Casual Romance Club and what else?

Hi all, it had been a while since I last played a hentai game. My last game was Critical Point, 3-4 years ago I think. I just came back to the scene recently and WOW, I was really overwhelmed with the amount of games that are available. So basically I don’t know what to buy and asking you guys to help me out. I wish I could purchase all but I just don’t have the money

My favorite game is True Love so I’m looking for something along that line . I checked out the board a bit and found out that Casual Romance Club is pretty similiar to it . Anything else good? Thanks.

Hmmm, if you can stand some semi-dark themes, you’d probably like Little My Maid. It uses a sort of stat system. Cute characters too.

Little My Maid is a different sort of game. I wouldn’t recommend it right off the bat.

Yea its gonna be kinda hard-pressed for anything other than CRC, atleast right now.

My standard recommendations are Kana, Brave Soul, and Hourglass of Summer. Kana is depressing but very poignant, Brave Soul is a fun, often comical RPG, and Hourglass of Summer has a nice complex story with pretty characters, and is half the price of other games to boot (though its non-H).

Yea, but Dark_Shiki those really aren’t the types of games he’s looking for from what it sounds like from him.

Course I could be wrong.

You are right Jinnai, I’m not interested in multi-paths graphic novels anymore. Actually, now that I think about it, I were never interested in them in the first place anyway. I purchased them to encourage companies to bring sims like Tokimeki Memorial over here. And that were years ago, nothing changed much After doing some research, the only sim we got, it seems to me, i.e Casual Romance Club, is from a Japanese company.

Funny how all h-games are labeled as “dating-sims” now, when they actually are not. Kind of misleading, at least to me.

I’ve never played it, so I don’t know how much of a “true” dating sim it is, and its not an adult game, but you may be interested in the original Graduation. Rightstuf still has copies in stock for only only $6.99. Actually I’ve been thinking of buying one myself, but I’m not sure if it will function correctly under Windows XP…

Graduation is a good sim game and works just fine on my Win XP. Princess Maker 2 is a good raising sim.

If you don’t mind Japanese games, there are a fair number of sim games. Pia Carrot is a good one and not too hard to follow. Shusaku is the most interactive game I have ever played but it is a dark game.

There are also flash sim games, the best in my opinion is Sim Girl. Ganguro girl is also pretty good.

An amature sim by the name of Together Forever was fun and is available in demo form.

Hope this helps. I am also a big fan of sim games.

Played Graduation, the dubbing really turned me off. Princess Maker is a great game though, played it many many times, really like the RPG elements included in it. I’ll check out Together Forever. Thanks alot guys.

I just checked out Together Forever, so it is from the same people who make Muto Memories. Man, I played that game way way back. Didn’t like the 3-D looks of the girls. Together Forever looks great though, hope it’s not in 3-D. I’m downloading it, on dial up so it will take a while. Here is the link for anyone who is also interested.

[This message has been edited by xung (edited 04-04-2005).]

Kind of off topics but returning to this forum after so many years gave me this weird dejavu, nostagic feeling. Every site that I used to frequent back then either changed or is dead, except this forum. Everything still look and feel the same here. Except the Mod, anyone still remember that weird Japanese girl who keeps refer to herself in third person and basically begged us to purchase Peach Princess games Man, I miss her.

Originally posted by Jinnai:
Yea, but Dark_Shiki those really aren't the types of games he's looking for from what it sounds like from him.

Course I could be wrong.

He asked for "anything else good." He hinted that he wanted something along the lines of True Love, but he didn't say that was all he was looking for. Since he was only getting one game thrown back at him, I thought I'd throw in the standard recommendations as well. Oh well. I probably should have said "maybe not what you were looking for, but..." in my post to begin with.

Eh, Dark_Shiki, sorry if I misled you my friend. Thank you for your recommendations though. Hourglass’ time travel theme drew my interests so I might check out that game in the future.

No problem.

Maids’ Story is another sim-y game, though it’s rather dark. It’s an older game though, so you’ve probably checked it out already.

Here’s a link just in case (it’s not available at the PP store):

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 04-04-2005).]

Thanks Dark_Shiki, yeah, I remember Maids’ Story well. It was hyped up so much (C’s Ware last US game I think) that when I first played it, I was so disappointed that I wanted to throw it into a trash can. It’s not that bad of a game though, but I agree with you, it’s “dark” . I really felt sorry for the maids. I remember quite well a scene where one of them got rape by a guest (or was it me) just for spilling some water .

[This message has been edited by xung (edited 04-04-2005).]

Originally posted by xung:
C's Ware last US game I think

Actually, no.
C's-ware's last US-released title was Adam: The double factor, the sequel of the here not released sequel of EVE Burst Error.

Yea its sad. The last two games i purchased were Brave Soul and Casual Romance Club, both because they weren’t the standard interactive graphic novel ones, of which i can count on 1 hand the number i actually like.

They really need more sims and rpgs… That’s why i’ve not bought any games recently and likely won’t for the forseeable future.

The games i do play i get from my friend who does buy a lot of these games (even the ones i buy if he really likes them), but i always throw them back…well not litterly.

The last multi-path i liked enough to purchase was Divi Dead and the last single-path novel was Adam: Double Factor, if that gives you any idea. Both translated by the now defunct C’s Ware.

[This message has been edited by Jinnai (edited 04-05-2005).]

I have not played the game but I believe that Little My Maid has sim elements. My understanding is that they don’t affect the outcome a great deal though.

I have played Little My Maid, and the sim elements are pretty sparing. From what I understand, there are enough event flags that you have to get to achieve a particular ending that it almost might as well be linear. In any case, the system is sort of enigmatic and leaves you guessing…not at all like a standard sim where you simply boost the stats and good things happen. I made my way through the game half on “dating-sim intuition” and the other half by simple process of elimination.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Actually, no.
C's-ware's last US-released title was Adam: The double factor, the sequel of the here not released sequel of EVE Burst Error.

Too bad the translation ws pretty aweful in double factor [img][/img] That plus the damn cliffhanger ending.