Cherrysoft & Cronus no more?

Hello there

I tried to enter Cherrysoft and Cronus’s site yesterday and found that their site is down. Also, I heard from people that they closed down because they are not making profits. Can anyone confirm this?


cherrysoft closed down quite a while ago

cronus’ website is still there, but no update for a long time

Thanks for your reply.

Do you think shops like himeya would still be able to stock their games? It’s really a shame that they have to close down. =(

…why dont you just ask himeya directly? nobody here’s gonnna be able to give you a clear and definite answer

I think something happened to Cronus, because their past several games all had 5 months between each release, but it’s been 7 months since Fruit Punch came out and they haven’t even updated their website with any kind of new information. I’m pretty sure that they are gone but the website is still there to try to sell their existing games. A friend made a copy of Fruit Punch for me and I bought Inukko Puni Puni, but those are the only two Cronus games that I have played. Cronus games have tons of sex scenes and bukkake themes. I liked Inukko Puni Puni a lot more because it was a lot funnier than Fruit Punch. No story depth, but it’s funny and the CGs are excellent. So if you can’t read Japanese very well and you want to see a lot of hardcore (consensual) sex scenes then you should buy one of their games. You can still buy some of their games at Himeya. Here is Caliz:

If you buy and Cronus games that I don’t have, we can make copies and trade. Unlike the English market, the Japanese bishoujo game market is huge and nobody can buy all of the games or even have time to play all of the games. But if you buy games and trade copies with other people, you can play more games and everyone is still buying the games. I don’t want only copies. I love the games that I really bought but I can’t buy them all. Cronus games are easy to copy, as they have no protection at all. So if you buy one game, you can play two or three. So if you’re thinking about buying a game aren’t sure because the games are so expensive, this might make it worth while for you to spend the money.

Sorry, but even then that’s no reason to pirate games.

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
If you buy and Cronus games that I don't have, we can make copies and trade. Unlike the English market, the Japanese bishoujo game market is huge and nobody can buy all of the games or even have time to play all of the games.
I join benoit in wholeheartedly condemning this practice. I'd have thought bb would have discovered where legitimate fans are coming from by now.

Originally posted by perigee:
QUOTE] I'd have thought bb would have discovered where legitimate fans are coming from by now.


I'm not really sure what you mean by "where legitimate fans are coming from." If you mean what you said, I'm not really sure where any of you live. But I believe that you're trying to say that everyone on this BBS is a legitimate gamer so I shouldn't say things like that, right. Maybe that's not what you meant. In any case, it's just a friendly offer. I understand how much everyone hates piracy and so do I. I've spent thousands and thousands of dollars on anime-related merchandise. I think there is a difference between "sharing" and "stealing." Hence the fact that we have two seperate words for two seperate ideas. File sharing is stealing, and there is no question about that. It's a take what you can, give nothing back situation. Let's say that a friend lived next door to me, and we're both anime fans. He could come over to my house and watch anime that I bought, or play my video games with me. I wouldn't say "Buy it yourself or don't play!" I have friends who I know in real life who don't live close to me, and we share our DVDs and games through the mail. Both of us are buying the stuff, and we can see what eachother has purchased. In a perfect world, I wouldn't even need to copy the games. I could just send my original games to people and they could let me borrow their games. Then would could send the games back. But, obviously, the world isn't perfect and if I sent my original games then there is a chance that I wouldn't get them back. Do you see what I mean?


I join benoit in wholeheartedly condemning this practice. I'd have thought bb would have discovered where legitimate fans are coming from by now.


I agree - only partially.

I buy a game, but instead of playing it from the original, i create a copy for my own personal and exclusive use. It really piss me off when they put copyprotection, but hey it's fun to copy them in spite of these useless things, do not you agree?

PS before anyone is tempted to sue me, remember i'm from Italy. No US laws here. [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 09-19-2004).]

The laws not being from the US makes no difference. It’s about the same in most parts of the world.

Italicus, it’s legal to make a back-up copy for yourself.

bishounen_blue, the scenario you presented still treats those items like a book. It can’t be on two places at the same time. Copying for anything else than a back-up for yourself is a big no-no. Sharing consists of still treating it like a book. That’s not what you’re doing.

Originally posted by perigee:
I join [b]benoit in wholeheartedly condemning this practice. I'd have thought bb would have discovered where legitimate fans are coming from by now.


... most of us are ex-pirates? Or people who said ex-pirates have "evangelized", so to speak?

Like I said, I would love to treat it like a book with online friends if it weren’t for the whole lack of trust thing. Friends that I know in person who don’t live near me, I do send them my original games. Since we are talking about Cronus game in particular, these games do not require the disc to play. They only require the discs for installation, so what would you say about me letting my next door neighbor borrow my original discs to install on his PC. Then, both of us could still play the same game at the same time, but no copy was ever made. So you see, it’s not just black and white. I’m as against piracy as the next guy, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t share the games that I have purchased with a couple people. I like it when people play the games I play, especially Japanese games, because there aren’t many english-speaking people playing them. I really don’t have anything against two people buying games, and then playing each other’s games. Sharing anything is more fun than keeping everything to yourself. Even on this BBS we are sharing ideas. If there were tons of bishoujo gamers in the US then I would be able to find people close to me to share games with. At least we have the internet. Maybe you guys don’t see the connections, but it’s similar to how anime started in the US. There were fans here and there, but they didn’t live close together. They just shared their fansubbed tapes through the mail. But back then, none of the copies were legit. We’re sharing copies of games that we are buying only with eachother, and I wish that we didn’t need to copy but it’s the only thing we can do to protect our own investments in the games. I think that everyone hear has bishoujo gameing’s best interests at heart, but don’t get angry so quickly. I am trying to encourage the sale of another game. Do any of you own a Cronus game?

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
I think there is a difference between "sharing" and "stealing." Hence the fact that we have two seperate words for two seperate ideas. File sharing is stealing, and there is no question about that. It's a take what you can, give nothing back situation.

Actually, it isn't. It is bootlegging. The two are not the same. Stealing is when you take something that isn't yours. Emphasis on "take" - "take" and "duplicate" are not the same. They are closely related but NOT identical concepts.

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
Let's say that a friend lived next door to me, and we're both anime fans. He could come over to my house and watch anime that I bought, or play my video games with me. I wouldn't say "Buy it yourself or don't play!" I have friends who I know in real life who don't live close to me, and we share our DVDs and games through the mail. Both of us are buying the stuff, and we can see what eachother has purchased. In a perfect world, I wouldn't even need to copy the games. I could just send my original games to people and they could let me borrow their games. Then would could send the games back. But, obviously, the world isn't perfect and if I sent my original games then there is a chance that I wouldn't get them back. Do you see what I mean?

You did not do a very good job of explaining this before, but yes - I do know what you mean. I have 'lent' games to people exactly the same way. Rather than risk my originals I dubbed off copies and mailed them, with the other person agreeing I am only lent the item and they'll destroy it.

Personally I think what you're doing is pushing the boundary but still quite legitimate. Then again, I support the whole notion of fansubs.

Originally posted by Benoit:
The laws not being from the US makes no difference. It's about the same in most parts of the world.

Italicus, it's legal to make a back-up copy for yourself.

Not anymore. If it's copy protected and you circumvent this protection you may be violating the DMCA. Even though the backup is legal it may be illegal for you to make it. >_<

[Edit] In the US, I mean.

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 09-19-2004).]

Ah, fansubs. That’s a sticky issue as well. My stance on that is that they are meant as a good thing to promote anime, and that’s why they are not stopped even though it is illegal by letter of the law. It’s something that can be taken advantage of. I get sick when I hear people say “I have 200 anime series on CDR.” They think that they have such a great collection of anime. Whatever. They are for viewing purposes and that’s it. It’s not a collection of anything. It’s the same with the games. I would never count any copied games that I have as games that I “own.” I agree that I am pushing the boundaries, but I really do care about the games and I buy the games. The people I trade with also buy the games. Doing this, I’ve bought more games than I would have if I was not able to share them with anyone.

Edit: By the way, I don’t think it’s fair to complain about me sharing a Cronus game with a couple people if you have never bought one of their games. In that case, I bought one of their games, and the person I traded with bought one of their games while you didn’t buy any of their games.

[This message has been edited by bishounen_blue (edited 09-19-2004).]

I own Cronus games. I met the artist in comic market in japan and asked him for an autograph, both on a sketchbook and on the game package. I bought a majority (more like 90%+) of the artist’s doujinshi. How’s that. Can I speak now?

now please stop this nonsense, discussion of such acts (copying games and “sharing” with people because you cannot afford to own them all) are strongly discouraged on a BBS like this. It’s along the lines of some pirate using “I dont have money/credit card/can’t afford them so I download the games/buy the bootleg” as an excuse.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 09-19-2004).]

An artist from Cronus was at Comiket? Why was he there? Normally nobody sells much official stuff at Comiket, just doujinshi. Although I know lots of artists make doujinshi on their own besides the official works that they involved with. When I went to Comiket 62, I only went on Friday and I didn’t know that each day had a theme. I saw enough Harry Potter yaoi doujinshi for a lifetime. I should have went on Sunday. Live and learn. By the way, did he sign his name in kanji or roman letters?
I can’t really see much of a connection between downloading games and sharing copies because in one case people are buying the games and in the other case, nobody is buying the games. But yeah, this conversation is pointless. It makes no difference to me if nobody on this BBS will trade games with me. (besides the ones that already do) That doesn’t matter, but for the friends I have in person, it’s not like I would just refuse to let them play my games. Just like anything else, games are more fun if you have people to enjoy them with. Trading game copies with people online is fine by me, since both people bought games, but since we’re not supposed to talk about copies on this BBS then I won’t offer it anymore here. No problem. I’m not here to make trouble, I’m here as a fan. On the other hand, if you’re going to tell me not to let my friends in real life borrow my games, I can’t do that. I can’t invite people to my house and tell them not to watch my TV because they didn’t buy it. I can’t tell people that they can’t watch my Last Exile DVDs because they should go buy them. Don’t sit on my chairs! Come on now, in Japan there are gamers who play games together and share games among themselves. So much so that you even see it in anime! (Buttobi CPU, among others) So I won’t mention online trading of copied games here because it is discouraged, but do you really expect me to not let the people I know play my games? I wouldn’t have friends if I were that rude to people. Don’t you consider that to be an unreasonable request?

There is a huge section in comic market dedicated to company booths selling limited editions of stuff, and game artists and voice actresses (well maybe actors too but i think mostly they are the girls who are more popular) holding autograph sessions, talk shows, skits…etc. Each day indeed has a theme. day1 is general anime, day2 is yaoi, day3 is bishoujo stuff (the stuff most of us are into), so ya u should have went on the third day.

In my personal opinion, lending the game in its entirety and in its original form, is legit, but you mentioned copying one cd so that both of you guys can play it. That’s really pushing it. What you do in real life is none of my concern, if you fear that your original game you “sent” to your friend will never come back to you, that’s your own problem on trust. However, I dont want something like this discussed on a b-game company bbs. Your rationale is based on “I cant afford to buy all cronus games” which is pretty much along the lines of the excuse pirates use to download games. As a company who creates and sells b-games, we cannot and do not endorse that because people can use the same rationale on english b-games too. Anyhow, please stop this discussion.

ADD: the commercial area is open all three days on the west hall area. you just didn’t explore thoroughly. i usually go on the first day to hoard all the stuff i want in the commercial area, go part of the day on day2 to talk re-visit company booths and chat with people from b-game companies i am friends/familiar with, and day3 i just ignore the commercial area and visit the rest of the complex, mainly to find my doujin artists friends and chat with them, and monitor the table where my own doujin stuff are sold.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 09-19-2004).]

lol! It looks like we’re both online at the same time. Do you have AOL instant messanger? You should put me on your buddy list if you have it. My name on AIM is BishounenBlue. Same as here, but with no underscore, and capital letters. Anyway, I see you concern in using this logic for English bishoujo games. Really, what’s the difference, right? You asked to end this conversation but since you made the link to English games, I think I need to explain. First of all, the people I trade games with understand how delicate the bishoujo game market is, and we buy the English games ourselves. Heck, if we just wanted to steal English games, that would be easy but that’s the last thing we want to do. I’m not vergofenix. (shudder) And I mentioned money becasue that is true, but more than that it’s about sharing the game experience with other people. I don’t need to do that with English language games because I can just come here! But if I play a Japanese game, I won’t have anyone to talk to about it unless I buy another copy of the game and give it away (that happened only once) or let someone play my game. I surely would have never bought anything from Peach Princess again if you would have said not to let people I know in real life play my games. I’m that you understand what I’m saying, and I can also see your fear of where this kind of dangerous conversation can go. So, if anyone wants to talk to me about this further, just ask me on AIM or PM me instead of using this BBS.

Spreading the word of b-games to friends is a good thing and i am sure 99% of us endorse that, but it’s just “the way you execute it (by making copies)” that is questionable and upsetting some of the people on this bbs. If you lend the game in its entire original form (japanese or english b-games, same principle) to your friends to play then it’s alright in my personal opinion; there are people here who do that. I myself do that too; i lend my copy of snowdrop to a girl to try, but i didn’t make a copy of it. I am not here to scare you away; it’s just the way you do it that is being frowned by people. If you post something like this on GC’s BBS (or fundamentally, any game company BBS, japanese or english), even though I cannot guarantee anything since I am not GC, but I think they will probably ask you to stop discussing about copying games (whether it’s japanese or english b-games) as well.

ADD: As for discussion, there are some people here who play Japanese games too (like unicorn and spectator, and myself to some extent) so all you need to do is just start a new topic on this BBS.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 09-19-2004).]