Covers For games

howdy all this is my first post :smiley:

i have a few G-Collections games but no covers and i wanted tobox them up so i can put them with my other games anyone got covers or got a link


p.s i have

The Sagara Family
Come See Me Tonight
Come See Me Tonight 2
Virgin Roster
Secret Wives Club
Chain (My Fav)

thansk again

what happened to the cases that the games came with?

at one time i had a “great” idea of using a fly-case to put them all in so i binned all my boxs and cover etc… now again i want them out again :frowning: so i was going to print some cover of and buy same cd case to put them it


guess no one does lol

This is kind of wierd…are your copy originals? =)

[ 07-22-2006, 07:08 AM: Message edited by: LordNeon ]

That is what I was asking without asking directly…

[ 07-22-2006, 09:15 AM: Message edited by: ms308680 ]

I don’t like cryptic questions/answeres :wink:

[ 07-22-2006, 09:28 AM: Message edited by: LordNeon ]

these are payed downloads i have riped to disks i never got covers when you download them i did have covers one time ;(

come on help me out if you have a paypal account i will send you some cash if i get what im after

seen as nothing free anymore

Sorry man. I’ve nothong of the sort you want.

sorry I don’t have any of those case artworks and Don’t know where to get them. sorry

me either!

:frowning: does anyone for these games at home lol

Am I the only one that finds that strange? :stuck_out_tongue:

It might be that he purchased those games as download edition here at PP. O.o

yer as i said i had the covers etc… for them home made cover =D

no one got these games than :frowning:

In which case you can’t resell them anyway, I believe …

i dont want to bloody resell them i want to box them up :mad:

Nothing to get mad about.