C-G's Virtual-Mate?

If someone is playing a MMORPG, they do it because they want to play it ONLINE with others. If someone is playing a single player game he wants to play it OFFLINE by himself when and where he wants to.
I do not think it is legitimate to compare an online game with an offline one.
By the way Final Fantasy XI received a lot of critic just because of “features” you described, and as far as i know you can upgrade your pc and go on playing FFXI.

I think this is going to bite GC in the rear end.
Im going to get this game but Im really dissapointed in them for doing this. Dont get me wrong I support anti-piracy etc… but I currently own a copy of every english Bishoujo game thats come out, and I replay the older ones all the time. I mean Several of these companies are out of buisness now, So what if their stuff had this system? Phfiht— Wasted cash.
I dont have any problems with needing a certain operating system to play after all alot of games need newer requirements, but having to have internet to play is going to hurt their sales. I dont care I got cable and am playing on an alienware with xp, But to be honest alot of the time I like to play on my older systems while Im using the newer one for other stuff.
A couple of things really ought to be thought about before they set this up for future releases, and they’ve been touched at by several other members of the boards.
Beneifits notwithstanding I really hope G-C rethinks this and either sets something up to fix this or sells a version without the VM for those who dont want to deal with it.

Anyways just my rambling Lets hope GC listens

I’m afraid there is only one way to get a message across:
to boycott this game. and it will hurt me too - i also have a copy of every english bishoujo game ever released and was really looking forward to a catgirls game. But there is only one way to show our disappointment - by not buying.

I’m assuming the V-Mate system uses a similar scheme as Windows XP for the hardware, so it’s not like I’ll notice any difference. If it’s the same as XP, it will also depend on what you’re upgrading. I got this computer in 2002, and have changed video card twice and added RAM and a DVD-burner, all which I believe are considered “minor” updates (unlike CPU and motherboard). So I haven’t seen any problem related to hardware updates, XP hasn’t reacted at all.

@ ag3
3 items of hardware may be changed before the registration becomes void. less if motherboard is involved. if you fix a busted system the registration is likely to expire also.
I don’t want such a system implemented by G-C.

I just looked at the G-Collections page again.

Originally posted by G-Collections
To continue making Bishojo games in English, we need to have a healthy and fair distribution, and Virtual-Mate is necessary to achieve it.

As no one here has any numbers about how well or bad G-Collections is doing, it can be debated whether or not this is true. But if this system really is G-Collections last hope for staying in business, or rather the last ditch attempt at staying in business, don’t you think it kinda justifies it?

I sincerely doubt G-Collections is doing this to piss people off, to infringe on their privacy, or anything like that. It might very well be that at the current rate of development, G-Collections will soon be out of business, and this is the last attempt at saving it. We all know that the ero-game market isn’t the largest and most rewarding one.

If that is correct, then all this fuss matters little. If they don’t do something; they’ll go under. If most people hate this system and abandon G-Collections; they’ll go under. At least they tried to stay in business, to serve the people who so far have faithfully kept them going, and all they get in return for trying is distrust and insults before they’ve even begun.

But this is just speculation on my part.

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 10-15-2004).]

Originally posted by AG3:

Nope, still don't see the bigh problem. But then again, I might be used to this from playing Final Fantasy XI on-line. That game requires constant internet access, unique codes for the install, you must have a valid credit/cash card registered, you even pay $12 per month for it, it requires really big updates every so often, the servers sometimes go down because of maintenance or errors, if you don't pay for three months your character is delete and you have to buy a new copy of the game because the codes will be invalid (or so I've heard), and it suffers all the potential problems you've already listed + more.

I don't see everyone who plays on-line games bitch and moan like you do, and there are a few million of them. You are blowing all this WAY out of proportion, IMHO. People are trying to ensure their livelyhood because of rampant piracy, and instead of a shred of understanding, you act like they've killed close relatives of you.

Wake up dude, this isnt a online game. And FIY, this whole deal didn't go over worth a damn in Japan from what I read. You buy a legit copy of the game, and that should be it.

Maybe you don't replay games? I'd say most of us here who actually keep their games will replay them every few years.

As for this being un-ethical, this brings frustration to the buyer, it will most likely lead to the game becoming a paper weight in the future, and they are selling you a non functional copy of the software. If that is ethical to you, maybe you should get into politics.

I tell you what I am starting to see. Selling user information to other companies.

Originally posted by smog:
Maybe you don't replay games? I'd say most of us here who actually keep their games will replay them every few years.

I have a black plastic trash bag in my closet, containing about 130 games on CD-ROM, bought from late 1994 and until around 2000 (the ones after 2000 are in my shelves). Most of them don't work anymore, not properly at least. The few that actually work with XP (or Windows 98, for the older ones) aren't playable because the computer is just too damn fast, and CPU slowing utilities aren't enough to make them playable.

If G-Collections were to go under anyway, I don't see it wholly unlikely that they'll release a patch to make the games playable without server contact. If most people aren't using a less official crack already...

Originally posted by smog:
I tell you what I am starting to see. Selling user information to other companies.

And I think you're being paranoid. Besides, G-Collections already know your name, address, e-mail etc. if you've ordered from them previously. Have they sold that info? No. Do you think this system will magically spawn info about you that anyone sensible actually wants to pay for?

Get a grip and stop being paranoid.

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 10-15-2004).]

Oh yeah, and anti-piracy type schemes should affect the person pirating the software, not the person buying the legit copy. Obviously the game isn’t even out yet, and it has already failed.

im still not for this move… however… im a firm believe in the “i’ll try anything once” idea… so i will do just that… with this upcoming title

At least this will let G-C determine who the honest buyers are.

AG3, if this is truly their last effort to stay in bussiness, then let me say they did a crappy work. This coward act, if so, deserves to be punished with nothing less then death. They betrayed us, mistrusted us, mocked us with a non-so-sure-how-much-legal software, and still you’re justifying 'hem?

Soory to say that but if that’s so, BEEP G-Coll.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 10-23-2004).]

Originally posted by smog:
Oh yeah, and anti-piracy type schemes should affect the person pirating the software, not the person buying the legit copy. Obviously the game isn't even out yet, and it has already failed.


Originally posted by Italicus:
AG3, if this is truly their last effort to stay in bussiness, then let me say they did a crappy work. This coward act, if so, deserves to be punished with nothing less then death. They betrayed us, mistrusted us, mocked us with a non-so-sure-how-much-legal software, and still you're justifying 'hem?

Soory to say that but if that's so, *BEEP* G-Coll.

Oh dear, what a great injustice the world constantly does you. Poor man, how you must be suffering now, the pain must be unbearable. You sure as hell act like it.

Sorry I can't sympathise with you, but I see people with huge real life problems almost every day, and none of them whine a fraction of the amount you do.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 10-23-2004).]

Originally posted by AG3:
If G-Collections were to go under anyway, I don't see it wholly unlikely that they'll release a patch to make the games playable without server contact. If most people aren't using a less official crack already...

I am sorry, but you are mistaken on this point. Copy protection schemes and the like very often aren't even considered in such an event.

This is one of the main reasons abandonware people have a valid point, in fact. Even companies that still exist don't support old titles anymore! Just try calling up, say, Br0derbund and asking for replacement disks, or copy protetcion material, for an old Commodore 64 game.

It is very likely that if a company is on the ropes like this, they are going to be scrambling, in panic mode, for months before they finally throw in the towel. Under these circumstances they are likely to simply disappear, and then their products simply don't activate anymore.

Originally posted by AG3:
Poor man, how you must be suffering now, the pain must be unbearable. You sure as hell act like it.

This pain is not only mine. I'm only a voice in the desert, that says "get ready the lord path is coming to you".

The other crap you wrote is not worth replying. As i said on another forum go and check your *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP*

Lamuness: no personal attacks please

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 10-15-2004).]

whoa whoa, italicus, watch your language, no personal attacks please

italicus and others who are on the verge of starting a fight (whether you are fighting amongst yourselves, or attacking gc), please calm down, or i will have to close this topic because i dont want this to be an insult thread. it’s ok to voice your concerns, but please dont act like little kids…this is a board for MATURE ADULTS after all.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 10-23-2004).]

Originally posted by AG3:
As no one here has any numbers about how well or bad G-Collections is doing, it can be debated whether or not this is true. But if this system really is G-Collections last hope for staying in business, or rather the last ditch attempt at staying in business, don't you think it kinda justifies it?

One thing is fairly clear. Given they must know they're about to take an unpopular move, they are going to paint themselves in the most favorable light they possibly can. They're going to claim the situation is dire, regardless of whether it actually is or not. Therefore they cannot be believed when they say things like "we have to do this to stay in business" even when there is a strong likelihood it may be true.

After all, releasing one game a month, and polling your customer base to see what they want (and in fact adding an extra game to the schedule because of demand) hardly sounds like the gasps of a company on its last legs. But that by itself proves nothing.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
After all, releasing one game a month, and polling your customer base to see what they want (and in fact adding an extra game to the schedule because of demand) hardly sounds like the gasps of a company on its last legs. But that by itself proves nothing.

Well, if you consider constant expenses (rent, wages for non-translators, other regular expenses), many titles as quickly as possible might be the only thing keeping them afloat. If you look at most of the projects, they are games that require relatively little work, aka shorter titles. But as I said earlier, it's just speculation on my part. Regardless, I'd like to at least give it a TRY, and reserve personal opinions for when I can make an educated statement.

I'm not saying this system will work (I actually doubt it will), but I'm not really the type who dismisses something completely without knowing enough about it. I like ero-games and G-Collections enough to give them the benefit of the doubt and TRY it. If it turns out completely crap, then fine; I'll expect G-Collections to do something about it.

Just because some say the world will be destroyed at a certain date, doesn't mean it'll actually happen. I dislike doomsday prophecies, regardless of magnitude.

Instead of complaining about how much we are all bitching, you might notice that many of us are willing to make some compromises. Also several people said they would drop their complaint if the game came out in two versions - one (high price) without v-mate and one (low price) with it.

Then the people have a choice - if you are willing to put up with the restrictions for a lower cost, go for it! If not, pay the higher fee!

Heck, I might even go along with buying the cheaper version if the higher, unlocked one was available. I wouldn’t be happy about it - as I said, my games get the MOST use when the net connection is DOWN - but since it would be my choice rather than a forced decision, I would be more willing to take it.

It’s not our fault if you don’t bother replaying your old games. Personally, I spend most of my game money these days acquiring copies of games that are ten years old, or even older! And yes, it does take some work to get them running. And since the companies involved will ABSOLUTELY not support them, you have to rely on fan communities to get them working.

Remember that I am also an independent game developer. Not only do I make and sell my own games, I interact with lots of other people who do (many of whom make tons more money than me). We’re all tiny businesses. One-or-two full-time employees. So we discuss piracy a lot, and how to balance the need to protect your property vs the need to keep the customer happy.

And one pretty hard rule is that you do NOT require online activation if your game is not an online/multiplayer game. You’re going to be stuck with a million support calls and possible credit card chargebacks, which is the absolute worst thing that can happen to a small online business person. (Well, maybe not the absolute worst. But pretty seriously bad.) One guy tries to do it (supplementing the registration with phonecalls for those without connection) and he is mocked for his really low sales figures despite having a very nice game… is it just because customers don’t like his phone-home procedures? Well, can’t say for sure…

Confused and angry customers are BAD BAD BAD. Make life simple for customers. Don’t piss them off. These are things you learn as a small online business.