Cat Girl Alliance

No because in doujonshi, they can still do it with men too (in both way…).
“There can be only one flag in a good H-scene.” :mrgreen:

I think I’m going to have to agree Coolgamer - while I understand being defensive of one’s interests, you may have been a bit oversensitive here. Me, I have no strong opinions about Futa - like anything it can be done well, or it can be done poorly. Considering most everyone on these boards is likely to have a fetish outside the mainstream (just by playing these games you fairly well assure that) none of us are really in a position to judge one another - so we should be more willing to take a joke. If someone upsets you the proper response should really be “Hey guys, I really don’t appreciate you attacking my interest - please don’t do it in the future” … no hostility necessary.

That all said, don’t tell my little sister about my “sister” fetish … that would just be wrong. :wink:

Coolgamer - you are taking it too seriously. If someone said loli was evil in a post i’d just shrug. It isn’t an attack on me personally and it’s just expressing their opinion of the matter, just as you are free to do.

BTW - I don’t like Futa, even if it’s loli futa.

Futa is fine with me, I am just turned off by the art I’ve seen. A shame too, a good DP scene would be nice, now and again.

So basically you have no problem with futa, except for all the stuff you have a problem with? :smiley:

My problem is that I don’t like seeing more than one penis in a H-scene :mrgreen:

I’m a really delicate person with dreams and hopes.

My sister actually likes reading H-mangas with incest in them. Funny thing is, SHE actually owns all of them!!!"

And yeah… with Futa, the whole point is that they get done by both sides. The exception that I know of is X-change alternative where Mizuki never gets boned while being a Futa. Its only after she gets back to being normal that you actually get to screw her.

Actually, I’m pretty sure you get to have sex with her while you’re a girl … dependant on the choices you make, of course. But it has been about a year since I played it …

He just said that when Mizuki is in the futo mode, she only do it with “female” Kaoru.
When Kaoru get back his male body, Mizuki is a normal girl again.

You’re correct, I misinterpreted that - I was reading “gets boned” as a euphamaism for sex, not actually “getting boned” … my mistake.

Kyouran Kazoku Nikki, Loli catgirl!!! >.>

Here’s opening-

Oh… catgirl army!!! <.<

Is this game still being worked on?

All signs point to Yes. Peach Princess generally maintains radio silence, because in the very early days, they made a few big mistakes; talking too much was one of those mistakes. (Specifically including announcing some games that later proved impossible to localize.) So now they don’t say hardly anything. If the game has been announced, then it is a done deal, the ink is dry on all the blood oaths, and all that remains is to actually localize the game.

It is taking a long time because that’s the way PP operates: they’re a small company, who have to work with other small companies (the game makers), and they only release high quality products. This takes time.

There are also a lot of games ahead of it “in line” (so to speak). So while I wouldn’t expect it to be out anytime soon, unless it’s officially cancelled, it’s safe to assume that because they announced it, it will be released.

How can something be impossible to localize? I’m honestly curious and not being an ass. (I think.)

Also sometimes things like this happen: … r_Reaction

“Team leader Yukio Futatsugi has also confirmed that the original code for the game has been lost, adding further weight to the unlikelihood of a port.”

Consider what Jast USA did to release Transfer Student: shortly after Jast USA licensed the rights to this title, Jast Japan disintegrated. (I have heard elsewhere on the board that Jast disintegrated because on the Japanese side, the guy running the company died suddenly of a heart attack.) So the company was dismantled. I believe Peter has said that they basically said “Here. Data for Transfer Student. The company’s being shut down, whatever is in there is what you get. This is probably the last time you’ll hear from any of us, but even if it’s not, after today there won’t be any data still usable.” Because of problems with the code (I don’t know exactly what), they couldn’t use the program code. So Peter hired programmers to recreate the game engine from scratch. This took several years, and thus Transfer Student was released years after Peach Princess had started up.

All in all, it wasn’t worth the effort. TS wasn’t nearly a good enough game to warrant that kind of treatment, and even if it had been, it was technically very dated (I’m told Jast games deliberately maintained a somewhat dated look anyway, a kind of retro thing, as their CG were simpler than what was common even at the time of release.) because the game was 3 years or so old.

In an interview Peter gave once, he said he was kind of amazed at the way many of these companies did business. They didn’t aggressively back up data, so sometimes they would lose it. He came out and said that they were all ready to sign the papers to agree to localize a game, and the Japanese company came back and said “Unfortunately, there has been a hard disk failure on one of the machines. We’ve lost the code for the game. Sorry.”

Key staff also leave the company. Brave Soul’s memory leak problems could only be partially ameliorated, for example, because the original programmer had left Crowd.

There are a lot of reasons it can be impossible to create new versions of a game (which is essentially what translation is). Look at why the Chrono series hasn’t been continued. Political problems in Squeenix, lack of availability of key staff …

While these games are new to the west when they’re released, it’s worth nothing they’re usually not new games. Lately, that’s been changing – and this is one reason PP’s rate of translation has picked up recently – but games are typically not brand new Japanese releases when they’re announced for English translation. By the time the English version is actually released, it’s usually several years old (going by the Japanese date of release). And when a new company is signed up, typically the first couple releases are old back catalog releases.

In a fast-moving industry like this, a few years is a long time. Many companies only LAST a few years. And these are not big companies, they’re small companies. They don’t do things like buy several terabyte RAID arrays just to hold anything they might ever want again.

God, ALWAYS back up your source code.

cool to see it is next