Cleavage english game cancelled?

I know the game has being frozen for a while know but I read somewhere that the english version has being cancelled now is this true?
because I can hardly find any news on this titel and I am a big fan of the Cleavage game + anime(wich I legally own [English Version] together with the japanese art book ^^).

Greetz JustiX-NL

Last they mentioned, they were attempting to get the license for Starless. It is made by the same people, instead of ‘Cleavage’. No word has been said on whether they got it or not.

So, no news that its being cancelled or anything at all?
Hopefull but also not.
I think its weird in the first place to lose artwork and then still have no news about it after 9 months(Think it was reported in march that they lost artwork and froze the Cleavage Project).
I mean how do you lose artwork in the first place and why cant you remake it?
Isnt it that japanese company fault that they lost it?
So shouldent they take responsibility for it?
It feels to me they are neglecting the American and European fans.

Greetz, JustiX-NL

I find it fairly ridiculous that JAST refuses to release Cleavage without mosaics, but will censor Kazoku Keikaku. It makes no sense. I would still buy an eroge if they couldn’t find the uncensored images. As for a game they purposely censor, I won’t.

If it’s as “good” as Discipline, I guess it better remain cancelled…

Correct me if I’m wrong, but Cleavage is a sex romp. Uncensored CG are important for titles like that, because that’s what the target demographic demands. I don’t really see how the Family Project and Cleavage situations are comparable. The Family Project situation was a legal matter. The Cleavage situation was just another business decision. On some level, they probably decided that a censored Family Project was worth the risk (in loss of sales), while a mosaiced Cleavage was not. And I would agree. What’s harder to come by: a good story game or a sex romp?

They censored X-Change 3 and that was a sex romp. JAST can say that they legally had to censor their titles, but just look at their older games like Virgin Roster where underage characters are obviously present. Whether the “age” of the characters is presented or not wouldn’t matter under some court systems. As long as they look underage, it can be considered child porn. That’s not to mention that Kazoku Keikaku could still be considered child porn in Canada since any depiction of a child in porn - whether sexual or not - is still illegal. JAST mentioned the age of Matsuri in KK.

But I didn’t mean to turn this into another “flame JAST for dozens of pages” thread. :stuck_out_tongue: I was just bringing up the point that they have censored titles before, so it’s kind of ridiculous that they refuse to release a title without mosaics. I heard that’s the reason they haven’t released Giga’s games. (many of which aren’t sex romps as far as I know)

With Family Project, >95% of the audience did not know it was censored seeing that Jast gave no reason to believe it was censored, and the censorship was only discovered on this slow forum and a couple other not all that large communities after it had been released for a couple days. For those who don’t pay particular attention to events like this, they will never know that Family Project was censored. For the vast majority of Family Project sales, Jast has and can continue to treat it as selling an uncensored game. Cleavage on the other hand with mosaics would be noticed as being censored by just about everyone who plays it. Jast couldn’t conveniently forget to not mention that it is censored, and would need to disclose that there are mosaics in their sales, which would significantly decrease sales. Also, for those looking for sex romps instead of plot heavy titles, they are surely going to want uncensored, not mosaics.

You say that as if there was no difference between the two when, in fact, they’re quite different. Just because they’re both examples of censorship doesn’t mean they’re the same thing at all.

The censorship related to redrawing the CGs / cutting content for XC3 and Kazoku Keikaku is fundamentally different than the mosaic. It only affects part of the game, and if you didn’t already know it was there, you wouldn’t even notice anything unusual (well, wearing two bras is a little strange). Furthermore, it is a less severe form of censorship, in that the ideas being censored are related to underage content only. Such alterations have been made in h-anime and h-manga before, and are not at all unusual. GIven that they’re made to avoid the not-at-all-illusory threat of unconstitutional legal persecution, it’s easy to see why.

Mosaics all over the CG, however, is totally obvious, and pervasive, covering the entire idea of sex as a whole, and anything sexual at all. Anyone who plays the game will immediately notice it, and the US market has a long history of demanding the mosaics be removed. Nobody in the market has ever released a game with mosaics intact, with two exceptions:

  1. G-collections’ first batch of titles were released mosaiced, with a downloadable decensor patch … for the first print run; they abandoned that pretty quick. It’s not worth it since nobody wanted the mosaic applied.

  2. Critical Point got a ‘limited edition’ release that was still censored: it was taking longer to uncensor the images than anticipated, so PP decided to release a limited edition print run of the game censored to get it out there, just to see how it would sell. When the actual game came out, with the uncensored images, nobody bought the LE. For years afterward, they sat around. Eventually they were unloaded for I think $5 a copy just to get rid of them.

In general, there are only two real schools of thought on the mosaics. One, people who hate them very strongly, and two, people who don’t really care either way. There aren’t a lot of people who actually LIKE the mosaics. Releasing a mosaiced game is a sure-fire way to get the first group all up in arms.

Therefore if you release a game mosaiced, your sales are going to be crap regardless how good the game is. And if you release a game that results in the company being prosecuted on obscenity charges, you almost certainly go out of business. Doesn’t seem ridiculous to me.

MangaGamer’s release of Suika has mosaics. They chose to leave them in since there was nothing drawn underneath.

And I’m curious how Suika did sales-wise. To be honest I’d rather get away from the standard that story games have to be demosaiced. I think this standard is one of the factors currently limiting the market. But alas, mere opinion won’t change the situation.

Didn’t PeaPri release Casual Romance Club with mosaics a few years ago?

CRC is only distributed by J-List/JAST/GC/PP. It is not licensed and translated by them, because the developer made the English translation in house. Therefore, they have no control over the content (other than them choosing whether or not to sell it).

I thought the reason why suika was left censored was the same as why cleavage has been put on hold (uncensored CG data had been lost)

Basically the same thing, isn’t it? Mosaics are generally hardcoded into the image (unless it’s a 3D game). If the original uncensored CG aren’t preserved, the graphics for the censored areas would have to be redrawn. I suppose it’s also possible that high-resolution censored CG could also have been lost, in which case the images could not be altered at all.

LoL I havent check this topic for a day and now I feel like It got hijacked xD

This thread is still glancingly on-topic. You’ve seen nothing yet.

it’s actually a japanese game with an english langue option on it, hence the censorship

That makes me a bit worried about the translation, then! Remember the last time a Japanese eroge came out with an English language mode?

The Casual Romance Club translation isn’t bad really. It’s even better than some of the Mangagamer ones. You still have awkward sentences here and there, and it’s not hard to see that it wasn’t written by a native speaker, but it’s not riddled with nonsense Engrish or anything.