Cross Days ?!!!

You guys haven’t seen the real and considerably hidden controversy behind 0verflow games. I managed to play Cross Days for the Roka and Ai endings but it was all definitely sub-par compared to the BL route. Anyway the hidden controversy that no one seems to have brought up in English circles is the fact that 90% of the School Days cast is all from the same family/bloodline. To understand this you need to actually play the older 0verflow games before school days. Basically there are family trees out there that are so complicated, that if you can understand them you can probably become a talented lawyer in the field of family law. Makoto, Sekai, Kotonoha etc all have a common ancestry to a guy named Itaru who has not only slept with and had children with his blood related relatives but then proceeded to have children with his daughters and grand daughters eventually culminating with the birth of Sekai, Makoto etc.

You’ll notice that the father for Makoto and Sekai etc is missing, divorced or something else. There you go, the real controversy behind School Days and Cross Days is that it’s all one gigantic greek tragedy.

Actually, his name is Tomaru. The games are on dlsite, but they’re bad, really bad. Just enjoy looking at the family tree.

That’s a different person. The ? who later fathered Makoto and his sister is called Itaru. But it is worth pointing out that it’s clear there’s some kind of curse in Itaru’s blood allowing him unparalleled access to the knickers of any woman that’s related to him. Maybe that’s how Makoto is able to fuck everything that moves. “Mankoto” is nowhere close to Itaru in terms of bedpost notches.

That’s not a different person at all. Look at the main heroine. Compare to the family tree. That’s most definitely him, and his name is Tomaru. In every game, it’s Tomaru.

Makoto’s little sister is called Itaru. It’s spelled the same way.

Overflow’s writer is just messed up. I can handle a little incest in my eroge, but this is just ridiculous. Give this guy an inch and he takes a dozen laps around the equator.

I’m pretty sure we did post the 0verflow’s family tree in one of the School Days threads here and discussed about it.

Alright, if you say so. Seriously who the hell names their kid Tomaru? Then again it suddenly occured to me that all 0verflow characters seem to have ironic names. Makoto is never honest, Yuuki is never brave and Tomaru… well Tomaru never stops… It’s not an 0verflow game until you get trolled hardcore.