Casual Romance Club and what else?

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
[quote] Originally posted by Unicorn:
[b] Actually, no.
C's-ware's last US-released title was Adam: The double factor, the sequel of the here not released sequel of EVE Burst Error.

Too bad the translation ws pretty aweful in double factor [img][/img] That plus the damn cliffhanger ending. [/b] [/quote] Well the cliffhanger ending is understandable since there is a finale part after it.

Graphically Adam the Double Factor is a great game, I really like the style alot. But playing it is a very frustrating experience, though not as much as Divi-Dead (still shudder thinking about it). The game gives you no clue on what to do, where to go, especially when to switch to a different character . I remember keep walking up stair, down stair, up stair, down stair, again, and again. Among C’s Ware US games, I think Desire is the best .

Originally posted by xung:
Graphically Adam the Double Factor is a great game, I really like the style alot. But playing it is a very frustrating experience, though not as much as Divi-Dead (still shudder thinking about it). The game gives you no clue on what to do, where to go, especially when to switch to a different character . I remember keep walking up stair, down stair, up stair, down stair, again, and again. Among C's Ware US games, I think Desire is the best .
Well that part i can understand people getting frustrated with.

However what did you dislike about Divi-Dead?

Originally posted by Jinnai:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by xung:
But playing it is a very frustrating experience, though not as much as Divi-Dead (still shudder thinking about it). The game gives you no clue on what to do, where to go, especially when to switch to a different character . I remember keep walking up stair, down stair, up stair, down stair, again, and again.
However what did you dislike about Divi-Dead?

I believe what he is referring to is that Divi-Dead also contains alot of walking around to different areas with no clue as to what you should be doing in order to advance the game. I find this aspect of the game frustrating as well.

Probably the part where you click (you think) everywhere on the map, see the same text over and over again, and can’t figure out how on earth to get the game to move on.

I love Divi-Dead, but I’ve tried to get others to play it and they gave up in frustration.

yeah but alot of c’sware games that came out at that time were like that, e.g. desire, Eve, ect. It might have been how those games were made back then. I really should fire up divi-dead again, it’s been so long since I last finished it.

Little My Maid is definately just a multi-path event (ADV) game. Play it that way, and you will get all the endings. Play it like a Sim (get great stats), and you’ll never get a real ending.

Casual Romance Club arrived this morning at my office. Didn’t have a chance to play it though, been busy playing Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga, which came today too. Good day for me eh

I was very disappointed with Shin Megami Tensei’s packaging. The so called “delux box set” looks and feels very cheap, instead of having a clear plastic cover, it was someone stupid idea to tape the opening of the collector’s artbox, which is made of paper. Hence removing the tape (so you can get the game and cd music out) resulted in severely scratching the artbox itself. Oh, and the music cd came it a cheap old paper case too.

Casual Romance Club’s packaging, on the other hand is very impressive. The game came in a jewel case (with the word “DVD” on it so you know it’s a DVD ). The front and back inserts are not very graphic so you can feel free to leave it outside in public. The User’s Guide is hardcover and in English too, wow.

Instead of using bubble wrap or packing pellets, the Japanese used two pages of crumpled newspaper. Pretty cheap, but informative. I read (more like “looked at” since I don’t know Japanese) it a little bit, it was about some chef competition and two huge ads on cars. I found out Corolla is a separate brand over there, they have Corolla Fielder, Corolla Runx, Corolla Spacio … Toyota also have two other brands call Passio and Racy (these two seem to be cheaper, probably like Scion over here).

The brown post office box mentioned it was shipped from Jlist, 4222-3 Hashie-Cho Isesaki-shi, Japan 372-0001; classified as “toy” ; weighted 88.5 poids ?

That’s all for now. I’ll find some times to play it to see how it goes.

Originally posted by xung:
Well better than it being classified as "candy". I loved how well CRC was packaged
too -- that shows class. One thing you don't do -- but I did anyway -- is remove the red paper stripe on box.

[img][/img] You removed that stripe! What's next, removing the tag from your pillow?

I still have my box in mint condition. Only the flap to keep it closed has any kind of damage...i have unfortunatly not yet managed to master opening packages without damaging that flap atleast somewhat.

Originally posted by xung:

Casual Romance Club's packaging, on the other hand is very impressive. The game came in a jewel case (with the word "DVD" on it so you know it's a DVD [img][/img]). The front and back inserts are not very graphic so you can feel free to leave it outside in public. The User's Guide is hardcover and in English too, wow.

I suppose your talking just about the jewel case an not the art box. Also where did it say DVD? I only saw that on the actual disc.

[This message has been edited by Jinnai (edited 04-11-2005).]

When I first skimmed over the messages, I thought you guys were talking about keeping the “brown post office box” in mint condition I thought “wow, these guys are even more obsessive that I do”.

Like you guys, I’m pretty crazy about these things, I keep all my game boxes and packagings in a different place. The only time I touch them is probably when I first get the game. Not planning to ebay them or anything, just the way I am.

Jinnai, yeah, I was talking about the jewel case of course , the art box is very “detailed” we might say. It says “dvd” on the front black hinge of the jewel case.

I did a quick run through the game. Got my favorite girl (Sophie) the first time through by basically just hangout with her exclusively. The few days when Sophie is not in the club, I chatted with my best friend Kate a little bit. I don’t think that affect my relationship with Sophie in anyway.

First gameplay impression, kind of disappointed. It’s not a very deep sim like I expected it to be. But I enjoyed playing it so it’s okay I like the fact that the girls seem to be very different, at least the two that I talked to (Sophie and Kate). The art work is pretty nice too.

Arg, I need some sleep.

Ok, so what you’re saying is buy Little my maid and casual romance club? Is that it?

I read this thread, and now I can’t keep my card in my wallet. Now I’m being forced to buy a $70 game thats still edited. I’m not too upset though, it sounds like an awesome game.

Originally posted by kahadin:
Ok, so what you're saying is buy Little my maid and casual romance club? Is that it?

I read this thread, and now I can't keep my card in my wallet. Now I'm being forced to buy a $70 game thats still edited. I'm not too upset though, it sounds like an awesome game.

If by "edited" you mean the CGs have mosaics, then that is correct. Personally I found them to be so light that it didn't really ruin the CGs. They're not as blocky as a lot of other ero-games' mosaics are.

Thats what I hear, and WoW! It’s a new Special Price! Thats like a bonus I guess.

Originally posted by xung:
I did a quick run through the game. Got my favorite girl (Sophie) the first time through by basically just hangout with her exclusively. The few days when Sophie is not in the club, I chatted with my best friend Kate a little bit. I don't think that affect my relationship with Sophie in anyway.

First gameplay impression, kind of disappointed. It's not a very deep sim like I expected it to be. But I enjoyed playing it so it's okay [img][/img] I like the fact that the girls seem to be very different, at least the two that I talked to (Sophie and Kate). The art work is pretty nice too.

Arg, I need some sleep. [img][/img]

Yea its not as deep as others, but the title, [u]Casual[/u] Romance Club should kind of lend you to that. One thing i did notice they do have a lot of change of dialogue and choices based on what happened in the past, much more than i've seen in most games where its just adding some dialouge to scene or something.

About talking to people, this won't affect it, unless you give them a date coupon or taken them home on day you weren't suppose to, ie the day you give them a date coupon. But in general talking to other girls doesn't affect your relationship as long as you talk to that person a lot. The important days are marked with a crossroad sign.

Some of the girls though aren't as easy as others and you have to be careful on them what you chose when you talk to them.

And yea the moasics were done in such a way it didn't detract enough from the scene to make them an eyesore as others have. Yea it would be better if it wasn't edited, but it could have easily been much worse.

Also they fixed the only real problem i had with it, ie no reminsce option for scenes you've seen with another free program you can download.

[This message has been edited by Jinnai (edited 04-12-2005).]

Originally posted by AG3:

If by "edited" you mean the CGs have mosaics, then that is correct.

... while still it actually would be the other way round:
If the mosaics weren't there, the game would really be edited! [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
... while still it actually would be the other way round:
If the mosaics weren't there, the game would really be edited! [img][/img]


Stop Playing word games, You know what I mean! Plus I hear they sometimes get the original artwork to replace the japaneese releese, meaning the Un edited version of the art would be put in, being as the artist doesn’t draw the mosaic. But thats besides the point! The truth is I should have said ‘Uncenserod’ In place of 'unedited, but i don’t know how to spell censor.

[This message has been edited by kahadin (edited 04-13-2005).]

[This message has been edited by kahadin (edited 04-13-2005).]

It’s “censor”.

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
It's "censor". ;)

Now, now. "Censer" is actually a word, being used to burn incense.

"Censor" is the one the original poster probably meant :)

Yes and now we can censor the censer.