re a crazy writer, but it looks like this project is going to be largely dominated by the weaker PULLTOP team and nothing about it really convinces me that it would be worth preordering.
Hatsukoi Time Capsule - Citoron Soft: Citoron Soft stuff is too risky to preorder in general.
Lover Able - SMEE: Iffy / unsettling character designs. I’ve never been that interested in Hook games anyway. Nothing too remarkable about the plot. Doesn’t really do anything for me.
With Ribbon - Hulotte: This, too, was on last month’s list and I’m still not interested in it.
Kyonyuu Fantasy Gaiden - Waffle: This will probably be good, but I generally don’t get fandiscs and in any case I haven’t finished the original Kyonyuu Fantasy yet. I can wait for DL release anyway.

Time Paladin Sakura Latter Chapter - Circus: Pretty much repeat what I said about the first chapter.
Hinata Terrace - GIGA: JACOB BOGAN JACOB BOGAN JACOB BOGAN (translation: yeah this looks pretty bad)
Fortissimo EXA//Akkord:Bsusvier - La’cryma: Anyone who preorders this deserves what they get, honestly. La’cryma has an untarnished landmine record, releasing nothing but horrible games in the ~5 years they’ve been around, and this doesn’t look like it’s going to change any time soon. Improvements to it won’t shake the fact that it’s a shallow Fate/stay Night ripoff that might have looked good in 2005.
Princess Limited - Princess Sugar: Princess princess princess princess. Princess princess, princess princess. By the Princess Lover writer, this princess is probably more princess than I can princess princess princess ???@#@#(@
Flyable Candy Heart - Unisonshift Blossom: I’ve already played Flyable Heart’s fandisc, Kimi no Nagori wa Shizuka ni Yurete, and it was better than the original game; however, an eroge only gets ONE fandisc. You can’t make two. And no, you can’t make a fandisc of a fandisc either. Pass.
Moe Moe Daisensou Gendaibaan - System Soft Alpha: ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Argh, I’ve played both Kyonyuus so far and as such will be buying this one post haste when it hits DLSite. ??? had better production values, but less characters overall… also I felt the story wasn’t as strong, or at least I enjoyed reading the tale of a young knight rising to the ranks of king, more than that of a butler just finding out he’s the maou.

As an aside, the new character costumes look good and I’m interested in uh…“delving” into the story. Will definitely be keeping an eye out for this, thanks for bringing it to my attention Lancer.

Nekonade Distortion is the February release I’m most interested in, followed by Grisaia no Kajitsu and Artemis Blue. I’m not terribly sure about any of the others - haven’t bought the original Kyonyuu Fantasy yet, don’t want to risk buying White via any means other than dl sales, not really interested in Sisters, and everything else at first glance seems fairly run of the mill, although I wouldn’t be surprised if one or two of them end up being worth a look. Have to wait for reviews to get a sense of which ones…

Other than that, although these aren’t February releases, they are actually at the top of my ‘buy product for sure’ list for February. The download versions of three doujin eroges (Tooi Tooi, Yakusoku, Snow Drop and the complete version of Anaheim Girl’s Love Story (will there finally be another good yuri eroge?) have been added to Melonbooks. They should also be up on dlsite and elsewhere a bit later on, although without the tokuten.

Hi?I just came back from japan. I got the JAN product already but I have not finish it. 8 more product to go. ANyway, for my FEB product. Already pre-ordered.

1.???¬Ö¬Ö???¬Ö¬Ö?? WitchFlame ?I can not access because it is outside of japan
but, I like the graphic and I played the first one that they released.

2.??? here

3.??? here


I have one more order to go

5.??? here

Okay, March time. Possibly not quite as epic as February but nonetheless there’s some solid titles this month:

Aiyoku no Eustia by AUGUST - AUGUST don’t let me down. I know when they have a game coming out that I’ll enjoy it to pieces. This one is no exception to that with an excellent and intriguing trial. It also looks to improve upon previous AUGUST games by putting more focus on the story than is normally the case. Can’t wait.
Kanojo to Kanojo to Watashi no Nananichi by Lilies Project - it’s free, of course i’m getting it

Marguerite Sphere by Meteor - Good to see Meteor back and this game seems pretty good. Haven’t played the trial, though, and I’m a little hesitant.
Hotch Potch by Liar/raiLsoft - Certainly an intriguing fandisc and one to consider- the mix of artists’ styles is interesting and it would probably be worth playing. I have a thing about fandiscs in that I generally don’t get them. Will have to think about this
Duelist Engage by Praline - It looks damn good and I can’t complain about the staff but I’m not immediately drawn in by the concept. Might have to be a wait and see.

Inunaki by BLACK CYC - There’s a lot to be interested in here. Story and characters seem fine enough. Setting and backgrounds are beautiful. That said, it doesn’t seem a very safe preorder to me as BLACK CYC have had logistics problems implementing their recent titles and the trial wasn’t really quite substantial enough to reassure me. Plus it’ll probably appear on DLsite in a couple of months if BLACK CYC’s recent titles are anything to go by.
Secret Game: Code Revise by FLAT - I liked the original Killer Queen. I liked the full-priced remake, Depth Edition, a good deal less. This could well be worth getting but it’ll appear on DLsite eventually anyway so I don’t feel that I need to preorder it.
Onigokko! by ALcot - This actually looks decent enough, but not quite preorder level. Shall wait and see.

Zettai Zecchou ? Seiki no Daihatsumei! by Softhouse Seal GRANDEE - I’m a fan of Softhouse Seal’s short but hilarious lineup of titles and this is essentially a full priced remake of one of my soft Softhouse Seal titles, Todoroke. However, while Softhouse Seal titles appeal to me because they are low-priced and short, I don’t think any of them would be able to stretch their concepts out to a full game in length and still keep me interested. Pass.
Mechacon! by onomatope* - Decent enough art and all that but the concept doesn’t grab me
Trouble Spiral by Aries - From the writer that brought us ‘echo.’. Pass.
Burabura (BLBL) by Wheel (proxy required outside Japan) - nnnnno thanks
Vanitas no Hitsuji by RococoWorks - RococoWorks have been having some problems. Airy[F]airy was apparently not that great and in general they haven’t measured up to Tarte so far. It doesn’t look bad by any means but it will have to be a wait and see.
Hatsukoi Time Capsule by Citoron Soft - Being Citoron Soft I have to be suspicious- their previous titles were in certain respects glorified nukiges so I have to be cautious. Wait and see.
Kago no Naka no Alicis by IcingCandy - Their first game, Bloody Call, looked good but this just looks generic and I have no interest in generic otome games. which can reach pretty amazing levels of boring.
Sakurairo Quartet by Atelier Kaguya Berkshire Yorkshire - Looks thoroughly uninteresting.

White by Nekonekosoft - this was on the last list
Fortissimo EXA//Akkord:Bsusvier by La’cryma - this too, still going to be a landmine

Kisei Fuka by ALL-TiME - nooooooooooooooo
Hissatsu Chikan NinII by Anim - oh dear

Discounting the free yuri game, in order it’d be Aiyoku no Eustia, Marguerite Sphere (should appear on dlsite quickly like their previous game, which will probably be the cheapest purchasing option), Code Revise and Onigokko! I guess one or two of the remaining titles might be reasonable (most likely Hotch Potch and Resona Forma and perhaps White), but I’ll have to wait for reviews on all those. Like February though, I’m not preordering anything, as I don’t think I’ll have enough uninterrupted free time in the weeks after release date to make it worthwhile.

I’m interested in Aiyoku no Eustia (exspecially since it may get an english translation) and possibly the new Tsurumiku game (if I feel like wanting some dark ero). I’ll possibly take Inunaki, too, but I’ll wait to see some reviews before getting it.

For the Martch product I already pre-ordered.

Here is the list that I order

1.Kyo-Nyu Try by Marine I like the maker and drawing here

2.Sakura-Iro Karutet By Atleier Kaguya(BY) Voice-actors and I like kemono here

3.Zettai-Zecho Seiki no dai hatumei by GRANDEE Voice actors and I really like the first product here

4.Tuyo-Kisu Season 3 BY Candy Soft I hane 1 & 2 also, Yukari Aoyama-sama will be no more voice actors . She will be done this year. Which means that she will be no longer voive actors.T-T here

5.Muko-Dori Jyu-Ban Shoubu By Hada-ashi-shoujo Big tits and draing here

6.Rensai Kisou Kameria-Note (Yume ni shinobazu Kirisake Otome) By Trirail Maker and I can select the

That is it for the martch

It’s April, let’s look at April

Aiyoku no Eustia by AUGUST - Well, it was on the last list but delayed due to earthquake. Still getting it.
Daiteikoku by AliceSoft - Not sure when I’ll get around to playing it but it looks good and should be a heap of fun.
Koi de wa Naku by Shangrila Smart - Trial was enjoyable, story sounds good and I love single-heroine titles; there should be more of them.

Tsubasa no Oka no Hime by Snapdragon - Any other month this would be a guaranteed preorder but I’m already getting three titles so it might end up having to wait. We’ll see.
Kamidori Alchemy Meister by Eushully - Eushully knows how to make a fun game but this looks like it might be a bit too busy for me - so much stuff to keep track of etc.
Duelist Engage by Praline - Was also on the previous list. Still a bit of a wait and see for me.

Kago no Naka no Alicis by IcingCandy - Was also on the last list. It caught my interest for a couple of reasons but ultimately doesn’t look as interesting as Bloody Call and if I haven’t bothered to get Bloody Call yet, well…
Marguerite Sphere by Meteor - Was on the last list, still not that eager
Sakura no Sora to, Kimi no koto by Hiyoko-soft - When I played Hiyoko-soft’s first title I was sure I was going to get their second one; unfortunately it seems to lose most of the things I liked about Tsukisome no Kasa, so…
Mechacon! by onomatope* - Also was on the last list, not that interested
Sakurairo Quartet by Atelier Kaguya Berkshire Yorkshire - Was on last list. Didn’t want it then, don’t want it now.

SHUFFLE! Love Rainbow by Navel - probably don’t need to explain this
Primary Step by Purple Software Delight - almost rather play Love Rainbow than this

Haven’t decided on preorders yet, but in addition to the eroges Lancer-X has mentioned, I’m keeping a bit of an eye on Temaribana (no complaints about the writer but the artist is truly awful), Yandere Kanojo (cheap, and seems to play to Seal’s strengths), Vanitas no Hitsuji (wait and see, as the game might be incomplete) and Morobito (average writers, but may turn out to be good).

Yeah, I forgot to list those titles. Temaribana I need to play the trial of at least. The other one I forgot to list was Resona Forma but I’m not getting that anyway.

It seems to me like Ignosco and Lancer are forgetting one, being [Sisters:???] by Jellyfish. I’m very interested to see how this turns out because it looks like it could be the first fully animated VN which is quite an accomplishment even if it is an average love story. :o

Yeah, but it’s been delayed so many times I don’t even know if it’ll be coming out in April wwwwww

Nice boat.

Yeah, School Days and its followup titles are as animated as Sisters, it’s just that by comparison the animation is crap (on the other hand, none of 0verflow’s titles took 5 years to make, so it’s understandable)

Look at Jellyfishes older games,they still beat school days. ._.

They aren’t (at least, LOVERS isn’t; I haven’t played GREEN etc.) quite so animated though.

I definitely prefer their approach, though, which is pretty much normal AVG but with heavy animation. The problem with School Days is that it’s ‘like an anime’- it goes at a set speed instead of the speed you’re reading at. This has the side effect of making it incredibly boring. I’ve mentioned this before but School Days is the only eroge I’ve played while also playing another eroge in the foreground; because it was just that dull.

One thing I can’t understand is some of the non-animated parts in school days(the low quality zoom outs) why can’t they bother shading anything correctly?
0verflow even does that with promo artwork and it looks awful…

Yeah,from what I’ve seen Sister is a traditional vn but with loads of animation.

hello all Foe the April product. this time I only get 3 products only. Most of the March game push back on April because of the earthquake and tunami in japan. For now I will get for the April is

  1. ijira rental here kaguyA fun

  2. Kamidori Archimest maisuta-here Eushully game are always fun and I like to build up the characters and thei building.

  3. Yakan shin ryo nurse 2 here I have part 1 and I like to see part 2 after story what goings on.

That it for April

PS I srill waiting my march product that I order they said it shipped. maybe this Saturday or next Monday orz