Cleavage english game cancelled?

Probably not very well since I don’t recall it ever being in the top 5.

It also doesn’t seem to be discussed very much on forums.

Maybe the reason they haven’t asked me for help again is because it sold so badly. :stuck_out_tongue: …not like I’d do it.

Pity, after Kira Kira it was MangaGamer’s best title.

yes I have heard about it

Being A year since I posted but still no news about Cleavage :frowning:
Guess I should considere this game cancelled…
to bad :cry:

It’s still on hold awaiting discovery of the uncensored CG it hasn’t been canceled

However, the game could be “on hold” for good. Last we heard, the licensor had little interest in looking into the issue further, so fans might as well consider it canceled.

i have no interest in the game
uber-boob games don’t really interest me

Maybe JAST will get Starless instead. I hope they do, the game looks wwwwwwwwwwww.

(I’d never play it myself, but that shouldn’t dissuade anyone!)

If there is no other option, I would be in favor of releasing a mosaic version. Obviously, I would prefer uncensored. Casual Romance Club had a few really good sections that I really wish weren’t covered with mosaics.

However, CRC was still a good game overall, even if I wish I could fix some of the translation issues.

However, it’s true most of the market would probably not be willing to accept a mosaic game.

Peach Princess has to look after their best interests. They only have enough resources to do a few games per year. It’s unwise to use those limited resources on a game you know won’t get good sales numbers, since you could have released a game you had reason to believe would be more successful. If Peach Princess games would occasionally sell 30K copies, then a lot more games could be translated. Sadly, this isn’t the case.

In Peter’s opinion, if the game is unmosaiced, then it just won’t sell. So unfortunately, that means that if Peter can’t get uncensored image data, then the game won’t be coming out in English. And I have to agree. These games need to become more popular, so more good ones get translated. The market isn’t large enough yet to support niche sub-markets, like “games that wouldn’t have come out at all, if they weren’t still mosaiced”.

I find the whole mosaic thing to be a bit ridiculous, really. If they’ve dropped money on licensing and translating the game already, wouldn’t they still be better off releasing it? Unless they actually do expect the unmosaiced graphics to turn up on one of sei shoujo’s old harddrives.

That’s a bit of a sunk cost fallacy. There is still a lot of expense that comes after those points in the process, and knowing when to cut your losses is important. Since we don’t know the details of exactly how much what part of the process really does cost, it’s hard to speculate. But I suspect that the translation hadn’t progressed very far. When Sei Shoujo came back and said “hey, we can’t find the old data”, Peter probably put the whole thing on hold immediately, so there’s no guarantee translation was even completed.

As for licensing fees, well, if the product is never released because Sei Shoujo can’t meet their end of the obligations, I would expect the actual amount Peter would have to pay them to be minimal.

Lol I really dont believe that we are “waiting” for the "discovery"of the CG it was either stolen/deleted or never made (this is of course my speculation).
And they are probally to lazy or want more money to recreate the uncensored CGs(this is ofcourse also speculation).
Me I dont really care for the uncensored part I just wanne play the game in english xD.

But pretty sure thats not gonna happen after like 1 year “waiting” for the “discovery” of the CG’s.
Just saying too JASTusa that iam disappointed and that I think they should just official give a statement that the game is cancelled.
Or if this is not the case if they at least can let us know if there are any talks about the cg or progress of any kind.

EDIT: Like another poster said if they spend money on this translation and development and sutch why not release the game with censored CG.
If you know you wont get the uncensored CGs and the rest is all done that it looks to me like a failed investment.
You put money into a game but in the end you earn no profit what so ever.

And like another poster said if they have not even started or did zero to non translation and the uncensored CG are no where in sight I think you should just cancel the game instead of getting hope’s up for hardcore fans like me.

You can see their official statement right here on the bottom of the list, which from my point of view doesn’t exactly inspire hope of any sorts… so in other words they’ve done what they should on the matter. And I for one would really hate to see a eroge that sorts focussing that much on sexual aspect, to have any censorship of any sorts, so I believe it to be the right call on this matter at least.

I’m normally not that fussed about mosaic in general (ofcause I’d prefer it without), unless it’s a game which really does focus on the sexual matter of things, then it would just be weird.

First of its an update that only done like every 6 months/year(Last time I was on the forum I think the update was posted around same date).
Second, its the same info The only thing they have to say on the matter is [hold pending discovery of the uncensored image data].
I prefere some detials after waiting for a 1 year and 6 months… other then on hold pending discovery of the uncensored image data.

Granted it doesn’t get updated much, but saying half a year is probably pushing it a little… It’s actually more like when a game is nearing completion. But that’s all beside the point, because that’s really all they need to inform us about, that if by a miracle of sorts the CG’s should reappear they would pick it up again. It’s not likely though as probably everyone on this forum knows.

What’s to stop the use of the censored CG, but modified to restore the appeared of “uncensored”?

With the Family Project images, the Japanese mosaic images were fan-processed into uncensored versions. Is this not a feasible option?

From what I understand, there is a significant chance the original artist would become upset. (The author of Battle Angel Alita threatened to pull his new series, Last Order, because an editor asked him to redraw some older parts of his work and edit it for a new print run.) And the artist is going to blame the Japanese licensor for allowing “their” artwork to be butchered by someone else.

Since most studios maintain an ongoing working relationship with a few specific artists (it helps maintain brand identity; look at the graphic similarities between … say, Atelier Kaguya’s titles, or between Zyx’s), the company isn’t going to want to do anything that might jeopardize its working relationship with said artist. (And some artists might be offended just by being asked to give permission.)

Then why doesn’t the original artist redraw it? Sei Shoujo’s style hasn’t changed much over the years =P

I’d care more about this if the game in question was worth anticipation. But Cleavage is nothing special–there’s scores of games that could take its place.