Caution about Pia Carrot 3 for DC

I figure I will get this out to anyone who thinks the game is actually adult. It’s not and boy did that make me go off the deep end. I only bought it because I read and saw the 18+ on the cover of the game. I finished the ending for takako and got her good ending, without any “scenes” so I compared notes with doddler since he had the pc version, turns out some of the scenes I saw had been clothed, and or taken out. It seemed like some of the scenes were missing something.

So if you plan on buying Pia Carrot 3 for the dc, don’t expect to be seeing any oppai. Now I gotta get rid of this stupid copy and buy the damn pc version. I hate butchered games. Another note there are 34 cg for takako in the dc version while the pc has 37.

I’m so pissed that I have to reply to my own post. I just spent 72 dollars on a retarded special edition of pia carrot 3 for the GARBAGECAST to find ouit that +18 means it will take you 18+ minutes to find out that we fooled you into buying this game thinking that it actually contained adult material.

I’ve been shafted!@

…all DC versions are sanitized.

… sell it to someone else? (No, NOT me. I don’t have a DC. But at least you should be able to get some of the money back, neh?)

Now you know that every console port of a hentai game has no h-scenes (and there’s anime from h-games that don’t have any h-scenes like Comic Party and To Heart)

btw: you probably paid the price you normally would because a new regular edition is $79 but that’s assuming it was opened and used so maybe you got it cheap, I dunno

[This message has been edited by Sephy (edited 07-02-2003).]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
...all DC versions are sanitized.

You do realize that it was announced a while ago that 18+ games would come out for the DC right? That's why Smog got the game in the first place. Sucks that it was still edited though =\\.

dumb question, but i’ll ask anyway…is this game in english? i don’t think so, but i’d rather ask a stupid question than not and look MORE stupid later on

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
dumb question, but i'll ask this game in english? i don't think so, but i'd rather ask a stupid question than not and look MORE stupid later on [img][/img]

Now, now, there are no dumb wait, there are a few...

Hmm, I don't think the games in English. But then again, I don't have a working game console system so I havn't paying much attention to them.

I bought the SE edition new because I get the hookup from my friends game store. And the pcengine saturn and pcfx had it all, but oh well. It’s a marketing gimmick!

I doubt will be able to even get 50 bucks for the game, but gotta cut my losses and get the pc version. And of course it’s not in english

What is this? I thought everyone here plays ren’ai games for their wonderful stories.

There’s stories in them?!

Originally posted by gaogao:
What is this? I thought everyone here plays ren'ai games for their wonderful stories.

It's not like they're mutually exclusive. Most people here like both (in fact, someone who was dead serious about liking the wonderful stories and did not like the h-scenes _at all_ would be...quite a bit weirder than I, and that says something. A lot.)

… I find h-scenes more amusing than anything else, although I still like pictures of pretty girls with little/no clothing on (can do without the men and the PUMPING WHITE GOO though).

But ‘sanitising’ a game and removing the naughty scenes is sort of like serving cake without icing… Not everyone likes icing. (I don’t, actually. ) It’s not strictly necessary - but the cake looks AWFULLY bare without it. Something’s just missing!

Yeah, I hate the throwing the icing on the cake deal. Pia carrot has never been know for really deep stories, but they are romantic, and nice, as is their sex scenes, which have always been very well done, and really fit the story. Not like pumping a few gallons of creamcheese frosting on the girl and hitting her urotsukendouji style.

I dunno that…

Dammit… better go to check ebay than online store.

Originally posted by Sephy:
Now you know that every console port of a hentai game has no h-scenes (and there's anime from h-games that don't have any h-scenes like Comic Party and To Heart)
And you do know that adult games with adult scenes existed on the PCFX, the PCE and Sega's Saturn? And that that same Sega allowed the creation of a "18+" label for DC games? And that Pia3 was part of this "18+" label? (along with "Shirotsume Souwa" and "Majou no ochakai" IIRC)?
Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
And you do know that adult games with adult scenes existed on the PCFX, the PCE and Sega's Saturn? And that that same Sega allowed the creation of a "18+" label for DC games? And that Pia3 was part of this "18+" label? (along with "Shirotsume Souwa" and "Majou no ochakai" IIRC)?

...And did you know that you haven't helped me proofread the faq?

I'm saying this in good humor o f course, since I'm pretty much stuck with an old page possibly until i get back from the states.

[This message has been edited by bokmeow (edited 07-06-2003).]

Did you notice I didn’t post the monthly sales ranking last month? Do you recall I told you I were overwhelmed with work? As I told as well, last week should have been the last one where such situation would keep on going, as my dealine was last Friday, meaning I can work on the FAQ… if everything is alright and the QAs don’t find anything major in the software I’m working on. Pray to Lain-sama. Or perhaps Swatty-sama. ^^;;;;;

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Did you notice I didn't post the monthly sales ranking last month? Do you recall I told you I were overwhelmed with work? As I told as well, last week should have been the last one where such situation would keep on going, as my dealine was last Friday, meaning I can work on the FAQ... if everything is alright and the QAs don't find anything major in the software I'm working on. Pray to Lain-sama. Or perhaps Swatty-sama. ^^;;;;;

I'm just trying to take you down a notch or two olf. Why tell people 'You do know' when all you want to do is inform? saying 'You do know' makes you sound like a instructor or army drill seargeant censuring his underling for not paying attention to instruction. It bothers people a little to be talked to like children.

Kids, no fighting please… :stuck_out_tongue: