Crescendo: Eien Dato Omotte Ita Ano Koro

Just need a bit of info on this one. My frnd (Who is Japanese btw) told me that Digital Object had released an extended version of this game, with full voice and extended scenarios for each character. Now I don’t think the extended scenarios are present in the U.S release??
So give ur opinion and advice.

Basically, the version that GC released is, as far as I know, Crescendo with the voices from Crescendo FV, but without the extra CG or events. I assume this was because Crescendo was released by GC mere months after Crescendo FV was released, giving insufficient time to translate the extra content, which there was a respectable amount of.

Advice on what?

Hmmm Yeah I checked, The release of Crescendo FV By GC is only one month apart. So I guess that time may be an factor. The bad thing is that Mr. Payne said that he won’t rework the same game again, so I probvably a DVD version may never come out, along with a translation of The extended stuff. Thats a bit disappointing for me, The game was great, but there was almost no development of relation between Ryu and the girl he chooses.
Man I gotta start learning Kanji And get the Japanese version.

Dunno, I meant wat is ur opinion. An pardonable statement made during my quest for closing the post

Hmm, well, not that much was added to be worth a replay, to me… except in Ayame’s route. That one’s worth replaying in Crescendo FV.

Hmm… so U played it? Can U tellme where I can get it? I am interested in Yuka and Miyu :roll: route.

I bought Crescendo from Paletweb ( - not sure if it’s still there; the game is quite old, but they do requests.
Why? Can you read Japanese?

I’m not sure what the current price is for a hard copy of Crescendo is, but it may be cheaper to pick it up for 2600 yen on dlsite.

Oh right, forgot it was up on dlsite. Good place for Hoshizora Planet: Dream Box too, for Tanaka Romeo goodness coupled with bad character art.

Well, to be honest, not much, I know a few things. But I can hear and understand. :slight_smile: I took a basic course in Japanese in College(about 10-12 hrs) and am planning on learning it seriously. Wish me all the best too.

Thanks for the info Ignosco. Is that one really the extended version? If so, then I think I know what title I’ll try and tackle after Yosuga no Sora this summer.

I’d have to disagree, seeing as how I’ve found myself replaying the GC’s translation multiple times even without the extended scenarios.

Personally, the one I’m most interested in seeing extended is Kaho’s route. I really didn’t care for the end of that route.

That’s completely different. You’ve replayed it because it’s a game you like - I’ve done that - played Kanon something like five times, Tamayura four times (even though it sucks), A Profile 3-4 times, G-Senjou no Maou three times etc.

I’m talking about in terms of added content, which I felt should have been clear from the context of my post.

Yep, that’s the extended full voice version. The original game, titled Crescendo??? was released in 2001 and the extended version, Crescendo??? Full Voice Version which has extended stories, CGs, full voicing with the exception of the protagonist etc. was released almost two years later in 2003.

I don’t want to argue, but my point was that I like the the game so much (and I’m guessing he does as well), I’d be quite willing to pay 2600 yen for a little more. Hell, I’d be willing to pay the price it was for the hard copy when it first came out, plus the high shipping fees to get it to me. Thus, it is worth it to me.

Yep, I really loved the game, In fact I am writing a sort of “novel” inspired by the game. So I’m more than willing to pay for the extended stuff, just not right now.People have their own opinions. I play Age Of Empires till this day, so I am happy paying (reasonable amount) for a little more to show my enthusiasm and support.

Hmmmm… Just wondering. Any other versions of the game besides the original and Full voice version?

No other versions - Crescendo never got an all-ages PS2 port or anything like that.

Okay thanks for the info. Someone said there was a russian release arnd 2007-08 and it got me excited… :slight_smile:

Oh - I thought you meant a different re-release from D.O. - I don’t know anything about the Russian release, but there’s some information here.

Well, since this thread is pretty well played out, I might as well put it to good use and ask a few questions loosely connected to Crescendo that I have been pondering lately that some of you with much more knowledge than myself might be able to answer. While I haven’t played the untranslated version yet, I would assume that the format is the same in that the text covers the entire screen instead of being neatly contained in a box at the bottom of the screen. The questions are thus: How extensive was/is this format used instead of having a text box at the bottom of the screen? Do any makers of these games still use this format? On a completely different note, how far back in the history of these games does the feature to replay the audio of what someone has said extend, and do any (professional) makers omit this feature anymore?


Here’s a bit of terminology: Crescendo is a Visual Novel - in other words, a pure one; the originator of the term (like Leaf’s Shizuku, Kizato, ToHeart). This is mostly abbreviated to ‘NVL’ nowadays.
You are correct in that it is less popular nowadays than it used to be; however, it is still used quite a bit. It’s also somewhat popular to use right-to-left columnar text, which I’ve started to prefer to other forms of VN presentation. Other games let you switch between it. For example, CUFFS’ Garden, horizontal format:

And the same screen in columnar format:

To answer your question, yes, it is still used today, although not as much. Some studios, like Type-Moon, CUFFS and raiLsoft (Liarsoft spinoff) seem to exclusively use NVL. It’s also somewhat popular to use both AVG (text down the bottom of the screen) and NVL (text covering the screen) modes in a single game, switching between them when appropriate.

Your other question; about audio playback in the backlog - I wouldn’t have a clue, honestly.